Lighter, head of the department, wil be assisted by Miss Irma Moscbcl anid Mrs. Mai-on La Metre, members of her departn-ent. Dr. Laura Ullricb, bead 'of social science, and assisted by ber depart- ment, wvll -open officially tbe SociLA 'Studies'museum, wbicb contains somet s'erv interesting collections. A yerV uinusual exhibit loailed to .tbe schoël by Mr. Leslie. Cook. of Winnetka is en In(liafl collection wbicb was on display at the Mayan Temple urin A Century of ýProgregs. The Denartment of Conrmerce, (of wbicb Mr,. Johnson is bead, will sport-. s<ir the folloing: 1. Exhilit of. work done by thc tu dents n manysîjes 2. A dîsplay of' Bisiness Ma( hiiws'. 3. A typing ce<)nt,$t (with ptriztýi to winners.) 4. A moishowý of, filins on ue- ticla E~bjchemty The ,btioogyceisr g(ncral sci- ence andphysic lohoratories as well as the Science museiim will cotitaini interestel grotrps of mtudents who will demOiuýtrate Uthsicexperniments in each of these sciences. In the lec- ture rooms, motion picture' and stu- dent projects .vill be exhibited. Many ffiological> Specamens The Seiencc museuni sbould prov', of special interýest as it'contains mnani' bundreds of biological speciniens cidl lccte(l and mouinted during the pà':'t twventy-five years by L. E, Hildebrand and bis assistants. This collection i> of priceless value. and. is heing con- manual training instructor there, also went to Milwaukee to attend the funeral. DRJVING SOUTH Mrs. Walter Williams, Who: bas been, spending. the winter with ber: siste r in Detroit,* has heen. at ber ownl hom.e at .13O6 Gregory avenue for a w"éek.. Having rented it for a year, she *is departing wtb Mrs. C. W. Wtig of Evanston on a motor tnpý to North Carolina ,and *Tennessee, stopping at Indianapolis and driving througlh Brown. county and. the Snîoky M ountaini1s. She ill return, to Pontiac. Miàh. to be ,ith ber sister for the summer and in Detroit next . w.inter.' Before leaving ber home May 1. Mrs. WVilliams' niother and two, sisters spent several days with lier. 1,r s. John Boddie, 1730 Foïfé,tf avenule, eiitertained hirTusa luincleon bridge club th s aY: c x pienit for girls, beaded by 'Miss May Fogg.' the rbvtlimic dantce classe,-.- under the direction of Elizabeth Find* 1ey Reliage, bave arranged sone very interesting (dances wbich Wili showv tbe kind of ý vork these girls, -who i&l',îitarilv choüse dantcing as an aitý:r school activity, ave d oing. Thre dancers will be in costume amiu included iu the, prograni will be folk< dances ballets. and solos. A most col- orful mnmber willbc a street carnival ini wbicb a large dance group xii 1717 SHERM Evanston Dependable, trustworthy oplicai service has mnade: ihis business grow, Today lhere are four convenieritly AN AVENUE Opposite Varsity Theatre LE GANTS NMew .,Shadow Carments: where you will find the best in corsets, and expert fitters who will be glad to show you the neweât (CHICAGO STOR-: 1800 IRVING PARK BLVD.j riai nfunaingamns arrivais in. foündatiôn garments.