are N~eq JRosenheim and Glenr WValker of Winnetka, and Xoodo9 Wilson of Northibrook. Miss 'Mabelle Payton, public speak.- h:-g instructor at New Trier, companiied.the boys t'O Bloomînino. states :that this is the -best speech record ever made .tenrhsoe schiool. .h ot hr Wins Firet Place Ned Rosenihejm ýconipeted ini tbee x- teniporaneous ý speaking contest, and, lie placed first, among 18 speakerc from 12 schools. Each contestant had ýa choice of two sýubjects wvhich hie drewv. He wvas. givýen ani hour's tire for preparation of his speech., Forty-eight high school' oratorsi competed in the oratorical contest,i which. was divided into two sections Glenn Walker finished first in the divisioni in which. he competed. Twventy-five speakers representing 19 schools vied for the h lonor which.ý Walker won. Awardd'ScheiIa*1ip \Voodrow Wilson ranked thirO. among 23 speakers from 16 schools iii his division. I-lowever, silice Wilson is 1a seni or and the two studenits who fi n- ished ini flrst, and second places are îiot, he was awarded the $100 scholar- ship. Wilson recently won the annual New Trier oratorical contest. While at Bloomington the three New Trier 'boys were entertained at the Sigma Chi fraternity houise. In addition. 10 the public speaking contest.s, the university sponsored contests in other, fields, sucb as music and dramatics. s lIE -I -' Shore and Mlýilwaukee railroad--the North Shore Iinie-begiinning 11aIy 1. The ne%% schedulé affects both sta- tion-to-station and door-to-dloor serv- ice. Virtuail elimination, of class freighit through' the handling of al shipienits at a"flat". charge for al .commbo(itieýsi cornbined wifh a fast ()vernighit ship;ping service is another fcature, of .thc new scheclul.e. The revised rates apply to sbippnehts i>e- tween ail points in Nort1 Shore line te rritorv. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE .SERVICES.' "Everlasting Punishmnent" will be' the subje ct -at the serviceîs in First Churchof Christ, Scientist, in . Vil- mette Sunday morping, May .5, held in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school will convene- at ý9:45 o'clock. GREenleaf 7141 you 're prciud of your knits.. A Sq-PECIAL DEPARIMENT to kee p them Iooking their best'. always. 0 You're proud of that knït garmentyoiU created? WelI yOU may be! But your .work is just fthé haif of -it. Making t 1o smart and fit pour figure Is the workof expert s. That is where We corne in. We have opened a special department for cleaning. and blocking, all fypes of knit garments to individual measurements. Ihere is a attedf wl+~ room for New Carpets Upkols* feing Your Furitur.e VenètlanSiimds. Perfect fitting, Slip -Covers Our Decorators are ait your servce to assist :ou in selecf ng th.e rprcloig o NewCuteis ewrap risfo Your bornemo . (no service charge). use. SHOREB LINE C LEANERS 1215 Washiugton Avenue w1., i E TT:.E 1215 WASHINGTON. WiIm.$f. 3400 WILMETTE Highlàhâ Park 3400 Glenco. 1300 Evanston DUY ON WE ARE Cg GOVERNMEI ITH THE, (W. o t.inte'riorfurnisng Consolidate--your pu rchase fo $50.00 or more and buy on our budget plan. p 1~ I Phones GREotea (Eansea)3400