Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 57

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Winn. 1047 799 Elm St. 6SLTN19-tfe EXPERIENCWD HE LP WJE sPECIALIZE IN HIGI-1 GRADE dornestiC help, al. rnaionaiities. No charge to employers. References ln- Ï ventigated. Under State -supervision. Reinhart Exrpl. Agency il8 pmIm St.> Wiînnetka 3399 68LTN28-tfc DoMEs'rIc HEL1P REIABLE EFFICIENT, Shay Emplôymnent Agency. Estabiished 20 years Two offices ln Chicago 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Central 9800 68LTN51-1tC Carlson,' Empi. Agency. 804 JZLM STREET WINNETKA 3.28 RLIABLE -HELP Ail domestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER 68LTN38-tft WOMý%AN TO TAKE CHIARGE 0F c.hlldre.n and assist with housework. Excellenlt N-. S. refs, Phone .Edgewater 4343 days and Ardmore 1710 after à 30 P. M. GSLTNý51Itib LIGHT OFFICE WORK, SOME EX- perience. Doctor',s office preferred. Orý nu~rse goverfle$s, day or .%eek,, experi- enced. Address B-:180,.Box .40. wilniette, III.6ÏLTNSi-itiP A WOMAN WOU71LD I DAY WORK, cleaniflg. Care of (hlidI*'f t".es. Can ~'e fr~t-lasx ervi elst N. S. refs. rinnetka 351) ýEXPERIENCEI) LAUNDRESS (FIN- nish) waflts Iaundry, cleaflifg or cater- lng wvork by the day. -Cali after 6 1). in. Ravenswood 8608. 68LTN51-Itp SITUATION. WANTgOD-MALE EXPERIENCED'MAN WAN S LAWN and gai-den work. also bouse cleaninig, window washing, fluor waxing, odd jobs. A-i N. S. refs. Phone Wilniette 2088S. 69LTN51-Itp Experlencel mianwnt GA R1)E N AND HOUSE WORK 1-tefereflees Winnetka 1552É 95-t EXP. CHAUFFEUR,ý H O U S E M A N. gardener, also butier work. N..Shore rets. Willing worker, reaeonable rates. Phone University 1364 da.ys or Univer- Sity 3459 ýevefiflgs. 69LT51-ltp CHAUFFEUR, GARDENING,,2?ANIA- -71LTN51-1teC ý%%'ýT1,ý)--YOUNG WOM.AN WITH TYPING EXPERIENCE, FOR OF- FICE AND SELLING WORK. WRITF, STATING SALARY AND EXPERI- ENCE. ADI)RESS B-175, BOX 401», WILMETTE, ILINOIS. 7LTNà,I-lti> WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR (NEN'- erai lïou,sework in Winnetka. Gjo<>d cook. Partial cire of- two cbildren. Sone1 laundry. References required.%$7 weekly. Phone Van Buren 7600, apartment 326, eveninigs. . 7ILTN51-11tp WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN'L hsewk.,, cooking and Iaundry. Have washing machine and, mangle. Smail famîly. 6 rm.lise. Must bave good refs. 600 Greenleïf Ave., Glencoe, 111. COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED with good references. Appiy ln person. ALL, EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 25.1 7ILTN13-ttC YOUN G WOMAN, COOKINZG,' LAUN- dry and down stairs work In samal house; 4 là fa mily. References., $8.per week. Pho'ne Giencoe 1745. 7L1-t WANTED GIRL, FOR'GENERAb housewoziç. P'easant position. Hoursý after' breakfast, 8:3o A. M. after dihnrfl *eveninigs. Go borne nights. Ph. Kenil- worth 188. 71LTN5-lt<, WýHITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. Must be good cook and good witb children. Famiiy of 4. $12 week., No laundry. -Phone. Winnetka 283.1 BEAUTY OPERATORS - EXPERI- enced. Licensed. Al-around. With foi- iowing preferred. Manager. and opera- tors. 718 Vernon, Glencuoe 1877. lLTN51-1ti) WAANTED - EXPER. WHITE GIR], for general housework. Must be good eo.ok. With or witboflt washing.$7$0 WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HO -ITSE- work. Smal1 fàmily, 1 chiid. must be good cook. Stay nlghts or go home. Ph. .wilniette 20 93. 1LN-ltp WHITE IRL TO HELP WITI- ;bousework and rare of 2 yr. oid child. No laundry. $5. Phone Wllrette 3755. 71LTN51-1tiP WHITE MAID FORn "EN. HOUSL' work, family of 3 aduits. Must be gond Cook; No laundrYi, Winiietka 433. 71LTN51lt WHIT GIR TO SSIST WITI. ousework No Washing. 1No coi $5 week. Phone Winnetka 29 U-ph,. 1, - 73LTSN51-1te Carlson's Empi. Agency 10 couples ... .d . ..