Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 49

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By O'i-r. J.IF. IFonder I Edltor's Note: We are happy to pro- vide for our readers, a serles of airticles ,,y a recognlzed expert on gardenIng subJeets, Dr. J. P. Fonder of E-van.ston who recelved his Ph.. P. degree at Michi- gan State college, after attendlng colleges In is native state of Çolora-jo and In Utah. He has lecturedl extens1vl'y ona j"rdelglin.manv qittês ao1i îi.', '¶rit- ten nîuch 'on topices of soit and plant physiology. Hils experience P.xtonrlq in- toý the practicai busines.s end of plant cultUre, thus enabling hlmi to write wit.h authority on alli mtte-;im3nrta jin.,to the qubject.- Di-,Foncd@/i-s :iilswill appear ln this section ecash wee*k. B&ig Chef l Your Plant Vears ago, %vlin tlue practical sci- ences were stilt in 'their infancv, plaîitý were thoutght to absorb- finelv djvided soit particles aind to use iliese in tteir life processes. IEveii tqoay, the helief Js held by many that as long as plants have su$fcient o in whicli to groýv tl.ey vIll be welIl ed. IùnfortunateIlv, plant nutrition .1b flot so easy as thîls, l)ecauise plants are always ona liquud iet. Thc liqui(l Iii)- on whicli t he v depend consistï of wvater in whiclî are dissolved snliall apîounts of mneral saîts, siuilar to conîmon table sait, whiich IprOvidu the * plants witli the followilig elevei ele- inents essential to thieir growthi.: grown for the fruits. For ga fowers the ferti greater perci itage, c lorus What toDo il& the Gardon This Week Since you have probably done, none of the things suggested for btst w e e k because of the cold weatheri, these things ýshoijld be comnpleted as soon as possible. Here they are.- Continue to plant t r e e s and shrubs. Slade.,ightly and mulch soil beneath s h r ul s and ever- greens; use well rotted leaf. niold or peat- moss. Plant roses and prune established 'roses. Sow.sweet, peasç. Plant gladiolus and tube roses. Plant v'egtables - parsnips, carrots, b e e t s , onions, lettuce, peas and parsleY. Seed' the new lawil and reseed bare spots in old .lawn. -Good grass se.ed wil l ot. gerulinate for t Il r e e weeks and should be sown as soon as pos- sib)le. Feed trees, s Il r u 1) s , and estal)lishied lawn. than of nitrogen while for the others the percentage of nitrogen should ap- p)roach or exceed that of phosphorus. The axpounts of available nitrogen, plîosp)horqs and potassiuni in a fer- ilizer mutl b.)e stated on the container ments, indicated as desirable by the Poa trivialis. The presence of a large above two considerations. Unwise feed- proportion of Red Top and Rye grass ing of plànts is usually uneconomical was stated to be an indication of ini- and may be definitely injurious to the f erior mixtures wbile the presence of plants. In an earlier discussion it was stated that 'the patn fqalityseed 'was necessary for greatest success and that for the.permanent lawn the seed shouldcoti at least 70 percent of Trimothy orMeadow .Fescue definitely branded the .mixtures as undesirable. It is now advisable to add that, if the resuits desired justIfy the use of high quality. seed they justify the proper feeding and care. i Mi TOUR PLANTS UEED.-V It's time tb take an Inveftory cf your gardon toola-the rake, the lawn mower;' the spaide; and the unippers. For tulips, peas, lawns and shrubs watt for no mn . .. and sooii theyl nmcd attenton. So it's really best you checki bs a inighty important blp.r around the. lawn and gardn . .. It qrows strong- stemmed flowors; thick, carPoty lawmst drought resistlng moots; and healthy trees anid shrubs. Why? . . . Becauso Viqoro supplies plants wlth the. Il - soon use up mlost of the mnaterials dis- sol ved ini the soli watcr. \Vhen tiis occurs their growtlî is checked and il the deficiency of any essenti element becomnes 't. arked the 1c îlts will de- Velop definýite signS, (À malinutrition, juis.t as ()0 chiîdren iwho 'arc, i.ot pro- vi ded %vithle in o ilg Il of the proper foods. In this area soils are capable of providing p 1 a in t s iith 5uifticient aiioutst, of ail of the essential ele- iîients except nit rogen, phoesphortis, andj potassiumii, and these should be When you corne in to se. us ask axbout Vigoro, th., compleïe planittood. Vigoto 100-11). bag b/ ale sized tomato or'a iawn tnaxt wwM as. your hpme the .nvyof thenÇigbOrh"o. .......$400 50-11). bag.......$2.50 PEAT MOSSI $2.5 i.llbaie FERTI LIZERS bag ... . . . . . . . . . . . amounts of available nitrogen', pilos- phorus, and potassium. in the soil cal' be determined by relatively simple tests by one equipped to mnake the . m As a general rule, heavy souls require a fertilizer. containing a larger pro- portion of nitrogen in relation to the other twoe lements .than do. sandy soils. "Plants wbich prodluce vegetative: Wilmette Ave, &Bd Ridge MILLEN HARD WARE COMPANY Rd. .1219 WiImette Avnue WliI,.ff 3060 .... .... 5i

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