Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 38

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of .Ail North ýShore, Denot. Plans for CircIe's gregational, church will have its ani- nual three-course Progressive lunch- The paths of very miany, north eon 'Ihursday,, May*0, in the nomes shore diversion seeker wiîî of circle menibers, with a prograni . ea totheStr 1 tsphreýbal atfollowing in Pilgrini bal. leadto he traosperebai at Mrs. William Hayt is opening 1ber the Drake ,Saturday -night 10 hoe.at 1310 Maple avîenu'e,, forth this 'week, if. plans inaterialize first course. The main course will1 as they now promnise- for the lie served in the borine of M-trs. jLïonel gay eneit pannd by theE. Bush, 1200 Elmwood avenue. The .1 . guests.will then go to, Mrs. Don R ý.Junior auxiliary of the E',vans Ransburg's home, 3025 No il audy ton centey of 'the 'Infant 'Nel- plae.Eva ito, frdset fare socîety, under the cliair- M rs., Lloyd FaxonweI kout Tn anship of Mr.Ward. Starrett "orth shore resi(leits, for lier dramnatic reaclitgs ýwill neview a currcnit pla%. of kenilwortli aid M rs. Hlarold lean.,or Steen xvil pay th.e.cello ac- O. Barnes of Winirietka. Comlpanlied 'by 2Ai OlsomI. Quite iii keeping ,ýith, things aero- hIn charge of tickets and trans- nautical, c louds and balloons,-air- portation are Mrs. RobentMCue -: planes, and a miniature stratosphere 1215 Lake avenue, and Mrs. R. N. balloon Nvill 'make tfhe 1allrooni fes- Perrilli, 1500 Lake avenue. tive for the floor showv, gamnes, danc- ing, and b~uff et supper. A dance called "«Night Flight" is to lie feattured, as is the "Derby Danîce" duiig wbficb the &rchestra leader will anflounce the C hurc k Group Sponsors * .resuit of the race mun at, Churchilli alk onPasinPa Downs, and will play such airs a s 'AlTaSOlra the Kýing's Hors'es." The sainie orches- "Great 'Momtents of Oberarnncr-, ira that played in "Gay Divorcee," gau," a .lec ture on tbe fanious pas- the twelve-piece orchestra with two si lay, \%-I lie given for the Colin- pianos playing for Fred Astaire 's * daning n "Rbert," wl prvide ihemuiiy ýat large at 8:15 Friday eve- mulsic, and the Four McNally SistersiigMa1,udrteaspcso dancers at the Drake, il do severâl the fHone Missionariy sôciety of the nunibers. . Wilînette Parishi Methodist chlurch, in. M,ajor Fordiuey, Capt. Otyjîle Ani- the cbitireh bouse. -Marie '\ayevr coin- * cerson and Jimmyi)rvoolittle have beeiî niin if poii the play, and then shows inited to corne to tlie bail. j)ictiires t illustrate lier talk. Tickets Somne of the decôrations have hecen nîay lie obtailed froin '\,rs. B3. C. Da- donated liy Amefcan Ainways., and vison of 1437 Foretaeu rfo * the United Air Unes are seniiiug fic Mirs. Robert 13ichl of 1119 La-e ave beacon to light the .Stratospimee bail -%whieh wilI bold sway froni 10Il 3. btill, futher complying -ivith avia- tion jargon. take-off" parties pre:- cedé the bail, several of whicli take Dinner Hostess place on the north sborc. Thecse, ivill lie given liv Mrs. M\aris iiBownian. Mr~~ M Lanidon Hoyt andMr.Jh Carlos Ph"tdo .lisJ'iry 1,1 la Rnu' v Don Iat.às ix ta / t<c ite brideof J)avid ~Vc1ou S irr Il a tudavaft1er- inoom, Mai,'4. ,lier Pa rents, ]Mr. and Mrs.Lerv Caldi&ell D)on qlass of JJ'hîetf'.aimionce this zwek. Womnan's Golf Comnmit..e Entertained at Ltuncheon Mrs. Fred Workmnan, 222 Leicester road', KeniJortli, who is cliairulan of \Vomain's golf at the NorLhi Shore Golf club, eutertained the cliairmen 6ii f 'the noîîthiy committees at a nieetiig ' an I1 ltîchecon Tuesday, The f01ow~ing were n its; rs.