$75-$854$100 25 gen. maid, ndcoka $8$1-$2-1 804 ELM STREET, WINNETKA - (After May lst, at 818 Eim St.) ________ 3LTN5l-1tc, RÎEALý ESTAÏE SALESMAN. EXPERI- enced Uniusual set up and opportunity. MRS. FULLER & WM. PICKARD Wiiniétte- 730. Cali Mr. Piekard, for appointrrent to talk it over. 73LTN51-1tc FOR SALE-AUTrOB $25 4106 Proyident Ave. Wininetka 2459. 77LTN51-ltP -31 oRt '32 SALL COACHI OR SEDAN. .'iasb terrns. Phone Wiimette 396,9 after 6 p. M,%. or falurday after 2 P. M. 77LTN51-ltP USED. CAR BARGAINS. NORTE SHORE eLE VROLET "Cars Are Best". '4 Chýevroets-Sedan, 'on-gda with trunk, Coach or Sport coupe-Low as $510 '3ChevroietS-Sedafl, Sport Coupe, Business Coupe or Sport ]oad-34 ster. Low as -..............4. '32 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 6 W. W. -350 '32 Chev. Deluxe Coupe 6 W. W. -325 '32 Chev. Convertible Sedan -. ..325ý '32 Ford Deluxe Sedan......... . ---295, '31 Chev, Sport Coupe .... ........ 225 ,31. Ford Convertible Coupe......... 196 '30 Ford Sedan... .................1175 129 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ... 1465 '29 Ford Town Sedan .....1. DRI ER MAKES,$35 AND UP. DRVNLESS - BETTER KEPT Ail cars fully guaranteed North Shore Chevrôlet 611 Main Street Wiliette 4414 77A-1,TN51-UCe Enjoy Drivi.ng This Summer REPLACE YOUR OLD CAR NOW with a newer re-conditioned used car FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Wescott Motors Offers Lowest prices on ail used çars. NO DOWN PAYMENT 30 monthe to.pay on $300 or less. '34 Chevroiet Master Sedan, Safety Glass'Throughout....... $9 '34 Chevrolet Master Town Sedan, like new........................ 545 133 Chevrolet Master Sedan..... ... 395 '30 Nash B~usiness Coupe........... 16 -'32 Ford V-8 Business Coupe....... 275 preferred. 2117 Lakce Ave. Phone vyu- mette, 3434. 82LTN5-lItO LARGE,' BRIGHT, PLEASANt ROOM with private, bath and large closet. sultable for. one or two. 3 blocks ý,%c station. Phonè Wlnnetka 415. 82LTN5-tp TWO ROOM&s WITH «[II'CHEN. ORt one room wlth twin beds. NlceIy turnished 'for two enmPloyed. Block to transportation. Wlnnetka 3135. $2LTN5l-l tp LARGE FRONT RODOM., SUITABLE for 2. Near schools arld transporta- tion, 859 Eun .st., Wlnnetka 1325. 892L31 lt.p NICELY FURNISHED> RoOiM WITH glazed porch. Suitable frigtbouse- keeping. Near steam and electrie. Phone Wilmette 156.BLT5là t LRGE, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. sutabl e for, one or two. Kitchen priviieges if desired. Reasonabie. Wil- mette 3206. LN5-P LARGE NICE PLEASANT , ROOM. near transportation. Phone Wilmette. 4254. S2LTN61-ltp ONE on rWO xOOerS WITH PORtef East sie, near transportation. Llght housekeeping and garage space if de- slred. Wimette 1253. 82LTN1-ltP 1 QR 2 NICE., LIGIIT ROOMS. EAST side near transportation. Reasonable rent. Phone Wilimette 1367. 82LTN51-ltp e0-RElNT - NICýELYF CR-NIÏSHED rooni; garage If desired. Phone Win- netka 1687. 82LTN51-ltp OARD AND OO@M KENILWORTH INN offers you cdean, homelike rooms suites with bath. Excellent rneals. *keason- able. 315 Cuninor Rd. ICenilworth 6491. -86JJ1N51ltc D)ELIGHTFUL APARTMENT Pleasant surroundinga, faoing park. Close to transp. Largde 2 room. Li- ing room 16x24. - Bedrooni and double cioset space. The above apartment has tile bath. shower, electric icer and offers hoen- like quartera at a very reasonable rentai. Phone Winnetka. 1800. PLEýASANT, AIRY .4 ROOM CORT apartmellt with east and. west cx-, nour. ile wall.bath. elect. 'refis . 8$5. A,*et ziolse. phone vv ineta 4ujL.71L51-ltP Fr COMPETENT REIIBLE GIRL FOR 4211 general housework. Must like chil- 2nd ' dren. Phone Wilmette 4940.Wa 71LTN51-ltC a 'MAIDý wHIE GENERAL HOUSE work, cooking. $10 per week. Phonle Glencoe 1482. 71LT6l4tp 'D. .f NlJ v *.S 1 E l Kenilworth 5221 Id 1000 domesticecm- FOR RENT-I gister with us. We TWO: SEPARATE ROC placiug you in the , private bath. Very dg ons. man or business wc 73LTN61-1tC 'Phone, Wllmette,,3545. 19LTN514ltp ~~ MODERN 5 ROOM APAR'] S . Hubbard Woods. $50.I ONE WITH metka 115. ie. Gentie- 5 ROOM APT., BATH AND preferred. H. W. heat.l1-car garage.1 32L31-ltpImette 573 or 1334. >

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