~2.45 Kil we ON THIE FOU RTH FLOOR Winter, proprietor of the store, nas reserved a large space for the girls. Early this week Miss Lulu Wright, faculty sponsor of the Girls' club, reported that one ýhundred batches of cookies, 125 cakes and a large amnount of home-mxade ' bread, roils,. nut bread and other' baklery goods ,had been promised, for, the, sale, which wil l be an ail-day affair. The fihti- cial c ommittee of the club, is in charge: of arrangements for, the: sale. Betty Solo0mon 'is chairman, ýand ýthc other. memnbers, are Jane Kassner. Anne Musson, Paisley, Rockwell Ellen Munster, Marliss Smith, Mar- garet Tideman, Julia CÇarrol, Mar-, guerite Cleary, Frances Haskin and Marjorie Weil.- Dan. Kreer Is New N. T. Table Tennis Champion Dan Kreer is New Trier'snew boys' table tennis champion, succeeding the, vçteran Bill, Condy.' Kreer, whohad won the sophomore championship, eliminated Condy, the senior* class champion,ý and then went -on to take school honors by winning fromn Tom RZodman, the junior class, champion, in the final match, 12-2I, 21-15, 21-19 and 21-12. Rodman bad previously eliminated Charles Byrum, the fresh- mian champion. Dan Kreer and bis partner, N. Smith, won the school doubles championship for the sopho- more class by whippiug C. Kirwan and D. Dally, junior champions, in the finals, 21-14, 21-17 and 21-18. New Trier Çhess Teamn Defeats Lakeview High For the second time this season* New Trier's chess team whipped Lakéview High school of Chicago ilt a seven-board match .at1 Lakeview last Friday. The score was il, to 3. Each of the New ýTri'er representa- tives played two games with, bis op- portent. Jack Potter, W ar re n Knauer, Louis Melcher, 'Lee Trillich ISelect Cast for Senior, Play, Rinehart's "Bab" Mary Roberts Rinehart's' Bah" will be presented as the senior play at SNew Trier this yeâr. SLiection, of the club offices for next year wilDe presented ýat an assembly iiext Wed-. nesday, and the following day the voting will take place. Tbe nominat- ing committee of the club has se- kccted the following siate of candi- dates. For. president-Gerald Taber a nd Bud Barber. For vice-presiden----PhiI Dostal and- Bill Snyder.. For secretary-Dick Babcock and Perce DeTamble. For, treasurer-Bruce Granstrom and Dave Hoffman. . For chairman of the club room committee-Kenneth Cowan and Die- Witt jolies' For chairman* of the student aid committee-john Records and Bill Beebe. Chairman of the interscholastic re- lations, committe - Dick. Campbell and Dick Klein. For chairman ofIthe publicity coin- mittee-John W'eese and Bill Ste.bý- bine. For chairman of the dinner com- mittee-IRenjàimin M~acKnnon a n d Art Nielsen. The Tri-Ship club includes ail boys at New Trier. The boys have.the privilege of placing additional niames* on the ballot by pétition. It is the custom loi the club to, have flhe senior representatives corn- prise the nominating committee. This custom was followed again this year,. and the committee members were Ed Mee chairman; Joe Oliver, Don ,Mýii- lett, George Green, Charles Broad, Ralph Renwick Jr., Is Awarded Scholarship iRalph Renwick, Jr., 1457 Asbvry aveinue,,H-ubbard Woods, a New Trier senior:bas ýbeen awarded a seholar- ship. at the M-ýiddlesex school, ýCon- c or dMass, accordingIo 'ail finnou .rcenhent.. réceived froni thec headmaster of the s chool, Frederick Winsor.. Renivick was one of 95 canýdi- dates who took competitive examina- tions for the Middlesex prize scholar- ships. In the class in which Ren- w!ck competed there were 45 others who tried for. scbqlarships. 'Onlly I E!nright, Barbara Trump, Rii Horky, Bill Casselis, Betty 1 Dorothy,Goetz, Allen Cameron, thy Edwards, Bob Easthian,, Horsting and Gordon WeIls., j ane