- AI f red 'regenza, co-chaininan ith Mrs. Workman; Mrs. Franctis King. chairman i of juniior. iterests i; rs. J.. M. Brooks,. chairmaln of hanîdicaps; MNrs. Phiillip Menrill, chairil . ,ti of points; Mrs. George WoI)f iii charg,,e of ringer score; MUrs. Larry Woo <d. ch2irm;ii fo.r lune:, f Cl.ar-les Wà Saturday Is to Be StratosDliere Bail festi vity of Mrs. 'Gordon E.. iayio>'<:.Do1-11 terrace, Winnetka.' The North Shore Book club will meet ,Friday, May 3, with Mrs. Non- man Ingeile, 339 Laurel avenue, High- land. Park. Mrs. W. W. Weld will lie chairman. Balfour P.tQ% Mrs. John Eliot Wfarsicr of Win- ,zetka,. an acti ve ,nern6er of the Junior aux'iliary of the Evoenstoit cent er of the Infant Welfai7e so- cic 'ty, is to be one of the ýdiiner hostesses preceding the g*ala strato- sphere bail t/te auxiliory is spon- soring at the Drake Saturdxîy night. The annual meeting of the Wil- mette League of Women Voters will lie in the form of a dessert bridge to be held in Shawnee Country club Weduiesday, May 22. Prizes wil ini- étude one for icach. table. Tickets may be obtained from any mhember of the board. ithe For Sigma Chi Mothers The Sigma Chi Mothers club held its monthly meeting and luncheon Mon- day.of last week at the Georgian hôtel, Mrs. Charles Southward of Kenilworth and Mrs., L. W.. Strong of' Chicagol were co-hostesses. Dra ws the Interest Progressive May Luncheon Wedding Daiy -0f Virginia, Dougless ýOnjy the ',inmnediate ýfainilies and a f ew close f riends Nvill be gusts at the weddng Of Miss \rgiîîia Ranîey D tuglass ani Da-vid Nel 1son Stirrett SatuirdlaN afternoon. \Iy:4.. lnthe hoieý of ber-fathier a-nd nother. Nlr. and r.L4erov C.aldwxeli I)olg- Iass, ai 112 lBroadwav ,-.avenuie. the cerenmoliy ;ill he rea(1 at 4 :30 o'clock .bv Dr. .IJ[iibert Carleton. rector of St. Atigus-, tineý'S J-Iiscol,)al church. Miss Carriè Louise Douglass, ili;.id of honor for bier sister, amIlienry Giaul o_(f Chicago, xvho is to he best nian, are the only attendanits. In the weeks preceding lier niar- riage, Miss Douglas lias b)ec rienter- tai,îed liv nurnerous fi 'd. Mrs.* Clarence Tay' of Winnietka gaveé*a, juncheon, on ýApnil 4. for, the bride- elect. Mrs. L. e. Boydet iof Illil)I)ard., MWoods, on April 9, was hioste-ss at a lunlicliecon, bridge, and lîin g .erie ,Iihoier. On April 12, the Vrli;Lay Afterrnoýon Book club ofEastnen ite ria i<é( for bier at a miscellancous sowr andl the followiig (Iav. drs. Arthîur Scl.îwarm and MsslettvScvrn of XVilmette liad. a luniclîçoni and a li hardkerchief and recip)e silower. Mrq. Luther l3enson w~as hiostess at a lunicheon *and personal gift shiower Aprilý 16, anid on .\pril -13,. Mrs. Eut'gcîîe Armns gave a lun1clicon alid miiscellatneotulSshOwe\-r for MISsI)ou g- lass. Botb liostessesi ive lu :W1il- mette. \Vednesday of last wveek wvas the (lay of the luncheon! and liosierY .111handkerclî jef slio%ýer at vh icli * Ms.DonldE.' Heýileinianu iof Ev- 'anston %vair bostcss. 'NI r. eSýtirrett. wvho is thé son of Mr. .and Mr5. IDavid Stirrett of Phiiladciliia. anà- rive(I Xednesday. MNay 1, in tinie for 411V. (limir ar, Mrs. Merle Snyder

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