*~--u*~ ~ With graduatirc this week's f ash: Evanston store si deal of interest daughiters alongt show .will* be exc r 1'ft : Judy Ciuninglaia, Caroli Lngoiç. au d Pegy Parker. Center : Jean Ciler and Jean]fCrt:en Kuli( and AlIarcia Jinnis. . 1/1 zwiIl modl Fri daY nifflit al FicId1s Evanston store. )n activities in the air, SORORITY PRESIDENT 1 Kenilworth Guilds in shlow at Field'sý Miss Katherine L.emipke. daugit er Eleet New Officers should arouse a great. of the W. J. Lenipiçes, 1701 Fôrest Nw ficr o'heFvegil.o arnong mothers., ai d1 avenue. a .sophomoreý at Northwestern 'e fcr fteFv ulso the north shore. The -clsively' for girls ini universi'ty, was recently elected p)resi- dent of the Nortimestern chapter of the evening are: .... * wu" .t uC*~U~ Judth unnnghm, ew rie; .e:u .Saturdav to spend ten days at their Cutler, Roycemnore; Mkarèlia Ennis, Ne -,%-sumnmer home in, Antrini counlty,, Trier; Margaret Gourley, I5eetrfitýd : northern Michigan. Thev expect to JonnKeeley, Evanston -Je.anne Kthl. I d New Trier; Jean M(rIoe, Rsor ~ tie tro ising.- more ;-Patricia MnE, vaflston1; al- NewtonD,.Evellstonl;.Ceeelia 'Moore, Deer- ,field. »11ima Moor-e, Dýeer-fieldj;Nac fourth floor of Fields Evanston store Clir P.rer Royeeinor*e;,Peggy -ike arkei', at 8 o'clock in the evenlilg of Fridav. New Trier:.Ja Pettibone, Ryeoe a .TmHlern' rhsr Caroline Popeë, vanston;- Carol Tug:- Wl w\v, M a 3 AiTomgils ii sool ciheteir New Trier. i pa.Algrsi c )Awtthi 'l'lie show %vill take place on the mothers and fathers are invite.. teChitrcli of the Hol0Y Cuniforter î nKeilwý\orth w-%ere clected at the Ir last licoui. Cha.se guild lias Mirs. W'. J. Taylor, pr'esident;.Mrs. E. Wv. U hi I1em a iiii, vic1e-p)residcnit ; NMs. ,James Caruthers, -%ork chairinan; Miss Ainiee Drake, sccrctary and, t reas tire r. ý The MNilareti guild's prcsident: is M.rs. A. R. Fleischmian.i. Mrs., S. A.' Williams i ,ielrsd N lrs. j 1un.e Tht-all,'work chairii; .,Mrs. F.-E. Peters, seçretary and treasturer; Ifrs. 1'utlîill Ketchani, editor. Anderson. guild, blas clectcd Mrs. Alexander Joslin, president; Mrs. H-erbert, A. Durr, secretary- and treas-1 tirer; M\,iss Dorothy Whidden, %vork er corsets to be extravi price range is from SBake Shop-Street Floor. w 5H MAIN VY 1 L M E T T E