Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 58

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fîines;t Ioctioi illt. Beautil'. 'I. LII 11Li-IDI11) LEMCOE--HIGHLAND PARK >MN NE'1KL-ATTR.: 3 IRM. IITCHEN- Attractive 3 bedrni. honme, 2 bathes. ette, sun porch and garage. Furn. or1 Pleasant yeard.%R5* unfura. Light anid 948 i. Ph. Wln- 9 rins., 3 bath, .in'exclusive Skoie netka c89 or wlnn. 14&5. 92LTN51-ltc llelght .A >home of' charet nud SROOM HE1ATED FLAT. BACIC ChKnene 15 porc h.and garage, 989 Elin St., Win- A boea tfobrs 4niat poite netka. 3 blocks frorn Elm Street station. batul erm,4lah, r; hoe Wnnetka 832. 92Lil-ltp, landisaed . lot.,$50 4 PLEASAN'r ROOMS FURNISHED AYMR AL SIS&i'TE orufrihd ýn'for Garage. BAIRD & W ýARINER, mIc. Uhfulh.$30 Phoe, 41mtte4181. 92LTN1-ltp .522 DAVIS ST., iEVANSTON ____________________________ (reenleaf 1855 loleut1,);) 523 PARIK DRIVE, KENILWOItTI FRom flNT-FURN13Hzb APils. Keililwortll î 475 iRogers Park 61D1 146 PARK, AVENUE, GLENCOE DE.LREYAPTS.lnee15 Briairgate 1855 1, 2 AND 3 ROOMSIN EAIY AMERI-__ 97LTN51-îtce can iperiod furniture., Daily miaId'serv- tee lncluded., Near Universlty,, and ail GLENCOE- transportation. n shopping conter. CIEIM NT[EHL Da ly, Wekly..and Monthly Rates. ATTRAC TErtHOME O TErs 'aL alinost 2 . s 'w thîfoesaî L. Q. NEEDLER & Co. vegetable gardens, tennis court, etc., 5 926 Noes St.edrms . 1 baths, ou ht. Ch (>iee east ýoyés St.Uni. 1005 side ]location. Ver.y reasonable retît. 93LTrN50-4tp -ajil Mrs. Mead. ONE ROM IITCFIENET"rE A PARTr- JL1'ITT ½Trx T ment for business' worman. Excellent ME B i~.<ji~~j~4 I ile. location. PhonieWilmoue 1075 froni 529 DAVIS STr., EVJANS TOŽ', 8-10 a. n. or 4-6 p. mni. LN5 ijiGie. 1166 Xilnetre 3740 LRARY -PLAZAOFF'ERS: ______97LTN5]-lte 1, 2, 3-rooni apartments. Compete hotol. service. Modern electrie kitchens. Cen- P,'Nl) V L E0 tral location..Itprinhonie 6bdri. 3 baîlis, brtaI< fast rni., 2 porches, oil. heatt, 2-c:ijý LIBRARY'PLAZA garage. $225. Orrington Ave. at Church St., Evansýon Stone bse., 4 bedrmn s-, 2 baths, las'. oti Uni. 8000,O 'Mrs.:Ethel Miller, Mgr. lst, oil ht., 2-ca;i, garaige. $125. 93LTN49-tfc 01<1der typie homne in perfect locatiin. NEWrLY FURbN1SICED 4 RMý. APART- 4 bedrms-, 1 bath, 1-cair garage. $,S5. mont; Faclng east and sou th. Cen- AN r O F,,N trally located. Unusually attractive. A N 1~.E4N Roas. price, Ph. Wilniotto 2399 or 242.7. 663 Vernion Av~e. (ilencee 305 C 93LTN49-4tp - -971TN5I-ittc TWO-ROOM FEENLEAF AVE.T ment, private bath. Hot water ht.. 766 GRE N AF V . running hot water. Gas' ineluded. East GLENCOE, IhLLNOIS side, nr. transp. *Wilmêtte 3082.l3eautifui 8-rooni' homne , wth 3 batTms. 93LýTN51-ltiî 2-car garage., Premises being corn - ffletely: rehabilitated an-d will be in ex- P Furnished Apartrnent cllent condition throughout. 011 beat. WINNTKA 9 ,Perfect location. For further informa- WINEK- 4.93L51-Ilp tion cal- E >WANTED TO RENT-FURN. APTS. Central Rentai Service. WANTD -BY OUPL. SALL69 W. Washington Blvd. Dearborn 7710 furnlshed aparînient. ResponsIb!le 97LTN51-t tenante. Phone Wilffette 299T5: îp E .SutsRat o 460 WINN4 ýQETKÉA AVE. WINNETKA 1800G FOR ENT-HOU$SE1/2 Blk. East of IndtianitUHl Station TTTr~TTA?.1-'.LAST MINUTE RENTAL BARGAINS- HIiGrIi<prD PARK 1-E. Winn. Brk. cottage, B. Rý .. $85 ATTRACTIVE AND MODERN STONIJ, 2-S. Winn. Eng. Stone, 3 B. R, 2-car. $85 homo. 5 bdrms., 3% baths, 2-car ttt. 3-E. Glencoe 5 B. R,' 3% Baths, 2-car.R gar., oilIhI., in beautiful wôoded and Want offer, ravine section near lake. Availe0ble 4-E- Kenil 7 B. R.. 4 baths, 3-car. $125 w' May It. $135. CALL US ON x MANY rTTV wxMc PERIODS 14 rins., 4 bs., 2 ex., t.&l. piv beach $50 10 rnis., 3 bs., ni-. lake, 3 mnos. or more. 2 5 9 rniis., 3 bhs., i. lake. Owner goiflg abroad. Rent reas. to responsible party............... 7rn1s., 2 be., newly. dec., ni'. lake .1 7 pins., 2 bs., tslp. pch., ni'. lake. ...1 9 rnis., 2 bs., east, Suininer, $125 4 1 yqear ......... -......