Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 56

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Rates- 5cns alUne. dvertisements rm n &ltlhree paere to the line. No black face type used. 0% diIscount on ail cash advertis.- monta when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 56 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 16% discount on ail adverttsements run four conuecutive issues. :,Dèdlïte or sùëtiè --ýlassifetiadvertiéements willI b. ac cepte up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE. or ail three papera; Wednesda4y 9 P. ,M. tok WINNEIICA TALK and .Thursdar 5 P. M. for GLENCOU NECW. Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Winiietka 200 (Winnetka 500.after e P. M.ia Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 1218-1217. L087 AND FOUND LOST-CHILD'S PET, 7, MO. IRISH Setter : female, with green coliar. Re- ward. J. D. Pope, 906 Bluff St., Giencee 1350.3LTSI-tp LOST-BLACK LEATHER COVERED Iloose leaf note book. ffl. Con taining notes oni Silver lecture and mise, Ph. Winnetka 3605. 3T5-t LOST-MISC. BUNCH OF KEYS ON ring and short chain, betwo-en,,Hownr-d sehool and 0-Ki-Hi Stables.. Phone WVil- mette 4990. 3LTN5S-ite LOST - GLASSES. WHITE - GOLD rims.- On. Central Park Avenue, be- tween Isabeila and Spencer. Phoiie Wilmette 902-M. 3LTN51-Ilp ANTIQUES FOR SALE-ANTIQUE CHAIRS, drop-leat dining table, antique dockts. picture frames, quilts, etc. Also one Leonard tee box. Cail Winnetka 1205. 71,51-Itp BUILDING AND REPAIRS j OSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONT1RACTOR 1714 Washington Avenue Wlhette 2618 15A-LTN49-3tp MC KIIBBAN-BUILDER. REMOfDEL- Ing, rpitng, painting, cernent work, plauteriig, porches. Time ilsyments, no) Inteirpst. Get »my price. Ph. Wiimette 2634. 16A-LTN50-4tp GES. CAIU>ENTERý REPAIRS 0F &il kinds. stueeoing andi stueco recoat- lat. painting, piastering, roofs, screens. cernent work. Easy payments. N. B. Place, Wlmette 4181. .15A-LTN48-4tp WE, HAVE SECURZED AN UNUSUAL -buy onf new Elgin tactory guaranteed 'Watches, that regularly oeil Upi to $30, whieh we wil oeil for $15 to $18 cash. Jos. F. Kuss 547 Chestnut St. Winnetka 3671 Opposite the post office COLLETTE* SOEURS DESIGNERS -AN» MAICERS Gowns--Wraps--uits-coate Olinai-Copieaf-Restyid-Aiteredi 838M St.lnetka 1011 22LTN*49-4tp Miss BoLAND> Designis, Makes, .c opies a.nd a iters gowns, Wraps, suits, coats, ln your home. Ph. Wiimette M5. 22LTN49-4tp 09RCTUICALS*RVie Vacuum Cleaner Repairs Have your cleaner overhauied before spring :clea.ning Urne. W.. service. uji. mnakes. Free pick up and delivery. -LSO NEIWLY REBUILT CLEANER.S *Glencoe Bicyclle Shop 708 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 57 23LTN47-tfc frAU PftoDUCq Good Rich Cream Are you one of those people who say 'Il must have good cream for rny coftee ?" If 80, you're certainly one of the people lvho will appreciate the rich goodness of creain froni Mellody Farns Dairy Lake Forest Phone Wilmnette 4489 __________________ 24LTN51-lItc1 Cottage Cheese 10c Pt. MILK 8e QT. T. B. TESTED ANI)A"ETi7.~l Locust Farn Products 1225- Wiltnette Ave., 805 Ridge A ve., Wil. 908, Linden A ve., Hubbard Woods 24LTN51 Iti) SAiitDEN UNS PEST LANDSCAPIlNG. PRODUCTS AT LOWEST PRICES A-i virgin black soi], especially suitaiye qrs., and Woodbin( ops. Take instructions b' with Mrs. Parshall Wed., evenigs. Wilmette 1917, se Ave., Wilinette, 111. 