Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 14

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with Mrs. Arthuir Jenks, 54 Warwick avenue, Kenilworth. ýMr. and Mrs. john P. Oleson and th eir daugbter, Barbara, returned last Sunday from i their wintîer- home ïin Sarasota, Fia., where they had spent the past two montbs., ;thIme.t for Athlete's Foot also sore, ir.d, smelly foot Ped-A-Septic penetrattes and draws out poison and. soreness. Starts healing at the bottom of infection. Take no chances. Keep your f eet f ree fTom infection. SPECIAL 25e and 50e LYMAN PUARMACY Y.400 Linden Ave.~ I MoieqPRakCitaranie " I AM ERICAN PHYSICIANS LABORATORIJES 72Tw.Ift si re,.t in 188, a unique radio program wiiI be presented f rom 6 to 7 d'clock Cen- tral Daylight Saving Time. (5 to 6 o'ciock' Central Standard Time) Sun- day evening, April 28. The fui! ýhour presentation will be beard by many millions, of listeners throughout the country over the World's largest net- work, the nationwide cÉain of ninety- t hree . stations of the Columbia net- wvork, including: WBBM4, Chicago;, WMBD, Peoria, WOC. Davenport,> la.; KMOX. St. Louis. Mo., WSBT. South. Bend. : îd.: WHAS, Louis- ville, Ky. The- anniversary broadcast wili be of particular. interest to the1 2501000 emnpioyees of the Bell systeni. be- sýides ail users of telephone service. Ted Husing ta Be M. C. Ted Husing. ace radio reporter of îîews and special events,' will an- nouince amid serve, as , iaster of- cere- Jmlnies for the prograrn, wiîich wil. open with' four. successive long distance calîs to telephone officials at the four corners of the United States -San Diego. Calif., Eastport, Me., Bellingham. Wash., and Key West, Fia. Another interestîng feature wili be a drainatization of the tele- phone conference service, with Ted Htising anid promninent personalities hi widely separated parts of the country hooked up for a long- Modernistie glass picture f rames, ini back, Silver, white, and... 9C eami. Very special ...j Holtemon'sPhoto Shops1 1145C.reenleaf Avenue Wilmette 167fi Phon. WiImotte 3242 wilDecaing severai prommnci persons participating in the program, will tell the story of the telephone in two groups of interesting dramatiza- tions. One group wilI portray several historic events, in the. deveiopme.nt of telephone service, includinig the first telephone conversation ever ýheld- the one between Alexander Graham Bell, and' bis assistant,. Thomas A. Watson=.aid, other significant ep- isodes in the subsequent deveiopmnent of telephoile service. The other group of dramatizations. wili demon- strate the, vital part that the tele- phone piays in' modem 11if e. in such activities -as, the. tracking dowvn of crîminals, the dissemninatioli of news and the sumnmonging of hclp iin cases of emergency. IGafford to7 Speak At the close of the program. Walter S. Gifford, president of the American Telephone and Teiegraph com1pany, will be interviewed byv Edwin C. Hill. Mr. Gifford wil. discuss ques- tions of policy and tell how telephone service has been coordinated to serve. the nation with the uitniost efficiency and economy. Àndre Kostelanetz. one of the fore- most musical directors in radio, will prescrit bis fainous orchestra of fifty pieces, augrnented by a chorus, to provide the.musical background for what pronmises to be one of the vear's outstanding radio prograins. 0f those taking part in this unusuial prograin, many aré already welI known to radio audiences. Walter Sý Gifford la one of the best known business exectutives in the coun- try. He became head of the Bell Sys- tem in 1925, after a1 career whlch began as a clerk at ten dollars a week for the Western Electric company and included the directorship of the Council of N'a- tional Defense durlng the war period. He has the unique'distinction of heading the world's largest co)rporation, which bas ne*irly 700,000 stockholders. Theodore Dreiser Wili Be FAREWELL LUNCHEON Mrs. George 2H. Rigier, 706 Cum- ings avenue, Keiiwuortb, was hostess at a bridge luncheon iast Wednesdayý in honor of Mrs. C. Howard Bent who is m'ovirig away f romn Kenilworth . section ot the Chincago Daily ýNews. Mr. Brown now bias a one-man show at the Woman's Club of Wilmette, an exhibit which opened on club day last week under the sponsorship of the- art department. Pfslesses Magic Touch Every person wbo lias experimetit- ed with a. camnera long enoôugh to weep over ýhis bIanks, biurs,' overL exposuires, u nder-exposur es ai-d. stili worse photographic monstrosities wiii stand in: awe before the magic. touch of this, artist. Muchi of Mr. Brown's pbotograpby we have seen and admired .at, intervàls in the newspaper, but, neyer until viewing simultaneously sucb a grotil as the fifty-five pictures ini the preseîît ex- hibit bave 1 appreciated the uni-* forniiy high tcchnical standard this man sets for himself, bhis judgnient and taste in~ selecting subjects., bis- philosophy of the simple life. Superfine Sen sibilties Superfine sensibilities and a quick mind are required to detect ini the work-a-day world about us the pos- sibilities for beauty in such cçamera studies as, Clyde Brown produces. The swift saliboat, Blue Nose, in ac- tioni on a be.avy sweli, mnelting snows. r ising suns, breezes across grain fields, fishermen and farmers, boys; and girls, ruminating cows and honk- ing geese-al. elemental and simple things find thleir way into these pho- tographs.. *Nature. it would seirn. as weli asthe camnera. obeys the phi'tog- .raphier's directions and for hini turns on lier graîidest clond effects, her so ftest sunshine or hier stiffest winds. Actualiv there nutst' have heen daVs of patient %vatching. veeks of triai and failure. hefore the perfect resit was obtained.. et to the uninitiated eachi picture bas' the eas-e and sp)on1ý tanieity of a first effort. flnnuty In Paàteral Scenes Dy way of Ntw Orleans. Miss Janet Hughes of Aitoona, Pa. was the week-end .guest of Miss Jane Dement, 337 Abbotsiord road, Kenil- worth. Miss. Dement entertained at a bridge foursome and tea for ber. guest last Friday. You are sure fo 1ke1hs week',s special of Chocolote, Oronge and, Vanilla ..45C t. Regular 60c value (QUART> Expert Work - Reasernable Prices COFFEYS AUTO REPAUR

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