- 1 12 îius., :3 bs., slp. pech. Olie year. 10 6 rins., I b. Elec.- ref. N j<.*. ls* Mod. 10 7 mnis.: 1 b., elc. îref. Good . Il 8 rins., 2 bes., slp.. pch. E1v4c. re 6 rmi.s., 1 b.,,sun 1)(.1. Nr. ttranisp. ï; 6 rn1. b. Good lu(. N iely furn. 7ý 6 rmns., 1 b., go)od Ib., îîiecly fu.n61 OTFI-ER C001)> X7IXES, FUlZNISHî--l Olt INFUUINISHED, AL'L SIZEs. 526 Center St. ~ lick u CHARMING 'COLONIAL FO1' TIIR sumnier, 6 bdrms., 3 baths, :;Wn Xi. porches, lovely grounds. $200 a inorîth. Other ful*njshed rentails for the stîunhnei or by the, year, $80 top $1.000 a inoîîîh. Frànces J. Winscott> 902 Spruce St. Winnetka i267 WANtED iO RENTr-FURN. HOUSES WANTED MAY 1 - PURNISHEI) bouse, 4 bedrmns., 2 baths, in Winnetka or Glencoe. Phone Winnetka 256. 101L51-1tJ FOR SL--HOUSES B UYERS, ATTE NTION JINVESTIGATE The PROPERTY INDEX COMPLETE ILLUSTRATEf) IBOO)KlEýT 16 Pages BAIRD & WARNER'S Preferred Listings and Special Values. FULL~ RANGE - ALL SIZES AND PRICES. FOR lIENT AND FOR SALE. Mailed Upon Request BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 13-OFFICES-13 522 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON zreenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH Cenilworth 4785 Rogers, Park 6151 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENC-OE Jlencoe 1554 :Briargate 1855 MUST BE SOLJYI EADING THIS AD W1LL GIýVii vU' ATTRACTIVE White English Cottage, 00 largelilvlng roomn WITU SUN ROONI -and SCRýEN PORCH adJoining extra âLARGE dining rooni and SUNN £ kit- chen. Second floor has 3 nice bedrooias 25'and good bathroom. Rlot Water .1t-fat and .garage ............... 25 2à ENGLISH BRICK-nealy) new-6 LGI. )r r01115,1COLOREI) TILE bath',' alsç, »TILED 'toilet and' kw. Hot Water O0W )0 Heat. Attached- garage. Fenv<î :%a ird. )"LASY TERMS........ 1,0 ' Red lBrick COLONIAL iear heýlAl,;ýe. O 6 LARGE rooîns, lo IE T > breakfast rôoom, and SLEEPJ. N4. PCH. )>1<t Water OIL fleat. -a $3500. Mightrn8$5.00 nu>nth. C L E N C E - W } I T E < ' L O N I 1, (' ilist 3 13( (-k8 to the GJLFENCùkE;"A >TION . 5 e drîo<,îxis 2 la th, large C L Z E i'0 C H 'i i c-th , ()ttth , I . W EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. 1111 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette-13 rni. batIs~Was$1l20.000, now $53.000Yo L should investigate. 5Q5 Madison St., Glencoe-'7 Ige. rm, 3 mnod. baths. Engli sh brick colo l Atteh. gar...........$20,0 765 .Foxdale Ave.-Wi nnetka-7 rms., 4 good-sized bedrýooms, 11/2. baths, east side . .. . .. .$11,500 240 Cn St, Wnnetka-Want offer for 7 rm. mod. brick colonial. 4 bdrmsq. Attch. gar. 609 Cumnor Rd ', Ienilworth. Ideal New *England. Colonial for small family. 3 bedrms. $11,500. QUINLAN &- TYSON, mnc.. 1571 Sherman Ave. . Uni. 260 - - -~111ILTN5Sî-1 t SPECIALOFF'ERING \WIlNNETlKAXHOME BE1,A VTI FIJL BRICK Rt-IDNE iteroof, in finle condition only 9 vtars old;, large lot, wonderful locatio.n. La.«rge living-room ,library, dining-rooïn, breakfast' room, fille kitchen- and bu1t ler's PantrY. . 4 fine fanîily bedr*oÈoms.ý 2 fine tiled lbathl*oomls, 2 maids' i'ro>Iîî ijl)1 bath; ou heat; .2-car heated gaiage-. Prflced right for' immediate saile. ,M.,GUIRE: & ORR, In1ý., Gre, 8 rms.. 2 batiis, 1-car gar. , . .... 70 ]B -c 6 ring., Bung. near the lake .... 75 Fr 6rn., brickc bung., 2 bath .. 75 ni'. se] 97LTN51-1*.p <4ROC ORRENT, 96q SPEUCE T., IVIN- -ped,: *netka, s5 rOOm bungalow. Newl1 dec 0l oted. 97LTN51-lt £ fi-ltrm~<inai, cfOOls, churcefis 5.itgsh Farin Rouse Style. 8 large r>s. H.G U. ecnl....424 anPLd FaVorable torms.. 3 baths wOOded half acre. OnlIy s3 Idd . Bas- 24RM.A AVE., WiL1(ET Ibloclc: tr transportation. and laite. 'NIl-lti BED S.2 BATHS 65 PT. LOrfITTL T EQUIP- fine interlor finish. A'rea) home wth SMART & ~ JfC Reason- vlew of lakte. Only $13.000. WmttehXLUInc.GET ReatyCo, xcusveAgts., 513 4th: St., 156r4 Shermn A.. UIversty 0o88 lriso-Dî2p wllmette 1192: 11LTN5î-îîp auLN1-t s-J.

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