recounted in thlis exeerpt Il mthe an- nual report given by NMrs. *oland .. %Vhitinîan, Artist-R*ecit ai daia nàn, at a recent imeeting of the Winfîikit Mulsl club. By Genevieve Whitniait Thoughi more thanl a iiiontIi lias 1assed since the giorious conicert bhv Muvra lle.ýss. as gilniee iue iii-, orv of it is stili fri in ouf îîid'. \\Vti it, the leventh ,scason ufArt- ist lRecitais ni&ves into the hast- tu lecuie onte \vth 1althose o(411cr ten seaS*Ois ofsperf<iid conlct!rts. Iis. thenI tiînka ittinig timie inîpler.o;(iiIy f0 11111uinti) vlat xwu b ave eiijuve<l fu1is pasf vear. andl ('lisi(lur th 1 cVaille offile project as a hu o ()tr uif11lninf. Thomas Stirs Storm of Applause \Ve g I tlle vear wl t h tliat pt.r- leut -inger sf M gs îî, îfront .coa 't to C( iast . I >liii .hre hîis 1 le lie s a splenldid. Concert. llus pr'.rain, it* ang fruon(Germit i ie(ler tiirougli Italîaîî ftolk s '()igs téo a .itttinig Close u ifli a rep rescil tti v enVglisiî grolip. isi eiorces weru so îifiiQTie- ows that flin l1lvlie ceaseci iua1viig flie staige, sîîîîph stood andi sang. ;tgaîîi aixl yul dgaili. suc. id<Cl ,itlie 1 l e at suu(diljshi Ci- traito. i. 'îid1<1( îe-gini. Ne rsu pop- tlar as i taois (nô0 contrait o eoff<I lie. nu"Hivef inus a îl) t sitîa- nof .tiii<hiesioiidsufrenîay.M Yrlvto *have livard lier is ofi suflhcient value. ( )îu lird i N r Iiuiiasprograxîl wva. ,ermit. 'Tiretoru. for the sakc of varîefy. the comiînîîtte cChoseth l Scon)i(l prograin offered i)v Madaeic Oneuîon. ilicli eiiminated al.' Gclnîi songs. Thî1s choice depri ved lier of the opp,1ortnîity for lier tfineSt work. But ftie ive folk soîîgs sn iii -tie original latiguages more tiian Co iîpernsated for that ioss. Aily Rward Bliza d Defies .Decemnber 10, brouhftue tlird * cocert(a joit recital b io Vailiin, surpassing Frenc.h soprano, and that amaziig. ceiiist,: Emmîin uei, Feuermann). Italso brought a reai blizzard. Diue to this catastrophe theë toncert wýas a coniplete loss to the majority of our subscribers, But the 350nmusic lovers whio braved the storin This Artist-Recital seiies affords an opportunity to hear, without any doubt, the very finest musical talent the worid offers; to hear these great artistS in the unusual setting of a small intimate hall, possessingg mar- velous acoustics,; to hear these'artists at a. price so low that it just escapes beiig bracketed with the cost of -a movie; noreserved seaàts,,but no poor seats; no carfare to be added to the cost of vour ticket; no long trip into town, anA no stili longertril) homne again, and surely, not least, the chance to, takec wi th. you your Young people, andi thus foster in thern a thc finest expression of -musical art. Many make'use of the concer ts f.or entert.aining guests. Obviouslv îno course, operatcd f or profit could offer ail this. The artists are the oniy ones, paid. Ail other serv- ices are contributed. raneapple îcing. 3 imyérg ........... .. Friday. Onlyf SALM ON LOAVES 15 ac............... ........... *Monday and Tuesdayt Specials SILVER PECAN 19 LOAF CAKE- TWISTrED DOUGH 2 N UTS, each ......2 Hake SIwp-Street FIoo WIERG.VBOLDT s»EV ANS.TOqN On Davis Sfreet WiImel'te 1100. i. w yes sir, fmister, "WE'D LUKE UNYOUR EAR s a e Just a sufficient if you 're wise.' Here's -tbe tip-off: If o wn to save money on next winter's oil supply and practically forget about your furnace ail winter long, wait for an important announcement aounît Mumrbv-Miles fuel oil contracts to be mxade soon. If thii cept for the first Horowitz concert given in the gythnasiuni many years ago. And what piano playing she dis- piayed l A program which was à flaw-' less expression, both artistically and technically, of a noble and seren.e spirit. , . .1 ý 1 . : , I am certain.we left the hall feeling Wilete .EzecUtive 0£ 1801 Fullerton Avenue, Phone Diversey 2700 SIX PLANTS CON VENIENTLY LOCA TED SERVING THE CHICAGO ARIA abou yor next »iner ' uspl