Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 5

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missing' persons have also been brought up to date. The latter is especially important, as missing per- son cases tnay develop into murder cases, in which the element of time is a factor. Operates Trainîng Sçlipol The police training schéol isà in operat ion, and the departmnent mem- bers are -Taking an intense interest in this feature. The target range at the waterworks has been completed, and. the, purchase of required equip'- ment bas been recommended. Tiirough the dental association there will be in the possession of every denitist, information concerning persons who owe for dental services over a period of 90 days. Anyone ow- ng- a. dental accounit now cati prevent his name from bein g listed by settling bis accounit at the-offices where.duic l)efore. May 15. The association feels tIhat ail who take an interest in their -redit rating will welcorne this re- A plice tialbôad bs benperson is denied any furt.her service established to assist, the. department n heeutlheodacuti heëad ini investigating ý complainits iaid 'or cash. advanced before new againist police officers., It. is CO M-r vki begun, hseichresae posed of one member from each rank.1 This, action became absolutely Its. t unction is to investigate and rec- niecessary on accounitof the great ommiend disposaI of each case. It is -buse dentists havi ensujce designéd to improve morale by in- to iii'the past few years and àlso, be- sttriitg> a' squa re deal to ofcr cause it will help to cut rdown the charged witb misconduct. nresent cost of dentistry to the pa- A mient svs tem blas been iîist ituted f ients. it is pinted out. to provide a. current anid permanent record tof eachi man's performance, Progress in Drive efficiency and. value to the depart- t tpP d ln met. t tpP d ln Conpany of ReservesTe anti-peddler campaign recently 1'le "igîant comitee"foredsponsored b)y the Wilmette Chamber sone tme go v ctizns hentheof Commerce hias been completed. and soni tue ag bycitienswhenthethe final ac.t will be distribution to ev- village xvas threatened with1 invasion evhm nWlet fana rs bv Ci~ag raketersbas eenplate bearing the words "No Peddlers changed -intoa company of police re-1 or. Agents." These plates are ni- ,%erves,__the 'memnbers of which iii" tended as a protection to the busy, lie eligible to take instruction ini the housew,%ife against itineratit peddlers police training school, including *first who daïly consume time she desires to aid aid pistol practice. . emiploy in other ways. The plate will *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b .u niyadunaiaveui l)C:eft at the home by a special mies- tioni.) .f the celI roomn is mentioned, senger, and the bousehiolder shoni with the reconimendation that it be attach il to the front or rear door, as thoroughly renovated and painted. lie chooses. Public education is featured and Mayiten vohebe.i- ils extension advised.: Mr. McGnire 'formed of the purpose of the cam-i poins ot tat e mae to tlkspaign have ftAly endorsed il. atid-the poins-ou tha liemadetwo alksex pected result is a substantial. reduc-' î<> thé cbildren at Byron Stolp school, to ntenme fpdlr h iij w,%hîch lie. invited the children to visi th deartentfortbepurosedailyr infest the village. ofsi beonîing bettfr aeqnainted and Local business concerns wl o have earning that the policeman is their cnrbtdt h ucs ftepa friend, con stantly, looking out for their safetv. 'He asserted that this feature is valuable in the proper Hamow: IeCra omav Grinneli, chairman.I INote: Economy Shop lu conducted by the 'Woman's Club of Wilmette. pâny; Hoffmann Brothers Coal and Lumber conpany;, Brusso's Bake shop; Terminal Hardware cornpany., George B. Winter's .grocery and 'market; A. S. Van Deusen groce ry and market; Rapp Brotherse grocery and market; Wilmette State hank; B.1 E. Busscher, grocerles; Wllmette theater;, Kutten Brothers; Hermari J. Itatney, florlt; Albrlghts Beauty parior; Ethel Mannerud shop; Palace.Food -store;. Wllàon's 3bakery; Bow man Dairy company; Borden Dairy company;- Welland Dairy Company; Sid- ney Wanzer Dairy eompany, and Bey- rer's Electric and Radio shop. GIRLS TO MEET SUNDAY The Junior Camp Fire Girls will hold their fiext meeting Sunday, April 2&. Recause of Easter the-ir Iast ,meeting was hel d at the Wilmette Congregational church Friday in- stè-ad of Sunday .The girls finished their silhouettes and Iearned some, new Camp Fire songs. Announcernent We arc moving to our new, larger and more comfort. able uhop ut. 417 4th Street Opposite "L" Terminal HOSIERY-TIOGA YARNS NOTIONS The Kuit Shop HAIRRIET SHIPP ,Wil. 2806, for toun- for cou;ntry-' for fash ion! and' Women's Sizes .4 Sprinta Suifs YOU can be loyal te fo9r 9s.everal seasons, because they are so rjch. in, color ixtures and as sturdy, as can be. Severil smart' styles, ail finely tailored in every. detail ...and, off ered at greatly RedcedPrices $13.75 1.00 Excellenrt .leratîon Service Rollins Ru nstop. Hosiery Mairinette Knit Wear :Phone Wilmette -34 0 ITHINGS TO THINK ABOUT.I * - .urday to 9 'P. M. Not open Sundays. Authorized Christian.ý Science. publications may be read, borrowed or purchased. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED Wilmette Battery & Electrical Servie 740 TwelfthStreet ý,wýilmette,é9l-5U4

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