Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 1

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UTLINES NEW FEATURES 0F POLICE SYSTEM -Village Board Hearç Report by. McGuire; Stresses. System- atie Training- At its mncctîng ou April 16 the Village*board received its first report f rom Cl-ovd C. McGuirc, assistant. Village man:ager in charge of poclice, c.v ering the ,perio.d fromn February 15 to 'Mardi 31. Aftcr recounting -the changesiade i police headquiart-ers. Mr. îcGuire proceeded to relate the. activities ()f the department. siiýc he became. its *acting head.. Notable anmong changes ini operati-on is that provi-ding fou 24- hour patrol service. The village lias * lien divided into three districts, an(l * the entire area is covered at all times * by at least one squad car. A system of supervising the. patrol by sergeants travelling in squad cars hias been in-' stittite(l to incure efficient service. *Frequent tests are made to insure that -patrolmient are consta-ntly alert, and that streets and alîcys are proper1% cove.red. Opens Traffic Division * A traffic division lias been estab:. lishied to take care of thorough i- vestigation of accidents to ascertain if laws have been violated., Serions accidents involving personal injuries are re-investigated by a sergeant, measurements taken, diagrams drawn, statements of witnesses taken, and ail àvaàîlable requ ired evidence ob- tained, with the exception of photo- graphs. A .reque.st is made for a added. This division will then be in position to give *traffic reports as complete as any city in the country. The criminal investigation -division, ncext Tuesdlay to superintenclents ox six subtîrban high schools-Evanstoil, Deerfield- Shields, Waukegan, Oak Park, Morton and Proviso. These six schools, together with New Trier, comprise the Suburban league. A similar meeting, of 'superintendents of the league schools was held at, Deerfield-Shields IHigh school In *Highland :Park about a month ago. Pattison Kline to Address the Civic League. This Friday An urgent invitation is extended toô Wilniette citizens to attend the monthly, luncheor n meeting of ViI- mette Civic league Friday, April 26, at which R. E. Pattison Kline wili :e, the speaker. The miieeting vvill be in the Mission roomi of MarshalField's retail store, at 12:-15 o'clock.. Reservations should be mnade promptly With, Herman 'T. Reiling, State.6246, or Wilmette 3049. \\omen are especially invited. Vie league is congratulating it scif Upon securing Mr. Kline for this ad- drcss, as he is a speaker ,of .%ide.repti- tation and in constant denland I)v varions organizations. Those wi1t) !,av-e, eard hlm i will recall thie. thrills of biis oratory. and the keen incisive- nie.s of bis logic. For this occasioli ,lie popular lecturer has éc1oscen for his subject "Forces Threatening Ainerican Political Institutions." As the titie implies, the many "ismns" niow, proinoted by radical and voiciferousý tlîcients wil! bc discussed, and no one is better equipped than Mr. Kline to bare their fallacies and -their threats ro Amnerican institutions. Hec has mnade. a deep study of this phase of political activity, and exhibits a clear insighit into whiat the results would lie shouild any one of them--becorne domi- riant iin this country. M-r, Kline is a 'Wilmnette' resident, his home being at 1311: Greenwood HOME FROM SOUTH MNrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 WVashington avenue, returned Satur- day from a ten vveek's visit in. the South, spending two -weeks ini Bir- minghiam anld, six ýweeks wiîth her, son and daughter-ini-law%,. Mr. and Mrs. Guernsey Clarke, at their home in Fairbiope, Ala., w-ho. with Col. W.. I. Clarke, nîotored down to spend a fortnighit iin- Shreveport, Miss., and San Antonio, Texas. being that full name and addre ss of the author must accompany each contribution, not necessarîly for publication, but for office reference. "Public Forum". is yours,. and yoqu are earnestly. invited to make use of it. Turn your dlock aIiead one hour upon retiring this Saturday night, for Sunday morning at 2 a. m. Daylight. Saving, time goes into effect again. If you ýfail to compfly, vôu'll wake up. Sunday morn ing one hour beh.ind schedtde. Al churches in the çommunityr will hold their services on Daylight. Saving*time this Sunday. Train service on, the Milwaukee division of the Chicago ,and North; Western..railway will be advanced an hour, except for the through trains which supply 'the minlimumf of regular service through the .north s hor e co mmu nities.-- _ The Chicago,. North Shore and Milwaukee railroad wil operate on Dayliglht Sajving time. Ré,-eiect Officers of Local Recreation Board The Wilmette Pfaygrouind and Recreation board held its annual election of officers last ,Thursday. M.\rs. Herbert J. Leach was reelec ted chair- man for another year and Daniel MN. Davis ivas reelected secretary. Theç niemibership 'of the board for the en- suing .year is the sanie as it lias been this' Sear. Hiarry C. Kinniie, whio was recently elected Village president, represents, the Village board; Dr. Percy ýB. D. Idler represents the Park board, George Leal represents the board of educàtion, and R: M,\. Johns-. ton is niember-at-large. CHECK DOG LICENSES Cloyd, C. MIcGuîre, in charge of the .Wilmette police department, an- nounces that a check is now being made of dog owners wlio have failed to take out 1935 licenses. This check wvill consists of a houise to house canvass in an effort to locate al ty hy advertising it for rent in the Classiified Columrîs of WILMETTE LIFE. Call WILMETTE 4300 Ask for A d-Taker ING.CONCERT Seven Hundred .High Sehoo l Students. Invite to Tercen. teniary Music Festival The annual spring. concert to be presented ,Saturday night of this week by the New Trier, High school music department will be that departmen t's contribu tion to New Trier's celebra-. tion of the 300th anniversary. of the founding of the first American sec- ondary school,th Boston...Latin. school. In every state of the Union, this event is being observed by public high schools and other preparatoiy schools. Expeot S5.1-out New Trier's spring concert, or spring festival, as it is sometimes called, wil be held ini the Leslie F. Gates gyninasium-auditorium, and arrangements are being zmade to ac- commodate a capacitY crowd. Tick- ets are being disposed of rapidly, and a seil-out is ini prospect. The pro- gram wili, begin at 8. o'cloçk, it is an- nouncei., Ail of the vocal and instrumentai groups participating ini the concert have had many weeks of practice and a superb performance is expýcte4. New Trier music groups in the past have won the praise of the most critical. Music loyers of the north. shore are promised that the prograrn this Saturday wilIl lve up to New Trier's reputation forý. excellence in the music field. Seven hundred students will take part. Complet. IProgram The 'comnblete roizram. as an- H4all, Brilh fmTai Crombined :y Home..- Stephen Foster ice and chorus 'roop from ......Victor Herbert s' Glee club ode <March and Chorus> iser.......... Wagner .a groutpg, gecompanied

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