ing Dr. Ledohn's crfams. Definitely aimed at correcting bac! skin condition as well as preserving youthful coloring and skin texture, Russian Ducbess beauty preparations are- the resuit of twenty-seven years' research w'ork m> the chemistry de- partmen t of the Paveolevsky univer- s ity .at, Odessa. Oul extract'ed from living turties, at the exorbitant cost Of $50. a pound forms the -base of the Russian Duc h- ess creamn-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwortb, re-- turned last Tuesday from a- cruise tô Cuba,, the Panama Canal zone, Nica- ragua, and Honduras. this certnony 'we are awarded ail hônors won since the previous coun- cil fire. After we had rebearsed this, we practicéd the following songs which we shall give at the: ceremony: "flurn- Fire Burn,". 'Wôhelo," '4Lay me to Sleep in the Sheltering Flame" and ".Amierica." After thiÉ oui presi- dent adjourned the meeting at 4 o'clock.-Valerie Adams. MXrs. Percy N. Cutier, was a bridge hrncheon Wednesday at ber home, 207 -Woodstock, avrenue, Kenil- worth. Mrs. Fred Worlcman, 222 Leicester road, Kenilworth, wasý hostess at, lunch- eon to a- bridge foursome Tbursday of Ihast week I o' ~0'e Fcncy MuIk Fed, At. the A& p Meal Stores .1 Fancy Long1 Ducks, IL Islmnd .... .23c FLAKES ilkQSa. 4CI SUNSWEET PRUNES 2,,. 23c ËIOHft cPCLOClK COFFEE MILD AND MELLOW l7dbBAG r 2 IS-OZ. BTLS. 2lm SUNBRITE, CLEANSER 6 CANS 25C am .ore.a 5mw ci * o1lw ut AU " mw.*. .pzigoedto rlysa, 7011 Uoney. Caiwk thmon veand notice how Iow the prioes ore. Th"a coOWSdown to,70our W loo<Id i,. cSd mae on your purchoun iue£ iule£ 3-mi 4Mr4O.2lf OaM nJle. . 21 t4j-,19c 2 PINT OTTLS.3 fl.IumwWmmniwmu. CDEPR RI-Z i w WH TE BTL. 13-EGG RECIPE, Aoegel Food Cake. . .,ED. SIzE , libsse Prima esn. 1lr.uglsWa*sdei., M" a Temmtu e. . . . . . 3 marie Dmniwm Ege Wates CM . & e SImreEIEeuI Wlaat , 2 pu& 28Ze AnmaPePe taut Buitter "W Ue Sultama PeaMut Butter . nle A& P Gape Juic. . . nle SIab Bacon...........**LB.29 Ssuked Liver Sausage.. LU-23c VeCi Neuf ............. LB. l7c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FMIRMI RIPE. BANANAS 4 LUS. 19C a FANCY SQUAS dress.d. ...3 for $ WASF49NOTON Ehubarbe LU. SC 001)