traliy located. - UnUsuallY -attrive Ra.price. Ph. ,Wllmette or399 7 urn................$10 GERA- McGUIRE & ÔRR, mnc. .ir. or O-ver 40 Years of Dependabie Service. rnonth '316 Park Ave., Glencoe. Ph. Glencoe 13 ONEROOM KITCH1ýNE'rTE APART-JXCtpTIONAL VALUE- ERMS., 61%ýÎ_ùOM KM ZNE" APÂT--2.baths, garage. Good location. $70. nient. for business womnan. Excellent Wilmte eltoo.ur1 7TN SOtp location.. Phofie WiIirntteý 1075 froni .WIlmette 192. Four7t SOtrt .8-10 ai m. or 4-6 p. ni. 93LTN50-ltp RE IWT I- C FOR RENT-FURNOBSHED, OUiSES FOR aRuNTr-lNOUSES97LTýN50!Lc SELCIN FFRîSE SELECTION. BEST VALUESHMUSES., SUMMER MONTHS OR 14 rnis., 4 bs., private. beach, ty 10rn,3b&2 pchs., near lake . .$250 -95 Greenwood AVe.1 . Reduced for immed. rentai. $200 10 rins., 4 lis., secluded loc., stiy. mod. 225 1rms.', 4 bs., ec. in., stly. 'mod.... 175 10 rnis., 3-bs., $!p. pcb., sun Vch.._¶150ý G lencoe 10 rrnis., 3 lis., nly. dec., oil, nr. lake..> 150 7 rms., 1% b s.,,el. ref., nr. ail conv. 125 CAIE COD COOIL7 )ERN~ rnis., 2% bs., slp. pcb., scr. pcb., oil 125 8rrnis.,1 2 bs., Ige. lot, near lake ... 10 COLNIA 2N. ôD KR N 6: rns., 2% bs., stly. zmod., oul, eiec. 5-rnis., 1 b., slp. pch., nr. ail conv. 800 house, large lot, ,sunparlor, attractive refrlg................85ri. . .g 6 lvnroomh,,dining irooni, kitchen,,toleétrgodvlea szfunhd a d 0vtr nltf.;3lrebdons 7 rnis., 2 lis., H.A.H., o11, nr. transp 75 Other odvlealszs unse 2d tue athsy on 2nd, fi.; 3margd's roo an 7 rnis.,. 1 b., Ige. lot, nr., schools, or unfurnlsbed, 2lv. on on 2fi, 2-cr grage,'h ot wlaterd transp ....... ...........1........70B H. AR 1'Pî lav.on 3d Il 2-ar grage hotwat rnirs., 1%/2bs., 1H2.J, nly, dlec. B .B R E I ohl heat, convenientý to, school and train 2 c.ýg ................... 615 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 ........ : ............ rnis., 1 b., bung.., H.W .H., 1, C. g. ý60 .9LTN50-ltp, 6irnis., 1 b., bung., .A.H., 2 c. g. 45 COUNTRY HOME, WELL FURN. 3 545 'Monlroe St., Glenicoe 4 rms., 1 b., 2nd fir. duplex, hitd., miles west of Winnetka. 7 rnis,'ats iBEDROOMS, 4 BATHS. BE.AUTIFUL 5gas., light,2e l. dpefxg,1. ogr'45i)av. 2-car gar. 'H. W. lit. Fo1 year. modern brick Englisb bouse, baîf block 5ri. ib,*dfi.dpe,.n a 0 Option to buy. Winnetka 2834. '5 fro Soki Glf lu, 1ivng4 rnis.,'1 b.,, 2nd tir.,,nly d. t, cstove 9LTN--t frozp,$koki ~ cîu~, liing IOOm1, heat..........................30 -.98T5-t plce, kitpch, midin room i adth r-Other good values, ail sizes, furnisbed 7 RM. HOME. 4 BEDRM'ýS., LARGE YD., plne kst floor; 4 bd'soosa*2 bath or unfurn isbed. garage. Froni June 1 to Sept. 1 or 15. recretifo roo4ni o 2nd2ulÔ th 3rd orB . B R E TTo reliable party only. Phone Wil. 2715. recratin rorn n 2n flor; rd loorB.' .BAR ETT98L'PN50-lp1 has 2 bedroonis (one wit'h fireplace> 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 WATDORE --UNH US .and bath. Ideai set up for young boy'.s.9LN0~t WANTED - FRirN. HO O APT apartnient- 2-caj garage, beautiful .,rock 7T5-pWA ED-FR.HU 0 P. ,garden. Wii redecorate intenior coni- Dutch Côloiiial Brick Sniall aduit Christian family, excc. refs. Pletely and rent for $200 per Mo. or wiIli Near lake. 1 >yrs lease. 