Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 34

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Mau] x CHICAGO SUDURDAN QUALITY GROUP CkkJag. Offces - xoi6-:oi8 WiLLouoIuy TowitR Tedephe.s. CENTRAL 3355 SUCVIPrION:$zPER~YEAR 'SINGLE COPRIS 5 CEWr Af communications and contribution@ intended for publi- oWon mut bear, the name and adàdress ýof the author, mot nosarily for publication, but for our îles. Such mnaterial munt reach the editorLby Tueeday noon to be in lime for Ùh cuitent issue. FUTURE 0F THE SKOKIE. The proposai, of, the Cook county board of commissioners to turn over to the; federal govern- mnent, a large part où Skokie mparsli, including that portion now under developmnent as a CCC drainage. peoject, may be a,,wýay out of a dificuit and expen- sive situation. Aside from the fact that this regilon. .would f orm the only national park near Chicago, it is contended that it wouid still remnain a miost attractive playgrounid for citizens of the mietropolis as weIl as-those of thenorth s hore. The thought motivating the proposai is that when the .work of devekipment now i progress is corn- pleted the area will have to he maintained by the county, and the cost of upkeep, it is feared, will prove to be too beavy a burden upon the shoulders of taxpayers already carrying, too inicli of a load. For ibis reason the proposai, is probably advisable, if governnient officiaIs, do not rej ect thé offer on the grounds that the area is too smfiall for national park purposes. ,OBJECTIVES e. doubted by any intelligent, person who take. the trouble to inform bimsèlf of the provision~s of enacted and proposed legisiation. It is seen in the securities act. it is seen in TVA and other water power developnments. It is seen* in the trust-creating NRA. It is especially apparent in the volume 'and viciousness of propaganda yith which the country is now being flooded to create support of the Ray- burn holding company bill. ThisbilI strikes directly at public utility corpora-, tions througb the holding companies. The attemipt ic hi>ino, de*orushnd it. through congress as an Why the vicious attitude toward utilities? It may, be, that the answer lies in the words of Secretary Morgenthau Who, referring- to the proposed con- fiscatory taxes on inheritances and gifts, said, "it is in line with' our fundamental objectives," wbich seemn to be the redistribution of wealth. Give the public. utilities a square deal! BuyiNc. A HOME. Whatever nxay be the attitude of Arbericans of the fu ture, there is inherent in thé e hearts, of, men and womien of today a desiret w omne. That this desire is too o;ften frustrated, and that. f rustra tintends to: lower the standard. of citizeniship, are patent f acts. The young cople Who begin bouse- keeping in a rented bouse-or apartnient.have not the same "stake. in the town," that would be theirs if tbey moved directly into a home of their own, even thougb flot financially able to pay for it -"on the spot." It is to meet just such problems that the building and boan association was created, and its benefits have been proved over a long period of years, both, here and in other countries. That existing associa- tions are fast bieing converted into Federal Savinigs and Loan associations casts no reflection uipon the' privately owned organizations, for their record is one of practically no loss and an immense amount of profit. It is stated that forty-three old established asso- ciations iin Illinois, witb assets of almost $20,000.' 000, have already been brought under federal char- ters, vh ile during the past year fifteen new associa- The federalization program is, pro ceeding under a 1933 act of congress to provide local, mutual thrift institutions ini which people may safely invest their. savings, and.to make available a large volume of private funds f or the financing of homes at econion- ical cost to tbe borrower. This plan. fits in admirably with the desire of Young people to start out in lhf e With a roof, over their beads that will be their own-t roof and tiot another's. It presents the meauis whereby the dreani may become a reality. But in order to avail thein- selves of the full benefits of the plan boys and girls 4~ê A lady whose husband turned her over his knee and applied a barrel stave has' secured a divorce. \fan is gradually being deprived of bis time-honored prerogatives. E ven the' sacred precincts of horse racing are bcinig invaded by the girls, who are determined to, force the meni to' the, rail, as it were. A liet of entries fIor the Kentucky Derfby shows inany lady owvners of fleet ponies. Here!s hboping that the:2lst aniual Baby week, sponsored by the Infant Weifare society, w.ill resuit in miucb health and happiness for many babies who ,Would otherwise have a tough time of it. Deciding t'other day that we had Wallowed in the depths of poverty long enough, we -determined to. start the wheels *of industry ýgoing hy spending mnoney until weý becanie richi. If governmenits can. do that, whv îiot indivîduals, ran thce logic. And if anyone knows *why not, let him speak up. The *first step was to contract for a " new bouse, a gréat hig one with forty roo*nis and twvo baths to each roomn; new furniture, mnaý hogany; .carpts; rugs, Orien- t al ;seventeen. autoiiobiles, Packards, lýincolins, Cadillacs, R oIl s Royces;ý sevent-fv suits of clothes. ail the wIay f rom isports to f ull dress; haherdashery. f rom socks to ties. The wife and kids, too, were out- fitted in the style to which they were accustomed up to 1929. This done, delivery was awaited ini the full confidence that. the lost fortune had been re- constructed. But, believe it or not, not a one Of those f ellows would.leave the goods. unless paid for.. Wanted money. The ignoramuses, Îheyl have no conception wh atever, of the latest theoriés of' gov-. mriment. 'riose scientist fellows are a cheéerful lot. Tliey *now assu .re us that our.next one hundred years. of if e will be the easiest, and we'nce<lhave no fear of indigestion. Just follow a mince pie or rarebît with a bunk of boa constrictor and sleep the, sleepof the just. Boy, bring us an order of boa! Two Chicago women pulleci each other's hair out in'a fight over a male entertainer, In heaven's naine, why? a silly myth, and of course it is truc that the bonds and stocks of utilities corporations are beld by pri- vate individuals of small means, batiks; trust com- panies and insurance companies, thus constituting a considerable portion of the wealth of the country. Profits from these investmnents go a long way to- ward supporting countless families. No credit is given the utilities by the propagauid- nape1 her, realizes tiiat stue ay be death warrants of other girls and li Better ]et the law take its course, my The free city of Danzig, wherever that is, pre-' ferred to remain free, as sbown by its. vote against putting iself under the beneficent contrb.l of Mr. Hitler. *way, that is doing it. ýound to spend the money any- of the most sensible ways of A Chicago muan with seven wives was put ini jaal by t wo of thein. Showing that there can.,be too much of even a go od thing. Tint PHANiom RzpoîRTm~.

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