an early Winfle tka resident. Mr. Ujedelhofen died *at Bayfield o.n March 5. In addition to Mrs. Maher, Mrs. Uedelbofen is survived. by another daugbter, Mrs. J. LaBeil of Bayfield, and three sons, ýA. J. Uedelbofen ..f H1erbster,' Wis., P. J. Uedeibofen of WNriirette, and J. -G. Uedelhofen of joliet., VISIT IN NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs.* Percy B. Eckhart, 206ý Cumberland avenu e, KeniiWorth, ieft, last :Wednesday for New York where they.wili spend the week-end witb their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Eckhart, a senior at Vassar. Miss Eçkhart: with ber m other wiil shop for ber trousseau.ý in Gorha-M Sterling FAIRF'AX PATTE RN SPAUWDSNGGORHAM 1636,orrunigton Avenue IVANSTON Alilimportant. 2 to 6 Yo,î wiltl hnd i the >rîglît, slloe ýfoi ing feeft o, boys of a.tail s. Our shop diëe grow- ami pils LDlÉL1VElU just like Mothers Mrs. Releves was 22 years oid. She~ was bor i in 'Wilmette on April 19, 1913. She was a graduate of New Trier High s chool end of -the Evans- ton Business coilege.: Her marriage to W. Meade Reeves' occurred on April ý.21, 1933. Recentiy Mrs. Reeves. and ber bus- band bad moved to 7711 Sheridan road, Chicago, f rom. 1119 Central avenue, Wiirnette, where they bad lived until, sho rtiy. bef are Mrs., Reeves' ilnness. Mrs. Reeves liad beenin the.hôspital about.six weekâ prior to her death. 1Besides ber 'husbanid. she is 'sur- vived by ber parents and: by two brothers, Robert and Arthur Wolff. Edward. Anderson Dies; Leader in RCurchWork Edward Anderson, treasurer of the W4ij ml e t ~t e Suiiday Eveninà .club thrdiaghout its entire bistory, died lest Friday at bis home, 1123, Eim- wood avenue, at the age of 69 years. For twenty-five years Mr. Anderson l'ad been a member of the First Congregational cburcb, and he served tliis cburch as treasurer for ten years. Thbe funerai services were heid at the church iast Saturday afternooti. with the Rev. John G. Hindley, the pýstor, omfciating. Burial took place ai Dover, Ill. Mr. Anderson was a .mining en- gineer and, had interests in the coal, niining business. His wife, Mrs. Ada W. Anderson, died about four years ago. He is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Lynn L. Davis, with wbom he made bis borne, and by another daughter, Mrs. J. A. Young, who until recentiy was a resident of ýWii- mette. Mrs. Young îiow lives in Chicago. Sr. .and Mrs. William Liii, 119 -Ab-, ingdon avenue, who ieft Fêbruary, 22, for Honolulu, are sailing from there May' 11, for home. Their daughter, blrs. lames McGregor (Maxine Liii'> JIi ST-REEIT, EVANSTON II takes a set the Village Immeuiateay pruvceu w tap- point some person as superintendent of police and, "W1IERKAS, the presdent and board of trustees have heretofore, considered such appointment and have made an arrangement. that contempiatps having Cioyd C. McGulre, a former captain--of police at Milwaukee;. who had twenty years of p)ractical anid techbical training, serve as assistant Viîllage Manager for o ne. ye ar,. giving specili'attention to the work of the police department during that time, and to thereafter be appointed as such superintendent of policej,and "1WHEREAS, àuch action was taken 4nly after a long Investigation of the work of the -polie department and a. careful. Inquiry Into the subject, of se- lecting a person thorougbly qualified to fili such position, and "«WHEREAS,, the effléiency and com-ý peteflcy of the police department of.the village is a mattero! great Importance to the people, "NOW THEIREFORF,. the board of directors o! the Wilniette Home Ownêrx association respectfully request the in- coming president and board of *trusteeý to retain Mr. McGuire ln charge of the police department pending* a vareful In-. vestigation by them o! the reasons for bis appointmeflt, as weli as bis quailifi- cations; that they miake such investi- gation promptly and that in anv event a mnntrained ln police wvork, and hav- ing ouitstanding qualifications il.erefnt. be kept at the head o! such departir'ent, and that a coPY o! this resnclution be sent to the incoming presidput inil board o! trustees." Mrs. Mtidelon Z. Hiceks Dies at Residence Here Mrs. TV!adelon Z. Hicks, wife cf Daniel, R. Hicks, 3211 Lake avenue, died at ber borne iast Saturday. Mrs. H-icks, was was 49 years old, bad been a resîdent of Wilmette forý rnany years. The funeral services were held on Tuesday nor.ning at St. Josepb's church, and buriai took place at St. Mary's cemetery, Tecbny. STUDY GUIDANCE PROGRAM Olice Winter, principal of Lake View High* school, 4015 .N. Ashland avenue, Chicago, and two other mern- be~rs of the stauff of the Chicago scbool Iloi àoâ%lbî