won tnree ganies trom ttarry's Bud- *weisers, rolling high series score foi the year and also second high game for the entire season. The ~high series total was 2912, witl the individutal records of the Bleser bowlers reading as follows: i'la. Teichert, 613; Lloyd Boticer, 591; AI Suckow, 606; George Braun, 581, and Phil Bleser,,581. 'The teani's score ini clralking up thesecondhigh game for the season was 1040. The Wilmette Tailors have the highest* single game score, 1054. The, Tailors, holding seveénth place inthe league standing, were the boys who. sent, Krier' s buffet tumbling. Krier's took only one of the three games. Hugo and Bingo of Winnetka won two from Edelweiss, and the Sunset Villa tooktwo from the Cycle inn. Tio hundred gaines were recorded as follows: Pete Sçhwall, 255; Bill t>eitz, 241;, Scott, 237; Bill. Teichert, 234; AI Suc kow, 232 and 212; Vic Voltz, 230; Phil Bleser, 229; joseph, Bleser, 228; "Chubby",Leis, .225; Joe Lynami, 222; Art Wagner, 221; Lloyd Botker, 216; Bill Wolters, 212; joseph Kneip, 208; George Braun, 207; John LeConte, 207; Ted Thorsen, 202; "Pinky" Ad- ams, 200; ."DQc"* Genster, 200, and Joe, Scbrnitz, 200. SUNSET-RIDGE'LEAGUE- By winning three gaines froin the Toppers.on Monday night the Slicers maintained their four-garne lead over the Dormhies. Unless the Slicers fali to pieces in the next two weeks4 they cnpractically clinch the champion- ship. The other teains aji held their respective positions in thle standings. gaine was E. Leis' 237. be first," the Methodists won 762 to The match was an added 'attraction 694, 735 to, 678, and 742 to 638. of the Suinset Ridge Country club's -in the other battle of the evening, regular Monday nigbt schedule. of the, Methodist I.1 team, defeated St. bowling a t the Blesér alleys. It was john'à Lutheran thr e straight. The niadç possible, throu:gb Conrad T. second gaine_ was a thriller, >ending fi Frykman,. president of the: Sunset a tie at 841 apiece, but 'the. Metho- Ridge- Bowling ,league, eand.: Mr. dists became keenly pin-conscious' to Harms, also aà member of the league, bowl over the Lutherans' hopes in the, who is connected with the Pabst corn - play-off. pany. Final standings of teains: K. 0f C. LEAGUE The GeorgeWhite grocery team, by winning three straight games from, the, second place> Weiler's. nursery team last weekc, clinched ---rist -pla ce honors. The "champs" are now five games ahead of the Weiler. n ursery, and as this. Thursday winds- up, the season there is rio possible -chance Lof George Wbite's grocery being over- taken. The grocery team rolle4 iigh teani game for the season with 914 pins, and also rolled high teani series with 2614 pins. Ffowever, the grocery boys held onto higli team gaine honi- ors for only five minutes, as the Edel- weiss boys, rolling on alleys 3 and 4, totaled 928 pins in their second gam~e. Edelweiss won two out of., three games froni Lynam's Texacos. The Kâss Jewelers won three straigbt games from the Bidwell teara won tnree games from tue Bun- galow tavern. This is the first turne this .,eason that the "champs of the c ellar" bave won a three game series. Capt. John Schinler of Wbealan's howled three high ganies, and it ,was bis good bowling that was largely responsible for bis team's victory. Eddie Bleser bowled high gamne with 235 pins. Phil Bleser with two 214 gamnes and Jim Hoff man with one Congregational Methiodist l St. John's LIutherni Meýthodlst2 W. 24 26, 23 .-l wortb, returned Iast Thurslay by mnotor from Florida where they had been since the first of December. Tbey spent most .of theik timie ini Tampa. M.r. andMrs. Thomas S.. Estremn. formerlyof. Evanstoni, noved on April 1, to 210 Abinigdon avenue, Kenil worth. They have, purcbased',the, Ernest-Rich home. Mrs. Holl ,is ., Gleason,> 910 Chest nut avenue , and. ber sister, Mrs. R(iý G. Rennacker, of Winnetka, re.turn. e re 1cently from ne.arly, a month's visit with another sister inWabntn D. C. 0o- LEGION LEAGUE (Post 46) Mrs. Edwin J.,Levi, 730 Forest aVe- Captain. George. Bassler's team No. nue, returned last week f ront lier an- 1 took thrée smashing good games nual visit to ber former borene i Mont,- from Captain Drewves' team No. 4 last gomery, Ala. She was away for OvvrI Saturday« night and ended the year's amonth. bowling activities high. a-top the ,Anierian hegion league in the final James Leed of New York City, standings. Drewes' boys, however, classmate of Joseph B. Coambs, Jr., gave Bassler's champs a vigorous tus- at the University of Chicago., spent. sle, as the scores show: 883 to 870, Easter week-end>at tlie-Éoamresi- 825 to 796 and 869 to 864. dence, 1352 Chestiunt avenuùe. The other battie also kept the boys on edge, with Lindberg's team No. 2di, ita lm 90agittw outbowling Flentve's team No. 3 by opponets' 810. 90, aaisI two games to one. Lindberg and bis' Final standings of teams: cohorts won the first two games F56 to W. L. Pet 839 and 880 to 802. Then Flentye antd Teami 1, Bassler, captain, 30 115 .6 bisdicilesdeidd teyd inih héTeani 3, Flentye, ýcaPta!n 23 22 .511 hisdisipls dcidd tey' fiishthei Teamn 2, Lindberg, captain i9 2), .422 season with a crash of glory. They, Teaim 4i Drewes. catitain . R1897 fl Not even Sherlock- Holmes could ind a Ilaw in 1148, the highest ever witne'ssed in avenue; secretary, Willi am Christen- thi% district. The lleser score for the sen, r, 301 Eighteenth street. final game was 97.3. ' t is anticipated that eight teains The three gaine series scores of th,< represeflting the different Protestant iiidividual bowlers on the Bleser teani churches in Wilmette will compete were : E. Leis, 622; E. Bleser, 614; R. during the coming season. The Rau, '570, G. Bleser, W6, and Phil matches will probably be scheduled Bleser, M2. Phil B leser's' 628 seriies for two nights each ýweek at Jeffer- "For Fuel - Usie Oil» BRAUN BOS. @ýL CO. Phone Wihnette 831 ]PHU.L. HDAUN ROIT. F. DOSPEL CARL L. DRAUN ... ..... .....