Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 68

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Coast, sent out a leter wunii ecu citizens on Saturday, stating ob- jections to the measure and advisingE the voters to vote against il. Whether orflot adoptioni of civil service will interfere with the future apitel of Cloyd C. McGuire as superintéiid- cnt of poie samoot quesion. Mr. McGuire is now in, active, charge of the police departmeflt- as assistarkt Village:, manager, 'but cannot be ap-1 pointed as its chief. until, hé has gained -legal. eligibility, which wilI. not- be unftl February 15 next. KIane Poils HigIie.t vote Harry C. Kinne was unopposed for presidelit of the ýVillage board, as, was I Nicholas P. Miller for Village -clerk. While Mr. Kinne received. the highest nuniber of. votes of any can- didate, it is'ap parent that many ýdid not give him the courtesy of a vote. He has been a trustee for two termns, and becoùhes présidenit to. succeeo4 C. P. Dubbs, who will retire when the inconing board takes office. John F. Hoffmnanii, Jr., and ,J. Hughi Fster, nomninated on the Har- niony ticket to succeed themselves as Library trustees, were unopposed, and received a large complimfefltary vote. Complete officiai returfis wil not be available until April 30. Much credit for the substantial victory is given to the woman's or- gaization, according to officers of the Harniony' convention. HEALTH CENTER I NEWS The next chest clinic will be held Monday, May 20, from 1 to 4 o'clock. Dr., Julius Novak, medical director, Chicago Tuberculosis institute, is ini charge of this Cliniç. Patients are referred to this clintic . -a.- by 0. G. 110F A~. R. TEGIH civilSu FOR AGAINST ATTS 145 Ise 144 147 146 145 38 251 244 244 240 237 245 07 7s. 75 lie 185 138 184 186 143 186 IS2 142 1»6 185 143 185 178 142 173' 17ri 137. 77 48 132 '9 47 124 n - 48 133 83 « 130 Ji 44 127 8si 3 11 147 - 80 .124 131 35 - 134 118 124 165 168 171 163 15S9 160 77 75 73 18 139 16 98 112 124 114 113 Î14 149 140 147, 145 145 43, 10 287 196. 416 152 ?,031 66 167 11!9 79. 63 1,316 Joling places in ç the Villag Election of which hie is justly ,I)rou(1, a nd . Precinct No. l_ýPoljing Place: No. i Electric place. eXce ee nyb n te olc Precinct No. 2-Polling Place: 1126 Wilmeétte ave nue. in the- counity, an official, %vho lias a Precinct No. 3-Polling Place: Byron Stolp school! ew 'ars longer service te, iî Precinct No. 4--:Polling Place: Byron Stolp school. credit. Precinct No. 5-.ýPoling Place: 419 Fourth street. Precinct No. .6-Polling Place : LaurelAvenue school. «MINrs.. Henry ,Drucker and- three of Precinct No. !7 Polling Place: Store-il3Grelafaeneher childr en, Bill,. Jane. and Bob. Precinct No. 8--Polling Place: -Store-i217 Wilmnette avenue. 11125 Mohawk road, and lier imo(ther, Precinct No. 9-Poing Place: 1443 Wthlettt1e vee Mrs. Eugene Larzer.e of D)owagiaç-. Precinct No. I(ý-Polling Place: 1222 Central avenue. Mlich., returned last week f rnin a Percict N. îiPollitig Place: Fire Station-4-29 Main street. cus oNsa.adlemd.Te Precinct No. 12-Polliflg Place: Hoffman Hall-609 Ridge road. Precinct No. 13-Polling Place: Store-S. W. cor. Lake ave. and Illinois road. spent several days Visiting i -o- Yo Ca P y alnc of 1933 TaxBill Mrs. Lloyd Crosset. «h:1o 1a bas. ln n You an ay ara c Or aea intaN w in Tucson, Ariz, with heur soti-iri-law I t ~llcto H leatWineta ow George Kingsley of Kcnilwo.rti, c I ~turned to be r home iniGnu.e Up to the close of business Tues- collector must necessarily operate N. Y., hast week. Mr. KinigsleyIm day, more than one hiundred New because it is not possible for him to gone to the West Indics for fis Trier taxpayers had paid over $14,000 have the tax .books at bis office, Mr. health. in seconld instaihiients of 1933 tax Hale urges prompt payment, in order -- bills, according to Collector Sanborn that lie may have ail the tinie possible Mrs. Fred Workman, 222Lictr Hale. in which to handle th'e accoupting road, KenilWorth, was bo:Stc,- aýt In addition, Mr. Hale reported work of the collection. All.payments luncheon hlast Tuesday and to a 1)r (1 that lie had receiyed over $5,000 in passing through bis hands must be foursomè in honor of 'Mrs. \Vi1lliani thefom o pymntsoffirt ~-posted by April 30, hie explains, and W. Wheelock, who :has just reti1rned, stalîments of general taxes and per- the great inconvenience of a ast fromn a two, months.,, sojourniii I.o- nlproperydlnulttxs minute rush of remittances should Angeles. so-six be apparent to every one. -- Thr aetwny51 axn igOP Ha. Phenomenal Recôrd Mr. and Mrs. Chaàrle.s \1. Bur to share these funds, twenty of which Mr. Hale, beginning witb thé 1924 lingamne, 812 Greenleaf avenue, en1 ltur- are in the township. Prompt pay- taxes, lias collected more than thi-tie ml ru ffinka men. o te owncolecor itiSpoit-teen million dollars. It is a record1 dininer bridge hast Saturday. cd out, makes it possible for him to __________________________ Mrs. Emma Stopka, çRN., are i u' Lv-ý&è charge. portunity offered by the collector to - receive these paymnits, whlch, ini The next Infant Welfare clinic will turn, lie delivers te the county treas- b. held Wednesdày, April 24, from urer, thereby saving the taxpayer the 2 tej 4 p. m., inconvenieflc2 of a trip to the county --building, to make such payanents. The Hlealthi Center is 'open f rom 1 As the time for the second instaîl- 9M3 a. Mw. to 4 p. m., telephone Wil.. ment collection is short, and, due to ~E. -the inconve2iiCflCC und« f wich the These youngsters (left ta right), Catherine Louck.s, Sue ElleitLOucks and Dorothy Kraseof Kenilworth, are uraiting eagerly. to *join hundredS 0f other Wilnette and Keliilworth tots in the earch for &ister eggs StidaY afternoon, April 21 iet Wasiington park on the lake front. The Easter Rgg hunt i., s>onsored by the Yagoun Mn> cubofWilmette. 178 168 167 168 164 1,630 1 . ýs, . ând.

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