every rnonthunen the bils roll wn; andtne one be/ore. This.remarkable x-ray photograph is mn rays. Note the ç1ouded air cel (fright tenter) m iith the aid o! injra-redl ch, cause, that "big héad." . ...HEADACHES NOW EASILY RELIEVED WITH HEXUN. The ùext tiîne von have a headache-be niîoderîl. Bus' a box of HEXIN-the modern pal- liative for Headache, Coldsan *Neuralgic Pain ini the miodern blue, and white box. Was 35- HEXIN is-less upsetting to the stuinach, than smeother. ana.1- gesic* tablets in getneral use. Sci- entifie authorities state-that Anti- pyrine acetyl salicylate M EXIN) passes through the stornach to the On. leave from bis duties as a mis- sionarv in Borneo, R. J. Fisk bias been taking flyiin g instruction from Dwiglat Morrow at Curtiss airport. Mr. Fisk plans to get a. flying license, purchase a plane amd take the ship.back to dt island with hi. The point. at %0hich Mr.; Fisk conducts his mlissionary work is deep ini the jungles of Borneo. Wi th no path.s or traits of any, kind leading to, it.- two. and a haif mionths finie is requird to reach itby wa te r in- the natives' crude canoe-s made of hollowed o ut logs. The distance cudbe covered ini threce hours ini a plane, equipped with pontoolns. Mr. Fisk states. Texas, Company Takes Delivery on:Reliant, The Texas coinpany tookdeliverv, at Cirtiss airport last week on a ncw Stiison eliat. Te sîipvas pur- chased through. the Chicago Aviation -corporation, operators- of. Curtiss fi.eld, and Stliison distributors in this area. J. D. "Duke" jerigati,Jr. manager of the Texas company s avi- ation division, %with lheadquarters i New York City, carnie here to get the inew plane. Stop at Curtiss Over Night, Take Off 'Ag ai n C. Frank WVilliams, the flyling lui- berini, and(l is pilot, Herb)ert Ander-, Soli, vce-p)rusidleit ofthie Chicagol Aviatio.n corporation, camne Iack to Curtiss airJ)ort last Thursday after- noon after ani extended trip.-'1heN ,tayed over nigit ut took off agaii the nlext . mornîniig. WVilliamis keeps,, Jis planIe, a Stinson-, at LCurtiss f ield wvhen lie is, i~i Chicago. .New. Model Aeronca on vie w at Curtiss Field One of the new model Aeroncas ivas demonstrated at Cuirtiss airport lastý week by A. E. Bevins, a saleslianý fromi the conîoan's factorv at Citiciin- Mrs. 'George Meyer of Winnetka flew from Curtis s airport to the Heart-of-the-LakeS Airways airport, which is operated in connection with the Dellview hotel, Lake rielton, Xis., latThursday morning. Mrs. Meyer made the trnP in a Stinson owned a'nd,piloted by -Dr. Stranyzinski. of joliet. Other passén gers besides Mrs. Meyer werie C. F. I)eLasaux of, the Bureau of Air Commerce and Mr. DeLasaux's father. Mifrs. Meyer remnained at -Lake 1)elton for. the week-end and. flew a C.omnianidaire- over the beautiful, Dells country. She was joined on Friday bY >Miss Mar- guierite Green of the Bureau of Air Commerce. Dr. Strainyz7inski, Mr. DeLasaux and bis father retÜrnied to Chicago late Thursday afternooi.. C lifi Condit Flics, to Ford Airport, Lansing Cli fï Coandît. Pal-Vatike .airpýor t manager, madle a buiness tip to t he Ford airport at Lansing. - \ednesflay oi last week. Condit flew over *111 ()e of the n-ew Fairchiids, takIng a Ie- chanic from i lal-\Nýaukec with lîim. Pal-Wauklec is . the dîstr ilhtinlg agency for Fairchbild I)laies, in this- area. Stops Here (on His Way Home in New Aeronca 1Ray Beebe of the Sies aîrw.îys, operators of the Union aIirport at. coin, Ne)>., stopped at Ctirtiss airport last week on lus wayr home froi thie --eronca faciorv at Cinç,innati. lie wvas fi ing a new\\- ona.Beebe ar-' rivç<I at Curtiss he ýld on Tucsdav anid le it t\wo daYs, later. Peterkin Makes* 2 Tripsý .to Cities in Wisconsin Daniel Peterkin, .Jr., who keep's Ibis Stin.son at'Curtiss -airpiort, iniae t%>wo business trips by plane to Wisconsin cities 1ast wee.k. On Nlondav lhe vn ukee on Thut men eret drive army trucks froin I. CES-10 Fort Sheridan to Scott field. - EXflS, INC., S South Michigan Ave., Chicago, fil.1 ____a_____ a Pleas send mie a enerous FE~E ample of IEEXIN. - STOPS AT CURTISS - *Flying a P-26, United States armny I-Zame-.. ... : ow wing Boeing pursuit ship, Lieu- - Srpri Address -.......i ......... ... tenant Piper from Selfridge fie'eu - mnade a stop at Curtiss airport Iast ~ m - mqmmu.um.~iiJFridav. T he [,ycoming niotor of a Stinson owned by Milton Reynolds of Chicago is being overbauledat the Curtiss air- port shop. FROM MASSXCHLISETTS One of the recent. plane arrivais- at Curtiss airport Was a Stin son Reliant from Worchester, Mass. 4n