Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 1

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PWA> Winnetka aùdý Glencoe Officiais A Submit'Proposition .to Local Admitistrator- The long anticipated grade separation projeet :conteînplat- .ing *track elevation. froni Eývanb- ton nOrth toa point inthé,'iint "o \iliow street, NVinne tka, and Iraqk depresýsion thence north té Hf-1ghland Park, lias been subrnit- -ted to the local, boardof the Pub- lic WVorks Adniiniist ration with the. request that it be financed as a PW project. Twenty- six dangerous grade crossiiigs would be eliiInnatedý by the ïimprovenient; electrifica- ui of the steain road affected would be mnade possible, and thiîowsands of mien wvould be given cnipIoyinîeîit.ni the work. t'\Q*itl %,6r' Ilfages and railroad lÎhia j%,ie beeni working on the Project iùr b1neral years, aîua the vil- lages a- fem ycars -igo conipleted their proo for the cnecessity oi the, projçct * before t'le Illiinois .omn'iierce com- Thrîe request for' the inclusion of this longk chcrishcid ,niorth shore. im- proveenieit as a MWA project has just beenl submitt ed by. Village Managers H-. '*L. Woolhiser, of Winnietka, and *-George R<. Younig of- Glencoe. Post Office Here The Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce has forwrardced to the Procure- ment division of the United States, Post.Office depariment a :request for additional Ch anges in the specifica- tions for the new WMinette post ojce building now under- construction. A number of changes hadl previously been submùitted, but no. information, is as, yet available as to the position of the, departmnent. Among the, important changes sug- geste d is ,a. better grade of face brick,, and a diff erent method ýof lay- în1g. It- is desired to have. a brick that wilIl harmonize in color: and texture with the terra cotta trim. A more modern type of lighting fixture is. suggested. for the lobby, with ornamental plaster on ceiling around the'fixtures. The fixtures spe- cified is said to be inexpensive and not at ail orante. Re-eleet Three to School Board Posts The election on Saturday for presi- dent and members of the Wilmette board of education attracted an un- usually large- number of interested citizens, and the voting proceeded throughout the afternoon in spirited fashion. The regularly nominated candidates Were successful, ail being elected to succeed themselvesi: Mrs J., D. Kinnear, who entered the race for board member as an independent. polled a sizable vote, but feli short of winning a place on the board. The officia! report of the ballôting follows: For ýpresident-Henry, E. Cutier. 445. For members-:Mrs. Lois Finney, 339; George. E. Leal, .403; Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, 177. John B. Rushmore, 'l. For township school trustee-J. Edward Maass, 223. -Iarmony Candidates Win; Civil Service Is Approved R Chrches Cali to Easter ServicesI Wilmette's several churches ar e prepainglt greet large Easter season, audiencesthis SunÏday. Spe- cial services have been arranged for both ad uits and children, with joyoug Easter music featuring the worship. Union Good Friday services are to be. held in St.: Augustines Episcopal church,' contiuing from 12 o'clock, no1on, until 3 o'clock, in whi&Ùý4_riôus, Protestant churches At these servicesthere will be seven 15-minute, addresses, each. i nterspersed with hymns and prayers. The addresses wiIl have as their subject the "Seven Say- ings of Christ on the Cross."- Those attending will be at liberty to cone* and go as they wish, spe- cial opportunity being given at the end of each address for those who must leave. Clergyme~n participating in these services will be Dr. Hubert Carle- ton, rector of St. Augustine's; the Rev. James T. Venekiasen of the First Presbyterian church; the Rev. David R. Kabele of the Wjl- mette English Lutheran church; Dr. George D. Allison of the Wil- mette Baptist church; Dr. John G. Hindley of the First Congrega- tional chuirch, and Rev. FrancisI J. Tromp of St. Augustine.'s church. Detailéd information regardinig Good Friday and Easter'observ- ances in the various churches will be found on page 12 of this issue. Ticket- Headed by. Harry C. Kinne Favored by Citizens'; Balloting Light At, Tuesday's Village election Wil- mette joined her neighbor villages to the north in expressing,ý thrgugh the election of the complete "New Har- niôny Party" ticket, a desire to choose oôfficiais in a neighborly. spirit rather t 'han through partisan contests.1 T'he campaign, U 1nusUally quiet ini the pre-election days, developed a hot fightý at the pýolis, and it was any- body'S vic tory- until the last vote was counted.ý Final resuits showed a Majority of something over 300 for, the Harrnony candidates. M~iler PoJ. f14 Vote Harry W. Miller, closing his 22nd year as Village treasurer, was the. special target of the opposing,. «In- dependeiit" party. It is. said that the candidacy of BéÎnard S. Black against Mr. Miller was, in'fact, the inspiration for the Independent ticket, petiiipns of nomination for wliich were filed on the last filing date. Mr. Miller rau ahead of bis ticket, his count being 2308 against 1570 for Mr. Black, who trailed his ticket. Mm. Miller's majority beiug 738. An analysis of the returuis ly*pre- cincts shows a light vote in the east side precincts, although they are ail counted in the Uarmony columu. As was.expected, some of the west side precincts show a majority for the In- dependents. That .Pamty camried the 9th, l2th an~d l3th, while the 8th, lUth anid llth w'ent to the Harmony ticket. The, east side precincts are the lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth,, 6th, and 7th.- On another page appears a tabulation showing the vote by precincts. Favor Civil Sevvic. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY! Sec pages 12, 13 and 16 .or announcements of Eas. ter.,services i.n Wilrnette.,and Kenilworth ,churches. .N ..w..... .. JrUDlic r orum ...... Society Ps«es 40-47 ýof that new "Ema Rat.- Call WILMETT4 4eý. This lovely frieze with the bases of the great ribs, already in place. are the only parts of the whole dome to be cast on the spot. All other sections were cast at the J.'J. Farley- la t in Rosyln Va. near WasbhWono d s iPPO by mito WiIr4,*týO-

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