F. Smîith, presideit. The program, nï approved was t'O be forwarded to the Federal Emerge.ncy administra- tion, according to H. W. 1Locliner, assistant to George A. Quinilani, super- intendent of the county highiway de- -lîecounty prograniincludes for Evanston thiree grade separations and t%() vja(lucts for aà-total cost of $825,- 000. It also includes a $310,000 request f or the improvemnent and extension of Isabella. street,, and a $2,0 e quest for the pavinig of Dodge -ave-' nue *fron Crain street to West Rail- roàd avenue. 0f major importance is the inclusion.of a,$300,000 request for, a -n ew viaduct at Ridge avenue and1 Emerson street. This Was i n- cluded in the city's original plans for the improveïnent of WVest Railroad avenue, Ridge to McCornick, but wvas dîropped when no f uhds were. available. Evansto. Projet Listed Evans ton paving projects in the f *$15,710,000 program are: I)odge avenue, Crain street to West Raîlroad avenue, $120,000. Fromn Simp son, street, the nie% paving will bec con- tinued, on the sanitary district righit-1 of-way to \Vest Railroad. Isabella, street, Girard avenue to North-Shore lune, $10,000. Pavement across sanitary district canal bridge. ISabella. street, Railroad avenue to Northi Shore, hue, $300,000, including extension of Isabella from Broad%%ay ivest to the North Western railway. and %vhatever reconstruction of road Ï: required froni XetRàilroad ave- i ue: tcY Oie Skokie XValley Iile, two luiles west of Evanston. *West' Railroad' avenue, Ridge to \.cÇornick, $70,000. Evanston grade separations and via- (lucts included iii the programi are: Dodge avenue, North Western rail- r*oad ne, ar. Lake street,, $125,,000. This is to bc an underpass. Ridge road, at Isabella, ý$100,000(. Plans- for this highway separation~ ac- cording to Mr. Lochner are depend- cnit pon the Isabella 'street im- pro% venent. l'le highway separa-1 1 Éù c-hrul.q wetnp 'üld ittififv,.1- ag ý Mi ss Joan Guthridge, 917. Green- atday e rekuast othe toof sinto Delta Chi chapter of Delta at cokibekat ntetpô Delta Delta sorority at Denison uni- tin cans, the fire being made inside versity. Miss Guthridge, who is a the cans. Our eggs,. toast and bacon freshman, is. also a member of the. were delicious. agnd we agreed that Shepherdson Gice club. we'd. like to have every ý Saturday breakfast cooked in cans.-ýVirginia Mr.Rbt Soes -scribe. Nr.RoetJerome, Nickles, Jr., owr.of Madison, Wjs., is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs., Foster Bran- TheOrop No. 3 GilSof e -s on, 817 Central avenue, this week. The roo No 3 Grl cous îerî~ r.Nickles spent last week-endwith cd howv to tie theý timber hitcli knot hi iean h rasnre1nn at their meeting last Monday. Then hto Mfadneon Snay. rtuni they went outside and, learned how to oMdsnnSuay lash sticks in two different ways. Amon T hey' also, learned, how t'O bUild fires1 n the. new residents in the village are Mr. -and, Mrs. Edmond R. under different circumstances. 1'hey Rce n hi wnduhes ended the meeting by leariig' to Audrey- and - Marguerite, 6 years, old. uise a knif e properly. Members, of a-. hirsn, oet ,w moved the troop who passed the test for thé îast Thursday into the home at. 801 swimnmer'sbadàe -are Betty Jordan,- Ceuntral avenue. Shirley.Scarritt, Phyllis'Trump, Dorý- othy, Burns, Mary Jane Lafferty, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and Marjorie Ann Lafferty, Sue Weese Mr. Davis' mother, Mrs. Carl Davis' antd Charlotte Wils.. Mi.ss May Fogg of Kalamàzoo, Mich.; arrived Friday ()i the New Trier girls' physical edu- to visit the latter's sister and family, cation departuient gave the test.- the J. Herbert NAvports of 520 Ab- Peggy MNarslî, scribe. botsford road, Kenilworth. .Mr. and Mrs. C. Leon Barritt and their three sons, Howard,' Bill, and Lee, have moved from 277 Poplar street, Winnetka, to 1538 Walnut avenue, Wilmnette. They are renting Do You want a good lawn? Ua3e of te Carls A Lud- ~<oofertilizer-inade of charred bone- the homneofteCalsALud meai. Phosphorlc content, 34%. Ask bergs, Jr. your dealier or plione Wilhett. 4228. Suilday. loinorrow Mrs. isMwutoi %vill be hostess to sixteen friends for luncheon and bridge. -o- Mliss Elizabeth Freudenreich, 314 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, who lias l)en studying..for the master's degree at the University of Okla- lima. spent lier 'Eaqter vacation-at. ;I house party ini Tulsa. --o- Clara Wýaiiter. 128 Robsart road, I:* gicp with Wale ldyur réooucM' b. sttld the. mrnedWy w": cost ueually v.- qulred. '15 peta- Qur 1k. colore lath** $2 mdlu n .lm. Gageas Alaui a comiplete fine. of Eneusels, VanmuihemrMHome Pains, and a largo ssortwment of Bnasheb. Béat Joyc, fBright on the air SaoWlW - 9:45A. M. to ic A.MX Statdots WGN - ro A. M. to îo.,r5 A. M. lt, -Pays to Coin. to the Ridge- Screened Leaf Mould. bushél .......«. 75C. STACRMELS GREENE*OUSIES Phone Wilmnette 2J,23, 1821 "Central Avenue SWAIN NELSON S Ot Glenvie*- Road, Glenview, Illinois 34 mile west of Waukegan Road Phones.. Glenview 97 - Rogers Park 6620 coe ---------- I. HOFFMANN BROS.' For pain-H ard pore-Seds Fortliîpr Wimette Ave. and Ridge R& Pamg.e Wokntto 631