Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 36

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M2MDBER or C14ICAGO SUBURBAN QUALITY CR~OUP CAiCagV Officêis- îoi6-xIGSWILLOUOIUIT Tuwxzn Tcel ha ,e CENTRAL 33 55 SUBSCIPTIN:$a PER Y1LiAR SINOLECOPIES 5 CENTSm All cornmunicatione and contrib>utions' intendrd for pub!*- cation miust bcar the naine and addresz. or the uthor, no' mécessarily for. publication, but for Outii e,.SL'cIImatcfia1 must rcach the edtor by Tueday liaiu ý ;c i-î' ±nc forý thé current issue. îNext sulldà3 îsv~ h ;~stir. a,. e ligioiw cvcnt iii ai! Christndoi.In cornfôrtable, hiandsome rIur(JccL h lý cceicb'a..Pte i og out thtIc hý iï '10ril lsr"so ateiuUsh0il aci 01'.c"'e i ~~c grans. loth ist. ~ e irga~~~~' inanent c;n. ' .xrsn 'IA jj5,-uuF, f .......n,. 2 ý;I 7 D:,î-p- -uni ppoura"cac- cure havr. z"thw cŽ"est. ~Cior.ci.eï su lh off Alfe-d, curés ,- r~.r le' "'1i '.tro ejC AP .0 10 yai "e'- et tioli-a ljrimyer ir " Üri't -" . i' aism Di sertple t* ' - *' : liô sc ">'" ~ ' ;f ~ . I ca r ¾J u n l2 cn p H s e e U I Newly elected presidents and trustees sbould give this matter immediate thought, so that soe fine cf action rnay be deterniined upon as soon as they are inducted into office. It is flot a question. te be deferred. If the life of one.hurnan being can, be saved by c.ncerted actjon, that action should flot be witbhheld.: Think new!,Act premptly! While this procedure may secin harsh, a.nd in some cascs niay impose z hardship upon the owners, officiaisIhave corne to the firm conviction ihat soniething must bc done tc. break the long,- cortintied tax str-ke Pnd force payment. For this p)u-pose tFe Skarda act is the.nost Potent mstru- meni at. baudi, and flhe 'reluctaxnce of, officiails to resort'. to it shows a forbearance under tiying cir- clumstances th'at has ceased to be a virtue.« Owners o0 ïented properties5>,.,-houId flot filto recegnîze ha.officiais are not fooling in this matter, andto ~~r tim~evezas ucli rouble,and expenea possible should'make immediate arrangcmer.ts to pay their back t.axes.ý propecty owners have had a Just resent- en.aithe high figures showr £'1 theïr taýx bi!ls. ý-;c dasputec'. Taxesi have been too hlig.1, are aii1 . too hjgh. The remedy. fcr. this is, not in te- Cz2 rg t C pey aily tax at ail, t.ut in intelligent and :*~-ee adoritr, reduce the cost o! governrnenc, 1;h ~i, g be possible. 'But eveýn in this ols- <;natiîri must be), used. Local taxin'i'. i2eans tceyare ;;ýzose ai- and, are often unfaixlv ~it'ec> ~1~ espor.sibi.ty for tne size of tax ijill w; n i 1Jact t arc opci-atig" aseconôn'- ~~ty a ::~s.le:o kzep ;he .:a.-- biil.ý down. 71 csz:ther anay be, goveanna1enL :351.2soï-.1-ir -,l idto.acce!a. hs be.nefitý; withoai >ai~ ~ i .o.n i.~~ ost ;2 iot the part of -ooci VA f. fr .AUL m'.iesec, ani .10L coônineci Lo ' vka,'[naC Étr- z xcellent concert giveîa p 3'iy2veaiag, à.ybc maao à 's conc,-ïr: L ilfc 0 QvP 3 0 voc i sts it S ?okie £articipp.Led ini '.onjunciion (Cjjý.C: a.ci, aleastlf*e of aduits ii iste.ning te tue ý '-L:SL tL~1- acec( ..he iiisiatioti .",'.cago Syiiiphony, and iles, value ;*n *heiï'. rwts'cal education. -h'- 'ï,'n 7rToman s club i15 to bc highly c ' y '- i fo pferoting the i'ffair. screws will likely be put on from Washington, but we hope the tried and true 'stand their giound. Let the whole country, and the world, for that matter, know, that Illinois is not to be bought, even at New.Deal prices. They're only off ering 59-cent dollars, anyway. A womian fiyer in. Ntw Yùrk knock-ed a hysteri- cal pas;senger unconscious and brought 'ber pi-nie safeiy 40 earth. There's just n.o stopping these womnen flyers'. anything) kcep tlieir hands off wher, hng gigthcÎr. way? But ~tler peilv~. e'idangeres1, and S*ec how qA±y: " hanids on.ý A "Vox Pouper" .s )icading for - s Y': _n the forest preserý,rc onar Bever « s.Y ayi n g Liat thé expense s;J be veî'y,;'I-ý : would ,requirc 'woui, be c'ûI- des"Listen.hcre, Vox ro.>, *per. MWe hp.v-z r cilie p&th along thic nord' i-ý cil -CI sa1îtary canal, whictn ycu ii.ight' be.. ble. ro buy rzal cheap, and sÈpý,-c szP nmt *oe.Expense tijnjîngf h XVllet IS tel y'o.' SO! TIis bridie o: .'..." *~ spe-Pk is nmacles cw .~ci icost sok_~ICIre rwc_ *daysbefore wë ';2': (lu~~ to billions.* lo.. i ]f:-, . C. '" - - dzêe:i., ,how h '*'.;'i' * rc;D and IÎL is pr2(;,zully z . ooJ -îew: 7 C. ,'ihat .you ca.'do ibou t. C,'cssî,r L.cia iclLdicclos: '~ Pnd gzL the Dcmi ,c.d'1 r,2Cz .~.00s,. - a~ daP'path,z r .1 ý î" u - . - coane Leame, oc." c ington be favorec(lo,,'--. