Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 18

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at Nat'l Meet Henry. Fowler, president of the North. Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of America, reported at the scout executive'È seminar that the Northý Shore Trea counicil would have 110 persons representing.'it at, the Na-. tional Council Annual banquet on M ay 16. Thé meeting' is to be held this year at the Stevens hotel in Chicago, on Th'ursday and Friday, Ma"y 16,and l7, at which time delegates from ev- ery council in the nation will assem- blé to coniduct the -business of the -'national council and elect officers for the coming year.. 25,N. S. Men. ta Attend Full Time Mr. Fowier reported that 25 dele- gates would probabiy represent the North Sh ore Area, counlcil through- out the entire session. At the, banquet Thursday, evening, part of the programi will be a fifteen nt-inute international brtoaast ini co- opération with the animal meeting of the Canadian Scout association being held at the saine time. The broadcast wiIl be iii the nature of a two-way comnmunication with the Canadian association and the Boy Scouts of America. Lord Baden-PoweII ta Participate Lord Baden-Powell, founider of the Boy Scout niovemient, who is in Canada, will take. part ini that pro- Stevens hotel, the broadcast wilI be sent all over the world on an inter- national hook-up. It promises to be the greatest annual meeting that Na- tional council lias ever had. This wili hjeip to mark, the silver jubilee of the Boyý Scouts of Americà. LIST NEW SCOUTS~ New boys Who have entered the, ranks of scàuting in the North Shore Area icouncil are as foliows: EXHIRIT WINS ... The Sea Scout e,çhibit at ýWilmette's annual Boy Scout hobby show in Stolp school gym Saturday1 evening, April 20, won first place among ninie. Featured ini the exhibit were: several model.boats (one that. looked. large enough to sail in), motion pictures of the ýSt.ipe Noreaster, and, to make the pictures more than alive, 'the Nor'easter "iii person." Rer 21-foot nîast touched the ,ceil-, inig anid.,ttrac'ted ýthe visitors, to in- sp ect thoroughly. the Sea Scout ex-. hibit. BELL & HOWELL .. 1 Î14. gow comimittee thanksý J. L cNabb of Bell & Howell,' for the continuous projector that was loaued 'to the Sea Scout exhibit. - HaV- ing this added attraction, mnade the whole shioN appear quite professional. not unilike the World's fair. MONDAY, APRIL 29. Next Monday evening, April 29, the Wilinette Sea Scouts \vill he hosts to ail the Cubs, Boy, Scouts, and scouters on the north shore. The .evening wilI feature severai reels ofsound pic'tures of the l'li Tes,~ pitures have been obtaitied tlîroughi the courtesy of the U. S. Nýaval Re- serve. Semin ar Inspires N. S. Executives Clif ton G. Speer a'd George W. Bersch,. scout executive and field, executive, -respectively, of the North Shore Area counicil, attended the Northern Illinois and Sothern Wis- çconsin Scout seminar Thursday and Friday, April 18 and 19. at the Fox hotel. Elgin, Ill. A boy must be a First Class, Scout and have at least one year of service to qualify for participation in the National jamboree. The cost of the jamboree including transportation and incidentai expenses Witt be approxi- mately $50, Any parent who is anxious to have bis son-take advantage of this highly educational, and %votth- white experience should get in .touch with b is son's scPutinaster and tbrough him make coniplete. arrange- .Is u'pen w '-At' bouts Conftary to the preliminary an- nouncement that the third period at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan from j' tilv -)( to August 3 *will be open only to scouts 15 yeýars. of age and over, registrations are now acceptable from ýany scout Who wishes to attend th.at period. This is done to accommoi<da t those scouts whoare *attepding Camp_ the second. period' and w~ho are anixious to attend.th.eir holiday. to the third period. WLIH[S[DDI fl[W!i m~ - ITROOP ITEMS. TIROOP 2 At the meeting of Tiroop 2 on April 11, after %ve had playedi a fcw gaines Mrs. Sutherlanid told us about the Girl Ssout 'cookie sale. We went to our patrol corners and then dividcd into the varions classes. The sot who hiad not received their tr<wp crcsi received it and the mieeting~was closcd with "Tapis. April 18 we opened the meecting by playing a bean-bag gaine. Mrs. Sth- erland toid us about the banquet to lie given on May 9 for the Girl Scouts and their parerits and also.mnore al)Out, the cookie sale. We thei 'vent, Ill se.aich for .4sips of paper wt otir naines 0o1 theni; and also the inine of sonie spring flower. The girl. with corresponding flowers went to a. cer- taini corier-these were the nie\ pa- trols. After patrol mneeting \ve spen *,t a short tne ini our classe,;,XVe learnie( the rounid. "Tallus Candn«i," that. the girls are goiîîg to sing at-tueC baniquet., The m.eet.inig ivs closed .1With "TJaps." .1Peter Pan" stayed: after the- meeting to help) some girls pass tests. Tmto Girl Scouits passed, their'second -class signaling.-Janet Smith, scribe. TROOP3Ton3~ The last meetinof Top3ýa Noted Delegates to A ttend Region .Meet inù Chicago Alnotable gath.cring of oîeî scx- pectea to attend -the elevcnitl annufal Girl Scout con ference of thc Gicàt Lakes region, at the Palmer H Msei Chicago, May 10-1l. This regi4,n1iii. cludes Illinois, Indiana, iciandî< Wisconsin. Among the 1,000 delegates it y- cx- peck I 1 viil attend this. two-<la). c0n- ference prograi are : Nrs. Herbert Hoover, honorary vice-president, of thie Girl Scouts ; Mrs. W'illiain M. Çhes-, ter, of Milwauikee, \Vis..5 and Ms Louis Buirlingharn, of St. i. Mo.. vi1ce-presid(ents of the national organi- i7atiôn; Dr. Lilliati M: Gilbreth, conl- sultiiig engineer of Montclair. Ný. J., anti _1 rs. R. S. Bishop of Flint,. Mich.. nienllers of the national board of <Il- redtors. Thev are ail schieduled ot speak at onîe (of thie genieral seýssions, or lead ini the groip (discussions- whicli liave heen planne d fo r. tlîc coIr(enCé. .Pre sentation of the e irIScot Mariner prograni hy- Mrs. ?etr "Skipper" of the G'reat I.akes reglin. anid Olive McCormnick of Neýý NYork, City, waterfront 'safety and health âd- visor on the national staff., iii be, one of thîe highlights of the confer- ence. Girl Scout Mariners frorn Mil- waukee and Chicago wiil participate i oop 20, Winnetka' (Loren Mas- scout m aster)-William Luedeka. ,ngratulations are in order for Sboys. Their years in the Roy ts of Amnerica will be most edu- 1a and worthwhile, and eve ry ~ncewill be aninteresting ope., and niiscellaneous items. In each of the discussion groups local executives were calied upon to present short talks regarding the par- ticipation problems and their solu- tions. This made the seminar ex- tremely helIpful to, ail who attended. weeIK vve ulu abutur vervtinng îmag- Uor you nMay place your order ith inable, froin gaines to treasure hunts, Wilson or Cunninghamn bakeries,. to passing tests. The fruits of our treasure hunt wverc marshmallows which we ýweire per- the "oh's" and "ahi's" of pleasure as mitted to roast in our fireplace. Some we sat around th ie fireplace in -Per- girls did their marsi-mallows (lowf to fect bliss. a cinder but others roasted theirs a We closed our .cozy meeting with delicîfous golden brown. Then, camne "Tats."-Mary., Jane, McCue, scribe.

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