2z or 3 bedrms. seli for $32.500. 6 ROOMS, BATH AND LA%., 2-CAR 2 batbs. I Under $10. No agents. Wijn.-6 garage. Fenced-in yard, stove and netka 1745. IlTOt FRDEIC A' OOERrefrig., newly decorated. IDandy -___ 1505 Chicago Ave. Gre. 3030 neighborhood. $70. Mr. Vos.s. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICiESý 97LN501 t]3-EAUTY SHIOP ' 523REPARDRIVE, ARNILWRTl We have a sfflendid openig iii a' fille i NORTH 53SARHDOEREELORH North Shore towli Sece uls for par-, FIN HO ESKenilworth 4785 Rg'r Park 6151 ticujaars O R I EVASTONWILME E W IE.B IKMcG 'R ETos Over 40 'Vears of Dependable Service 'R 7 Ige. nms., 'extra .lav., oil ht., gar. $85. FIRST OFFERiNG 0F MOST ATTR. 530 Davis St., Evanston - Gre. 10j80 Near lake, 4 bedris., 2 baths, niaid's home, built 4 yrs. Lge. living rin., 6 IO41,TN5-tc St rn. and bath. Comnpletely 'redec- bednnis., 31/2 baths, oil ht., 2-car att. ---g- l orated. o011lit. $125.' gar. $175.'SL-OSSs kENILWORTH-WINNETKA FRED'KZ B. THOMAS & CO. PriA fr- ___ Pleasant 7 nm. borne, ou b t,,', 2-car -743 Eim 'Street' Winnetka 2850 Pie o Quick Action,~ gar, $75. 97LTNSO-ltc ATTRACTIVE. WELL 13UILT STUCCO R( 10 rins., 4 baths. a t. -a ga r.OOIL- ATWN.LAý.RGE and shingle 6 roonis (equal to 8>)and Sh attractive yard. $125.- fenced yard, 5 bedrms., 3U' baths, 2-sun rooni, 2 batbs, 3 bedroonis, upstairs Hl GLENCOE-HIGHLAND. PARK porches, 2-cgar gar. Near lake and transp. 'studio living rooin, h. w. heat, oil burner, $1, 8 rms.. 3 baths, sun rn., H. W. H, $150. automatic water beater,' 2-car garage, gaý gar. $80. g m,3btbi.c1k. ulr& W .Pcad landscaping. Terinisý. Priée $8,500. O1 Charniln.n .,3bt, rc omneMr Fle & Wm Pik d STORY AMD A HALP, 5 ROOMS A.ND ln good location. Oul ht, 2-car g. 76 Iltet nek'30 bath flrst floor (including 2 bedroonis),ý Real value. $125. 97LTN50-lte 3 bedroonis and bath upstairs, reached 52( MANY MORE ALL SIZES & PRICES 7 rnis., H. W. ht., gar. _ ....$5 without passing througb living quarters, 7 msTADst r.,ex lv. ol t. - 5 H., w. eât, 'garage. Ternis: $7,250. BAIRD T& WA NELNJ J> ' 8 nis.;FL lWott., 2car gr. . - 60 i -* - o's005l & mc. 7 ~~~~8rns., Hbrkfst. n, ex. av a. -1-60 ~hlt 017 ovnettsb 522 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON - bAN* & V1-U'NIj;x, Ic.. * 13-OFPICE&-13 522 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Greenleaf 1855 1Holycourt 1855, 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWV0RT11 Knilwort.b 4785 Rogers Park 6151. 