30L,51-ltp RIDIN40S c 00-S RIDE Thbrough the, loveliest . trails on the North Shore. Best stable horses available. Expert in- struction fore beginners and advanced ridera. Womnen and. children, our spe- cialty. Club house wth restaurant and bar service. Forest View Stabes HarimsRd. at:Simpson. Morton Gr, 2270 30A-LT951-4tp 0-KI-HI: STABLES A Riding ,Sch.ool PAUL STJERNlHOLM AND W. HOME1< Taylor. Invite you to participate ln evening rides. Start each evening at 7,:30 except Satuùrday and Sunday.. Alao expert Instruction for beginners, Inter- mneiates, advanced riders. Cias or In- dividual., Reasonable rates.. Wilmette 779. -30-LTN51-1tp LAUNDRY EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WISHES laundry work to do at home., Will eall for and deliver. 11 years' North Shore references. Reasonable. Ph. Wilmette 9840. 341LTN51-tp CURTAINS' PURNITITRE COVERS. Soft shirts. 0ther laundry work. Very reas. Wiil cali for andi deliver. 886 Willow. Winnetka 1924. 34LTN50-4tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WILL TINT and launder curtains and l1inens reasonably. North Shore references. Wilmette 3206. 34LTN51-1tp- WASHING AND IRONINýG. DRIED IN open air. Shirts 10c, curtains 25c pair. References. Cailed, for and delivered. Phione Rogers Park 8807. 341,TN5J--1te WANTED WASHING AND IRONING to take home. Will caîl and deliver. Phone Wilmette- 3246. 34bTN51-Itp MUSIl.I INSTRUMENTS, PIANO WANTED: WILL PAY ALL cash at once for GrandPianto. Mrs. Page. . Phone Van Buren 6878. 3204 West Harrison, Chicago. 4OLTN51-ltc WILL PAY SPOT CASHI FOR 0001) make Grand piano., Prefer 6-ft. size. Address B-181, Box 40, Wil mette, II. 40LTN5-1tc PAINTING AND DECORATINS Paint, Paner 5 Rmls.. $34.50 42LTN43-tfe AjNGEL-FISH 75e PA-IR Everything for the aquarium, outdoor- pool or rock garden.' 2 AI T THE AQUARIUM 12 AI T Ore. 8832 44LTN51-Itp For sale- MALE COLLIE PUPPY 8 WEEKS OLD. $5. WINNETKA 2091. 44uL51tp FOR SALE-CO5CKER SPANIEL, .Maie, Black, 3 months oid (pedigreed>. Ph. Kenilworth 1690., 44LTN51-1tc 3 PEDIGREED CHOW PUPPIES FOR sale. 1887 Shermer Ave., Northbrook. Ph. Northbrook 202-W.. 44LTN51-ltp 1PIANO TUNSM PIANOS TUNED AND REGULATE», Work Quars.nteed Pàactory, Dealer, Acoustie Lab. expert- ence ; good references. E. I. Van Harlingen. Ph.. Wilimette 2744.. 45LTN4$-tte 1 EWINe MAkCHINE RECPARRINS SEWING MACHINES ANDV A C UU M CLEANERS, ALL kinds repalred. Established more than fit ty years ago.. Now locateti ln Wii- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel Wtlmette 754 or,4368. 53LTN29-ttc SLIP COVERS AND DRAPERROS DRAPERIES, CURTAINS. SLIP COV- ers, dressing tables, bedspreads, mnade to order. Expert workmanship. Phone Glencoe 1419.. 58A-LTN51-4tp UPHOLSTERY AND REPAIRS YOUR FURNITURE RE-UPHO)IS'TleR- ed, remodeled, and refinished, botter than new. Phone and our estimator will Il with compiete uine of mnaterials. DvsFrnturCraftsmen 71-23 Main St., Evans. Uni. 7210 5SLTN51-1tc NORTH SHIORE UPHOLSTERING CO. Upholstering, repairing and refinishlng. 2948 Central Street, Evanston, 111. UNIVERlSITY 2871 58LTN5.1-4tp. WEARINQ APPAREL GENEVIEVE SMITHEÊRS. ORDERS TAKEN FOR EXCLUS IVE hand-knitted clothes made to your ineasure. 711 Lake Avenue Wllmette 19 59LTN51-4tp LC -LOANS .ON Glencoe Bicy( 708 VEUNON AVE. 'ce Shop GLENCOE 57 16LTN5-ite CLOCK REPAIRINS____ CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, antique dlock repaling. Ljearaeti trade ln Europ e. (Foriuerly wtth Tiffany and Vieiti's) Wil eall. Pme- estimate. Davidi johga"nssnphollo iverse>' 23041. k 8OLTN4&-Stp L rtanfa .c. ,nz. r n. v 13LACKC DIRT 8 YDS. 65. SC Cow manure $10 loati. E fireplaces $8 ton delivereti, son, 435 Ridige Rd., Wlmett LêNDS(iAPING - BL MANVRE - PLAGS Frank Simons 1 06 OakSt 2: Winnetka 1101 27L51-itp W. C. HUGGINS Painting-Decorating-Remodt 100 13th St.. Wilimette Wiime 42LTI INTERI101 'DECORATOR W]l Years' exp., paper hanging. andi ealeimining. Price reas. guaranteed.. Caîll C. E. Lumley, cee 73. 42LI P-aulne's lmette 2171 urth & Linden ep 'VI"Term. Davis 7777 634 Davis Evanston, Ii1. 66LTNS51-ltc -4tpl

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