Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 31

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of The Friends of our Native Land-. scape and tiever wvas thiere a presi- dent so sulted to bis task. For jens jensen is more Iban a friend of our native landscape, be is part of it. Born on tbe-seashore iin Denmark more,,than 70.years ago, bie bas been i America for 50 years. The scenes be loves-best in America are tbose whicb rémindbim of rugged.coasts.in Denmark. He chos e the ravinies, of the, north shore for b is first summer home, Tbe Clearing, in Ravinia. Wbeén he self?' Why should he go and sit beneath those rnushy palms of Cali- fornia?" Mr. Jensen is, equally scornful of Frank Lloyd Wright's choosing Chandler, Ariz., for bis winter school. "ýWhy does be flot stay ii Taliesin? That .is a goodplc. But bis< friendship for Frank Lloyd Wright took him on a long motor jauintthis winter to visi 't the school iný Chandler, to, lecture there-and to. visit Taliesin once. more, to lecture 'again, .to trav- erse. icy fields and slippery bluffs arm in ; armù with Wright. "You know, Or it mayr be biting episodes about nortb shore millionaires, whose fash- ionable estates he bas landscaped. "I cali tbem fashionable," -he says. "They are nothing' else." He called one day upon one of these, the owner of a great French town bouse. "He came to the dô.or in sbirt sleeves,"bhe. says. "And I told bim be was not driessed correctly. You' sbould bave. on mor ning trousers and'coat, I says. You,,do>flot fit in this bouse. You cannot. lean back -in, your chair and cross' your leps and.,light your.,pipe. It does flot fit. tbebouse, I says. He did flot like it." Or again this episode. He:was:land- scaping a Lake Forest estate some years ago and the owner cabled f rom Paris to change bis pflans.. "I would flot* do it," Mr. Je nsen cbuckled. "He was ail wrong. I told bim soi. It was five years later that I met him on the corner of, Van Buren and Michigan. 'Comeé out. of the winid,' be. says. 'I want to talk to vou. Wbere are you living now'?' Rogers Park, 1 says. 'Oh,' be says, 'you have a wife, too.' H-e was rigbt. My wife dîd flot 'want to live in Ra inia. So *elVedi Rogers Park. That ,was before. we bought a bouse in Wihmette.'. Fifty years in -America, and until 1920 most of tbem with tbe parks of Chicago. First Jens Jensen was landscape arcbitect for Union park, then for Humboldt. Latet.,.be be- cam e general superinte.ndent -of land- Have You Heard? Draun Dros. Operate Stations. o. the North Shore* JE NSAE N S E N iO% eCdl is studio out from Steinw hall to Ravinia 15 years a.gQ, he cho a location. stili farther nortb for' new siimmiier home, .The Clearing,( Ellison bay, Door couinty, Wis.* Blui pounding seas, tait pjnes-"far to Il we are not s0 young any more. We could have driven to the littie chapel he bas built on the place, but we wanted to walk that cold eve.ning. A .1 1 A. A ,W snow, an d icicles migbt collect and break the glass. "I was the first in the country to build rock, walls in l'avers and put little plants imithe crelvices," says M.r. j ensen. "I took mvy idea, from thé, banks. of tbe Illinois river. at Starved' Rock." * Music Aida Buider One' story about Ihim bas travelled ail over the world. The story of the building of a little pool at Humboldtý There is a Braun Bros. Service Station n e a r your home'.. àf Yod, îLive MaEvaaasfon0 No. 17-PraIrie Avenue and Cen- tral Street (1 Block West of Railroad Avenue) No. 11-2532 West BaIIroad Ave- nue (1 Block Southi of Central is a tale of the nortb woods and the paper-mill dynasty of +be Fox River valley). "Wby should she go and live in New York City? , Her roots are in Wisconsin. Look at Hanilin Garland!' He belongs in, Salem, Wis. What bas, he written since be trans planted 'him- line."were fouiiOed by a country parson a jens Jensen is a teller of tales, in1 the age of 89, he says. Danish., accents, in short, staccato "Our farmners are cultured. They sentences ending always with "he are given something on which to says.". Equally drathatic must have build.'. Let me tell yoti a story." been the great singers of sagas. He "Ibsen wyas, once going to. Jutland to will sp éak of Tagore, "sitting there a summer, resort. The -bus- was on that chair,, and he says 'You are '(Continued on Page 35) If Y ou Live la HJghioud Pk.' No. 14-15 Nork t. Johns No. 15-10A4 South Finui Street (Corner Pt Laurel) Mil

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