Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 36

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Will Greet Cuests at May Day Luncheon of.Cathoti.c Clutb 1mrs.Harry L.Barker, presi- dent of the -Wonan's Catholie Club of ,Wilmette, will1 greet guests ,and memnbers at the an- nual luncheori to be :given at: Shawnee Country -club Wednes-' day, May 1, at 12:30 o',clock., Fol- lowing the luncheon, Miss Bes- sic Andrus, "The Singing Violiîi- ist,". and John McMahlill.. f.Ir., Nvill. give a prograni. Miss Andrus, playing obbligato, will sing old folk and costumne interpreta-. tions.. She is. considered by. Music News as ýa ciarming person p ossess- inig not only a magnetic personalify-, but a Ioyely coloratura voice-ain ex- perienced, thorough artist." Miss Andrus 's a Chicago girl who bas beert head of ber own 'compati1y for several years. Shie studied voiceý with Mrs. W. S. Brackin and výiolin. with Franz Esser,. who plays the :irstý viola in the Chicago Symphony or-, IR chestra. She won two scholarships at, the Cosuiopolitan School of Music lit Kimbail hall, and is now filling church, concert, and club engage- ments in Chicago. The artist has tumu she plans a tour of ten weelcs' Murat. M'hiwill read his own one-act play, "Wornan.", Mr. Mc- Mahll' wrk n te heaerand on the lecture plat form"bas been praised by Americani and European criti cs, pro-claiming him- to be, "refreshingly different." Actor and lecturer, he is also an author, having written the plays "And Tomorrow a New Day," "The River Runs'Red." and tlke one he will Silver Te. Friclay .Cambridge chapter, D. B. E., will hold a silver tea Friday afternoon of this iuleek at 2 o'clock, at the home. of lL&sHenry Fowler, 1404 Forest ave- ýe. A complete attndafice. is de- photo by'Ruy. Daguerre Studia Tlakiiifl over tithe rigqs of Presiden fiai off iCe for the' next fico 3vears for the Womn>'s Club of Wilmnette is Mrs. DavId. J. Davis, ai lthe le ff. Réfiriuiq asý Iresident, after. a fteo- 'vcar terni, is Mrs. A. I-.. Klunde'r. M1rs. Davis was i jced todm office at fie s1rinq luncheon ltedte.sdla%. Give Patron List for are planning to hold at the coliege Saturday, April 27, is being received with much enthusiasm by members' and friends of the college. Among the long list of patrons and patron- esses appear the namnes of:4 Miss Edna Dean Baker of Evans,-. Ion, president of the college: Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of Clencoe, Mr.ý and Mrs. Alex W. Moseley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. day, April 26, at 2 o'clock, at1 of Mrm Penick, 609 Central The event ia for the benefit of t of-Pennies drive, a project oif mette center of the, Infant So';cietyof Chicagp.. Novel Fashion Show at Snore association wii ne a part of the May party it is sponsoring next Wednesday at the Woman's club. Mrs. William Harridge is chairman ini charge of the comniittee arranging the. affair, a dessert bridge at 12:.30 A week ago Sutiday the Wilmette. committee took entertainment to the boys of the Winter camp, a progr a m rèceived. by their young guests with reai delight.. il giv Week-end social activities at Shaw- y, Fr1- nee Country club include a Junior ehome dance on Friday night and a formai venue. spring party and dinner dance Sat- .Mile-ý urday. The women's bowling teamns ýe WiI- "iI have a luncheon meeting on Fn-" 7elfare day, which will culminate th e season'a actiities. Cuild to Présent Trio and Ensemble in Spring Musicale An evening mscl in spring with the North Shore Lyric en- senl)le and the KauîneyerqString trio the artists, will begive n un-, der'the. au spices, of St. Auus tine's. Altar gitild ini the. Parish house Friday, May 3, at 8:15 U 'dock., -Carolyn, Fuerinatin,. soprano, and Canleton Kaumieyer,,violinist.will be the sololists. Electa Austin.Gamiron is directoÉ of the ensemble, whose mnenibers are 1Miss Dorothy Rae, Mrs. Charles Drake, Mrs. H-arvey Bush, 'Mrs. Charles Evans, Mrs.,F. \V. Fuer- Mnann, Miss Marjorie Day, Mrs. 6. Ross Stewart, Mrs. E. JewelIl)bick, Mr.s. A. F. Cordts, MIrs. H. R. S,-her- mnai, Miss Lois Grider. Mrs. John Robinson. The Kaumeyer trio hias as its. personnel, Mr. Kaumnever. Ernau Akely, and Albert Feigeni The prograni they.are to gîve i.sto lie Beauteous Morn...... >..... .'German, Thy Beaming Eyes......MacDowel Where Heaven le............O'HFara Winds to the Silerit Morn .... Emery The Home Road ....... ... ..Carpenter North Shore Lyric Ensemnble' Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen. Sco osmarin Kreisler Andante-le Deluge Saint-Saen& Tlhe Bee ....... Schubrt III The Organ Grinder Sibella Love Is The Wind......Mitrhell Sprng.............Oscar Weil (aroiyh Fuermann,, soprano Obb igao- Viol in and (Xll1o Mrh iIaire........ Kreisler Minuetto . . - .. e. .... .... Mozart Fi nale from Tr*io Il; OP. 66. ...n......... The Kaumeyer, Trio= C'arleton Kaumeëyer, violin; ýMrs. Ernau, Akely, piano; A.Ibert. egn clo ton, Friday, April 26, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. F. J. Huse ia social chairman with Mrs. R.. C. Brandt, Mrs. C. V. Clark, A. B. Hilton, >4rs. A. E. Lake, and Mrs George Weden as her com- mittee.' Mrs. Leigh Bowles bhas charge of prizes and entertainment for the afternoon.

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