DEL. MONTE RED SOCKEYE Salmon Steak ". . E 17c DEL MONTE SARTLEiT LARGE NO. 23à P IECAN' DEL. MONTrE SLICEID PEL MONTE HAL VES Pe aches . . N*IO 4 NATIONAL BABY WIEEK APRIL ais TO MAY 4 Treat your baby to the. best-the most comnplete ine, Of baby foods 'avalbi anywhore. *Again the finest food stores in the Chicago area offer a, complete selection of Del Monte products at the , rice of ordinary merchandise. S Nowhere elee in the city wilI you find sud'i a marvelous array. EveryQne will, be "stocking up" at thesc- tremendcous 'sav 'irgsý, You can't afford to mniss this sale. DELMONTE JUIcý BARTLET PEARS. SIZE DEL -MONTE DICED NO. FRUIT COCKTAIL CAN13C DEL MONTE EARLY GARDEN« SPINACH. NO. 2 * CAN loc. DEL MONTE BLENDED TOMArO SAUCE. PER NO. 2 o eCAN 15C FOOD)S FOR BABY Combinations' 1-2-3-5-6. A notable acivance in infant fe.d. iug .Easier to digest, gives more nourishm.nt and are a, safe-guùrd agjainst digestive u psets. QUAKER Farina. PERIO 1 Oc (V) «ca l STOKELYS FINEST evRAINED BABY rFOOlS Correctiy seasoned - safer- surer - richer ini food 'value than vnost vegeta bics prepaed at home. Complote assortment. Protected in, gold-enamnel lined RALSTON'S BABY Cereal.. Del kMonte Whole Kernel Vacuum Packe GOLIDEN BANTAM COrn .......21 CA 5c DEL MONITE (IN TOMATO SAUCE) Sardines. AI. CA&1 9C DEL MONTE MELBA MIALVES Peaches. .212 AENO 37c N.: f ound in. ordinary stores ROYAL JEWEL IPositively the. finest PER 1 8ý cOf.. at any price. SoId with our Money ac Guarantee. 2 5 C B LUE J!WEL. . LB.3 R;ch and Mild - An Excep- fionally Fine Flavored Coffe.. 3 - 3LLS,22j IRival Doq Food 3,,ANS,25c FANCY UJ. S. NO. 1 SELECTED FIRM RIPE, New Po fo.s 5 '-S 19C Tomafos *..., .. O LARGE SIZE, IDEAL. FOR SLICING EXTRA PAVdCY SROADLEAF J ELLOW RIPE .... S p nc eh .. . . . 2 L Is. 1 S Com e n os . . . . .L .S For fluer. fresher fruits and vegetables. shop et JeweIl - t*ma lA.r&eJ 1V i<pca> on Sale Until Next Wednesday Nicghf S NO 1I1, A. loi 'gis,~ PER29 IMAY 2 1 93S, 1-5c