Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 48

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Built-in Table Has MORTGÂCE, Many Uses i Kitchen Anextra table, of the folding LO NSvariety, in the Iitchen of thehoe W.e Suthe far efr wbere. rnucb entertaiing. is donc js eofervtmy irt mo r~ - a great cofivenience for holding ex- gae bans on reslin" s tra dishes or food niaterials. wheîi apart entsmd ofice there are many additionalguests. A §Milo% drop-leaf top is hinged to the side bUidins.of the .wall.'with* substantial mnov- able. braces fltt'ed underneath' to. hold it fiLrmly 'when' n utse. When . îlot in, wi.e the 'leaf is easily, dropped and hiardly- noticeable. as. it occu.p ies but INC lie.é space against. the sie, of the wall. A table of this kind solves the i .La..Sali. St., Chicago probleni of what to do with the miany Central 0227 extra pieces of tableware or plates of salad, desserts, etc., necÈssary to the u51Sen AE~So serving of many people.î The cost of Umiermt 200building this table Wk verv littie,, but the 'accèommodatioiv ik invaluable.. 011 Durner Service., g LMAIl. HOME 0WýNERS! 's thcernortpggco0n1 our home duc. or .iboutt to beconie duce We arc. nakitig first miort.gitge bans on %veIl Iocatcd North Shore homes. e Helen Hayes, Noted Actress, Tells * Wives to Seek Better Homes * "Spend some moncv fo.,beautify, i y'our homes and hclp make the Bet- ter Housing campaign a succcss.", Inl these words, Heleil Hayes, na- tionally known actress importuned the, womcen of the United States in an interview giveiiî recently 'in Buf-. falo, Ný. Y. Miss Hayes said in plart 4.NýO cause could îe, more worthy than this which miakes it possible for people to have and maintain. high standards of living., Be gold' diggcrs," she advised --housewives. "Make your- husbands dig deep into their, pockets now and let them g:ive you niew kitchens. niew. paint, ilew~ cupboards. new houses. new gardens. If on4y frorn a selfisih viewPoinc women ought to rush to t;ake adv an.- tage of this opportunity. "No woman could fail to réspond.. to the humnanitarian angle of the pro- gramn. If womc:i wotild only realize the untold benefits to hitnmanjty that would resujt fromn an inicrease of business in the bilding trades, they wotnld, simiplv ont of the goodness, of their hearts, responid to it." CLEAN'RAINSPOUTS c Heavy spring rains will soon lie. here taxing the. capacity of gutterse and downspouts. They shonild ebe cleaned of ail fine ash, cinders, dirt. leaves, and other rnbbisfh which inayf have accnimulated in theni dtnringý the wintcr. Then they shotild be re-, paired and repainted. if, necessary.0 1'his:will assist in, 1prevcnitinig damage to the.exterior walls. and also reduce danger1 of lcaks. and -the restiltinig k infiltration of water. I FLOOR PRESERVATIVES .A Nell-coitrtncted wooôd floor NN-111 Better Lighting Broad eaves and covered porches on a bouse often exclude the day- ight required to light a room suffi- ciently., When additional daylight is desired, painting the u4derside of the ceaves and:porcb ceilinigs with a fre.sh coat ,of, *ight- colored painLwiI helpý rc-flcct light into the rooin. 1Good light and, good sight are -in- flucnccd by côlor. Choosing the bcst color and shade for each, room ini the home i s a, Most important Prôblern which' curren tb cà.nfronts every home owncr. The importance of pro- tecting cycsight is well illustrated jl the "Better Light-l3etter. Sigit" idea. There should he enough light ln ecd room so, that ail articles and, portions of the.,room are clcarly (iscernible. but the light sJiould not be so glaring or so bright as to*0bc injuriaus to the cyes. The c6lor of thé room shouild nof be chosen merely frc'm n acste- tic statidpoint. Cedar Closets'Poil Onslaught of Moths Acedar-lndcoe affords great protection against. moths. .-leavv .wooleîî clothing, -witter coats, furs. etc., miay be stored ini a cedar-lînied' closet with assuranice that' the gar- mients will bc safe from the iniroad, of the. xnoth pests. Eticlosed sheives or special draýv - ers for biankets, and cedar-lined cup- boards for the sinaller articles of ciothing. suich as -hats, îeckpi)1ece". fur-lincd gloves. etc.. assure order and ýready accessibilit. Any available -clo)Set-p)refera)lýv onenot grea'tly nscd-mnav he Ilincd, wîth cedar wooôd. aind hlonse.keepers who can arrange, for à clolset of tliis; and possiblv mnany3 dollars iii keepilig he famiily CI(lthing iîothproof. Cedar. wood hias a pleasanit odlor. s inîaniy oth Prevenitives doIn t.t iiîd thîe absence of clotliinig iii paper vraplpilgs gives the closet a iieater ippearatnce. PAINT PENCES 184 Mort gage Loan Correspondent Metroypolitan Life Insurance Company 604 Davis Street, Evausto, LOWE BROS. QUALITY PRODUCTS EXCLUSIVELy See Our Amazing Selection of, DIFFERENT Wallpa pers

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