Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 46

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Charity Style Show, ,and, Bridge Apr. 10 The, Kenilworth. Center of the *Chicago Infant Welfare, Society held its fourth annual benefit fashion show alid bridge tea on Wednesday, April 10, at- the Kenilworth. club. With ýan .'at- tendance of '400 people it proved fo be a great success. Eighty-five tables- were .set up, and each, had a prize for: some one who choseý a gif t frorn a large assortment of things donated by shops along the horth shore. Mrs.',Leslie Dunbar, social chairman, rnade announcenients fromh the stage, wvhich was decorated by painis and'potted plants loaned by, a local florist. Backstage Mrs. Dudleyv Faust wvas busy assisting models to don the right'costume at the proper time, and sending them dewn the long runway which divided the room. Among the models were Mrs. Ed- mudMcGibbon and Mrs. Harry Stone, who re-cently joined the group: Mrs. Walter Glass, Miss Elizabeth Baer, and Mrs. Arthur King. ýThe models paraded to the sweet, soft music ' of an orchestra at one end of the hall. Refreshinents were served preced- ing the fashion show, and the grand finale came with the auctioneering of *The procecds of ýthe party are part of the Kenilworth cente'rs quota to help maintain Seward Park station at Hull House. This gr.oup was origin- ally organized in Kenilworth, but be- cause of its, rapid growth (there are now sixty members) it includes young women and young matrons from Ev- anston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Winnetka, each menber being an earnest worker. Stage Pageant of Queen~s. "Wheni Black Velvet Replaces Royal Purple," a historical pageant, will be given at the fiftieth anniversary. banquet of the Illinois Woman's Press association, at the. Lake Shore Drive hotel, May 2, at 6:-30 o'clock. Memfbers of the association will portray quenas froml the thirteeith to the twentieth century. The pageant, c r.ated .and directed' by .'Mrs.' Minna M. Schmidt, headof:, the costumnologyl departmnent of the 'University of Chicago, ivili show that when. the queens discarded the purple velvet of rank and donnedblack vel- vret, thàt, somnber color becamre syrn- bolic of triumnph -over pérsonal. sor-. row. The Illinois ans Press associ- ation claims to be the oldestorgai- zation. of womnn vriters in the, wor. One of its founders--Miss Caroline AldenHui9-is, stili active in the or- ganization. Tts constitution- was framed to admiit %vriters of all casses' and composers of nmusic; later, artists who designed illustrations for books and newspapers ýwere admitted -to, miembership. Eveti later, changes in the by-laws have enilarged the scope to admit playwrights for the stage and screen. A future change will, include radio continuity -writers. One.of the outstanding"Lvents' of 1934 was the Authors' reception and book shower through whici, 5,000 books were giveti to the Chicago puib. lic library. Among the iiorth shoru. reînbers are: Dorothy B3ell Briggs (Mrs. Har- ry D. Briggs), 324 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, composer of music; Mrs. Anita Willets Burnharn, 1407 Tower road, Winnetka, artist and author; Mrs. Elizabeth Leitzbach Fontaine .ofý Highland Park, contributor and pub- licity; Mrs. Ilelen. M. 1,Hu.tchings, Glen, Gables, Glencoe, publicity;. Elea- nor Jewett (Mrs. Godfrey Lundberg), 435 Birchi street, Winnîetka, art critic; Mrs. Anne Higginson Spicer, 312 Es- sex road, Kenilwortlh, magazine ar- ticles and poems ,\,Irs, Thalia A. Rochlitz, 215 Ha rbor sýtreût. Glencoe, contrihutor. 1Mathe% e Prancis Photo The chairnia» of the comtrnittee in charge of prizes for the spring bridge tea of Ciencoe chapter of the Doughters of. th<e Anwricawi Revoluttioi, is Mrs. Johii H. 'K. Rayviond of Giencoe. Attr-active. prizes have bec» donated for flic gala even.t Monday afterzoon, April 22, at Shokie Coimtry' clüb. ci 2 Has Booth ai' Flower Show Que of the interestîng e.-ýhibits at the Garden Club of Illinois Flower' show just ended, was the booth, enter- ed this year for the first timeý by the Chicago Plant, Flower, and Fruit guild. Large crowds gathered aroundý it. to see and know (mnany for the. first time) of the joy and cheer which can be brought to bedridden nien and women, boys and girls, .in hos- pital wards and philanthropic, and M'ake PiIgrimage in City April 29 The annual Pilgrimiage and. luncheon of the Art *serninar of the University guild takes place Mgonday, April 29. ,The Meimbers, many of w hom1 live, along the north .shore, will meet. at the Oriental, institute, .1155 East Fifty-Eighth*street (at theUni- versityof Chicago) at 10,o'clock. At. 'I,. according- to the schedule planned, the tour wilIl be at the Mu- seum of Science and Industry, Fifty- seventh street at the lake. Qne hour later. lunchieon will be -sërv"ed- t the Windermere hotel (East and West), 1642, East. Fifty-sixth street. The, George.F.. Harding collection at 4853 South Lake Park avenue will be view- ed at 2 o'clock. Froni 4 to 5, ýthe. groupwill divide into two 'Sections, one viewing the Lorado Taft studio at 6016 Ingleside avenue, the other go- ing to the modern Church of St. Thomas the Apostie, at 5472 Kimbark avenue (at the intersection i c Fifty- fifth street). Miss Clara MacGowan, assistant prof essor of art at Northwestertn uni- versity, will be the speaker at the. Oriental institute, and at the Museuni of Science and Industry, will discusý- the muraIs. The architect for the Mu- seum will also give a talk, telling of the renovatioti of the building f rom the World' s Fair of '93. A special guide will condtict the tour through the Harding collection. A priest wl1 lecture on the Stations of the Cross in the modern church. and a special guide will lecture in the Taft studio. Reservations for the touir closinýg. .Friday. night, April 26, niaybe made, Nwith Mrs. Robert E. Wilson,. Mrs.. George Koester, and Mrs. George Beecher, ail of Evautston. For Delta The Delta tion is mec at tbe chap Cross. Dur review will ing of tea. Gamma Mothers tGamma Mothiers associa- ting Thuirsday, April 25,. ýter bouse to sew for Red iiîg the afternoon a book bc, given before the serv- Dowd of Wilmette is the Seventh Mrs. Sat District director. . Kingsley thwaite is an aunt c e of'Evanston, Chi Omegjas Meet Today The Lake Shore group of Alpha Alpha of Alpha Chi Omnega will have a luncheon, and bridge party today at the home of Mrs. George Barton in Wilmet.te.

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