*The 0n4y Home -Owneul Departmènt Store on the North Siadre" Brims Are .Irregular In Such a- Nice Way! (I Andi this .winsome shovel-brim show'S yen exactly what we moen. They flatter so subtly . .. they obey, every dictate of fashion.. and we have just everything, Îhey do Say, thet meakes. millinery fashion. news. LORD' S Aillinery-Scco>:d PIoor" Sweet' As S-ugar.Candy ..Striped That Way., Too! Adorable.Pastel Frocksý of Pure Dye Silk Crepe $5-95 Ilow yen ore geîng $fo0010Vy @wu smort comfort this sommer if you wear such fr.sh, crisp, fashion- right lttle frocks as thesel In fascinating stripesi. . i deli- cote ;fst.! tones . . . i~n dmiqht- fui new prirts ...modIe in îus dozens of new intrlguing weys. The models sketch.d arebiu We~ of s.delightful grotap. sizes 14 to '42. How They Rave- G'rand new, brand nfew poals, madam, eacti inferpreting individZ ually the. important fashien cietails of the ieson. . . new febrics, new linos, new colors. .' 1 1 .LORD'S 4> parel Floor -the Second MýAy 2, 193 5 ~1< ~ LORD'S for Hosiery -Street Floor "' L-i ..