- I Mrs. Nelson V. Joyce. 835 Michigan avenue, was hostess at lunclieon to her bridge club Monday of last week.' Betty Brown. Dramatic InsIructor Atinouning: Spring and iurmmer termns of girls' dramnatkc classes inicluding 4th grade througkj highiachool. lIstruction includes diction, stage technic and working, in ýplays. SUMNER, CLASSES FOR HJGH SCHOOL BOYS Readings Directing Private Lessons. for Organizations Phone Wilmette 275W Kefot n 1IW jILIJUIIl'I '.ar' b e guests.*Tea .will follow, ýuns wîll ie meet- The Thomas KerWins of Chicago aire înoving- to. 935 Michigan avenue, the house,,f rom wJich the Alonzgo W., Peaikes have moved. GOLD OeiIt now for ed goverum nt II0enie to. buy oid oI, pltinmnud sIlv.or. No need tego lsewi.re w ilIi ,alYyom la cash or trade for uew Jeweliry. 1166 Wihnette Ave. >WiL 1061 M E JOSEPH E. SHANIZ now associated wit/i MURPHY - MILES. a. wordfrom. popular ex-postmnaster is eager ta fil the fuel oil needs of bis manyfriends in -Wilmete.. Murphy-Miles is pleased to announce that Wil- mette's well-liked former . postmaster, Joseph E. Shantz, bas been added to their rapidly growing North Shore staff. Mr. Sbantz now represents the' company in the Wil- mette territory. He ýis actively on the job and is eager to serve the fuel oil needs *of bis frierids in the village. With an announce'ment of great importance to~ be First, the students of the Social Studies departmnent will present a mock session of the Senate-not par- ticularly an impersonation, but an illustration of the procedure that goes -oný in the United States Senate. 'On April 1.6, this. performance was given before the stud'ent body, ai1d popular reque.gt demanded a repetition. One of the students received an. interesting .letter .f rom G.enevieve. Forbes, Herrick, Washington, corres-, pondent for a Chicag daily, givi*~ some interesting notes as follows: G.t Data on Procédure ".As ou probably know, each'state has 1-A ~enatÔrs. The one Iwho has been on the Iol longer 'i8 called the senior sena- tor-r gardless of his actual age-ad the neWcomer, no , matter. how, (.14. he may be,ý is called the junior senarxîi., B.elng 48 states, and 2 seànators> froin each state, there are96. But since -B1tish Holt, being under 3» bas not'been sworn in, the maximum vote on. anYthiing can be only 95. '«The senators, ln making a' FJ>eech NEVER say, "gentlemen," they AL- WAYSadJressthemselves to the chair- man. Thé chairman la the ViéePresi-' dent (in this case. Jack Clarner> but since he la also the Président of the Senate, the senators always start off by saying.- 'Mr. President' whicIh does flot mean Roosevelt but means Vice-President (larer who la President of the Sentte.1 ',If another senator wants to interrapt to isk ai question or so on, he rises and says, 'Will the Senator fromn Michigan yield ?'-if the Michigan senator la the onïe tailking. If the one talking wishes to yield he says, Il yield to the Senator from Illinois,' but he rem.tins on bis feet while the senator from Illinois asks his will ask -for permission to asic a qjuestioni of the speaker, and the speaker. wili yield, in order to ail the dozen, or even rnany more durlng the course of bis speech.. "Before a senator is golng to makea long speech, he snaps his fingers and. summons apage boy who brings hlm glass of water. Remember, too, that many senators read the newspapers in the Senate *or their secretaries bring theni their' mail to sign and they sit there and sign IL. "Every once in a whiie a page boy cornes.in wlth a vIslting card tn tell a- Exeoutive OSou, 1LUI Fullerton Avenue, Phone Diversoy 2700 PLANTS COU VENIENTLY LOCATED SEl VING, THE CHICAGO AUA j T he Senate is a "Show" in itself!1 New Trier High school offers superlative value. Following the. mock Senate, the bigb sêbool baud will present its spring concert in Gales gymnasium under the direction of. Joejh Schumacber. The, admis- sion to this double feature is free. 1