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE ' Gencoe ý6e4 .Briargate 1855 1ILTN5O-lte Modern AMERICAN COLONIALJ GrAyr shingle, wvooded landscaped cor- ner loý. East front. Center entrance hall, with open stair;, large living roomi with exposure on three sids, brick fire-. Place; heated sùn roorn or breakfast roorn; three nice bedroorps, each, with cross ventilation; two attractive baths ý large sleeping porch. Third floor un- finished with space, for two -roorns and~ bath,* Tuw.-Car garage. Hot water. oi.i lit. Every modemr convenience., House in ex- ceptional, condition., Price $14,000.. Hlouse advertised last week. at $7,500 has been sold. Here is new listing., 8 ROOAI 2 BATH BUNGALOwNy TYPE, hot water heat, garage. $7,250. HILL AND STONE 543 Lincoîn' Ave. Winnetka 1544 EXCLUSIVE ITI, 1111 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette-13 rnis.,4 baths. Was $120,000, now $53.000. Yýou should investigate. 505 Madison St., Giencoe-7 Ige. rms., 3' niod. baths. English brick colonial. Aýttch. gar. , ,, . . 8* 1ý20,000 165 Foxdale Ave., -Winnetka-7 rns.,4 good-si.zed bedroonis, 14 baths,. east side....................11500 240 Cne St., Winnetka- Want, offer for 7 rm. mo)d. brick colonial. 4 bdrn's. Attch. gar. 609 Cumnor Rd., Kenilworth. Ideal New .England Colonial for mali family. 3 bedrms. $11,500. QUINLAN &. TYSONý\, mc. 1571 Shermian Ave. Uni. 2600 11ILTN50-1tc SOUND VALUES BRK. 9 RMS., 3 BATIS, LGE. LOT NRZ. lake, modern. Reduced to . 2y0 Stucco. 10 rms., 3 lis., ,;Ip.'pch., Sun 1p(.h., Ige. lot, 2' c. g. Exe. value .$2 1,500 Shîngle, 8 rrns., 21h bs.. slp. pech., sun ch. IIWH. Oil. Unusual value. '$14,000 Frame bungalow, good condý 1 b. East- Rer . 1 c. g. Real bargain , $8,500, Shingle Ï)ung.5 rfns., Ige. en(-. pch.. EW.12acre. Do wn payment about $1,000, bal.. $42.19 Per Mo.. Rare, bar- eain ...$7000 T'HER GOOD VALUES, AL I 1E.8 B.H. BA RNE"-T 6 Center St. Winnetka 965 11ILTN5O-ltp LIERE,'SA 1BARGAIN 45 Warwick Rd. a. mo. . _ -- - J 1 -forlz-vm o Va, Waor 4 loetldr ileubath, ____________________________ u ar g. 'ThP«î>r.ieIrtvJ .,,,at.,dî ,doo,~ " r.,st. nook, 2-ar gar- with - ~ s. u -~ v S T R IC T L Y M O D E T N fl Ol-'Ei P ') . >b $27,00i) or r-rnt. ov rh a or s. B a t f l i n saig >OOMS, 2 RATHS; R 1 Wlnetté bouse. 1% h, aths,, de-ri. 011. ffAI-jeisnWal LIAt lrirot:i ;4 Cnider Mil trade andcahMs.E )rch and lav. downstalrs. Att. - -car. galr. Near scbools. *c;raî'ly reuced. '11 1,TN 5- t1, Oppienheim, W innetka 156. 11 LTN50-.ltp Lg.H.W eat. 1039 Aéli St., NANCY LEVINSON WINNE 2 mSL. WN.u-ATi~.tJIAD'OD ~ATTATV REIECE7U L EQUIp- 97LTN50-1 tj) tiv(i !f'*w (7rm-i br1I k, att. gatr., 2 batbs, 6 n. vwbite Duicli Colonial bouse. 62- SMA BUGJOXV la. frpIv<.har,.d ililrg. Land- ft. lot, near transp. and scbool. 2 baths, Ldy~S AL forMa ocupncy Reson L5clit' (> 1 i. b . i tr.-f,ý j.J . A val - 31pâ, pocli. New itg. Easy ternis. lin- aI lon lnoe17.CONVENIENT LOCATION. PHONE iMi now. 1047 Su. or fves Mediat e occupancy. Phone owner, Win- -aLTN197 tp W lnnetka 1127. > 97L 111p I ITN 5071Iî, 'netka 1657. l11LTN47..4tp