Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 56

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1 apUt&.j £iWT&s The anniial Spring Awards cere- monies sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board were held last Thursday evening ini the Howard scbool. Daniel M. Davis, recreatinn director, was îmaster ,of ceremonies. The programn included a talk by Supt. J. R. Harper of the put.>- lic, schools and formai awards made by Frederick ýA. Lind, member of the board of education,. to school, children,, and Harry _C. Kinne, member of, the Playground board, to aduit winners. The Howard and Stolp lightwefight teams fea -tured. with a basketbali game. C-4,mmüunity singing was ýdi- rected by Miss Mabel McKav. Awards were- made as follows: SCIROOIL AWARB8 Girls' Awards' 1939 The one4.ourth of. eaeh e1ass having ea rned the highest number of points In the eMlency test program for girls~ were eligible for the &;(hont letter for. the first qeinester: Valerie Adams Eleanor Altnman, Flor- ence Altman, Hkrriet Armstrong, Lor- raine Beecheri Nancy flercaw, Barbara Bliss, Nadine Blrown. Barbara Buirge. Jean Burp¶ee, F'eggy Btler, Olive tCari- "on, Dorothy Carrlngton, Arlene Clarke, Helen Clarke, Betty Crawford, Patty Crawford, Jarie -Drucker, Marlan Ellert,, Georgia Hasklns, Lucille ifeer'ens. . Mary Jane Henderson, Evelyn flerbon,. Joan Hess, Betty Huek, Evelyn Jacob- son, Julia Janlckl, -ifarriet'Jones, Ao laide Koenen, Alice Kresge. Mary Anna LaUdrum, Martha Leah Kathleen Long, Helen Lind, Elizabeth Lonergan, Mary Maclister, Elolseé Magner, Mar- garet Meh hone, Edith Mendum. Helen Mae Meves, Betty Miller, Betty Marah. Maurine May, Dorotby MacMllan, *toaemary McKelghan, Ruth Mestilan, Jean Moreau. Florence Neukranz, Evan- geline OIson, Pat Penlck, Patricla fRog- er", Ruth Stailwood. Ruth Schelbel, f3erda Streleher, Anne Shoemaker, Jean Temple, Mari!lyn Torrey, F'ranices Wal- ser, Arlene Ward, Janet Whitehead, Jac- quellne 'WillJs,* Mary Woodbury. Boys' Awardm, 1936 Boys who earned a letter In football recelved only a strîpe In basketball1 are as follows: Heavyweights-Ed Benson, Tom Car- ney. William Cloud, Rtobert DeVlnny, Uobert Gur1tz, Tom Zaremba.. Pewee--èIarvln Harms, John Miller, Art Youngberg. ,Llghtweights-Dick AndreWs. Kimbal Brown,. Norman Craig, Barker Lingel, Diek Moreau, Dlck Penherthy, Robert Scheibl. Those who are earnlng their tIret awards this year and who recelved both alatter and a strIpe. areasar followa: April 13, tom 9 to 12 o'clock. G. W. Gathercoal of the recreation staff supervised the contest. There was a good wind, and most of *the contestants had no difficulty in procuring -the best results «from their Lkites. Trhere were box: kites, two- stick kites, tbree-stickkites, and bow kites. Warren McKenzie hadl the smallest *kite, one made of. tooth picks and tis- sue paper. It was two and one-fourth inches, high and two inches. wide. Cotton twine was used as atail and silk thread was used to hold the. kite which -flew to, a height of about twentyfeet.. The largest kite was, fiown by Ed Neal . His kite was a three-stick, 4 feet, 6 inches high, and 3 feet, 6 inches wide. Robert Shank, fiew the strongest pulling kite, a two-stick which pulled seven and one-haîf Pounds.: Ed Neal's large three-stick wvas second with a four-poul4 pull. Dave Allison's fece kite took the, flrst place in1 the novel kite class. Ail the kites entered had to be hoine made, and had to fi3' to be con- Annual Table Tennis Tourney Starts Soon The annual ping-pong or table ten- nis tournament sponsored by the Wil- mette. Playground and Recreation board will get under way early next week in the,.gymnasium of the How- ard school. On Tuesday, April,23, the. gym -wl eoen for practice and at1 Mrs. M. Buhai Is New Member of Filmi Council Mrs. M. Buhai of Winnetka joined the North Shore Better Film coijn- cil at lits recent meeting in Wilmette. Mrs.ý Buhgi represents the North Shore Congregation Israel, the thirty- cil. However, there are more than thirty-six members, for some organ- izations send two or three represen- eppet,------- v.- is' tro- .Mr's. Walter tearn of the daughter tBetsy day from a viîsît cup thit4 y"er Doering and Anti, will réturti inSt. Louis. '- ~. >taii ciiam- me was not Sfirst hàlf, ýeading 15-5. t quite find tne hoop. At, tbe start of the- second. hait, the tradling team bit its stride and the third quarter ended 20-:15. With less than a minute to play, the scor-e .as 23-24 *hen Saxton, dropped a long one, making, hi s highpoint total of ten points for the gamre and putting the Lynams ahead. 25-23. Bagneil cf the losers siipped--in a long.one and tied th e score 25-25 with twenitv seconds to Play.,Then-the Lynams cut loose with .tbe style of play.,that made thern cha m.pios-a few snappy passes and JakHeitman pushed in -theé in- ning basket, making the Lynami Tex- acos champions. and thus ending ail-, other çxciting basketball season.. Lyna.m Texnep C. Y* . fL. B. tp. IL. B. tp. G.Saxton O 1 2 F.Oelerlch 1 1 1 T,$axton 2 4 10 J. _egnelI 2 3 $ I-lrV i ô 1I f..cott 2 3 8 J.Heltman 1 3 7 B.Lynch 0 2 4 Jl.McLaln 1 3 7 T.Meter 0 1 2 FI!Heltman O O O V.Meter O O O that time entries may be made forthie tournaments. If there are sufficient eintries. there will be three eliminat ion tournaments: one in the "A" class and one in the "B" class and a tourna- ment for Wilmette grammar school boys. There will be nominal entry fee and meclals wilbte awarded the champion and the runner-tup in éach class. So bring your paddles and. halls and be at Howard school gym next Tuesday night at 7:00. SMALLINCKRODT NEWS CathOli.c High School for Girls9 in 'ilmette The members of the Honor soc iety for the third quarter* were announced in the general assembly early last week. Among those whose reports carry at Ieast one "A" and no marks below "'B"p are, the, following: ales. Miss Mary Loui nut avenue, a stu her lege, will spend h Fni- with berparents, dore J. Moreau. Easter va andi Mrs. Resources-Your Vacation Lands." The vacation problem of where to go will be solved for vîitý'ors to the exposition, it is proniised. Guides and lumberjacks from the North Woods and attendants lat the United' States FPorest Service- exhibit, the Canadian and.Minnesota exhibits and the Wisconsin and Michigan state ýex- hibits wilI be on hand to h4lp plan ideal vacations for the people at the show. Foresters wVilI, exlai.n the recre- a tional opportunities our national for- ests provide for everyon .e. They will also explain how one may lease f rom the Government for a long terni, at a nomninal annual rentaI, desirable summer home sites in anv of these national, fore sts, also -the f ree camp- ing facilities,. The important nle w changes in the -Wisconsin- fishing and game laws will be outlined at the officiaI state exhibit. Mrs. El izabeth. Hooker Taken by Death Friday >Mrs. E lizabeth Hooker died last Fridayat the home of ber son, E.JE. Hooker, 1023 Lake avenue. at the age of 74 years. Mrs. Hooker had lived ini Wilmette for the past four years. Her health had been failing for somne time. Besides- lier son, she is survived by two grandchildren, Carol Hooker, New Trier High school graduate who is now attend- ing the American Academy of Arts. and Richard Hooker, a pupil at, the Stolp schoôl;. The remains were taken' to Cincinnati, Ohio. where fuîîeral services and burial took place on Monday. HOME FOR VACATION Miss Elsabelle FitzPatrick, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Feitz!Patrick, 1524'l.ake avenue, will be home Thurs- day to spend her spring 7Vacation witl, her, parents. She is a freshman at St,, Marv"'s college, Notre Dame, Ind. She is bringing friends to stay witlî ber who are not able to go home for the holidays. nas retea ner homne to the George W. Putnams, 116 Sixth st>reet. -0- Mrs. George Kibby, 835 Lakc, ave- nue, was hostess to ber luncheon and, and 'bridge club last Tuesday. j: tf pum

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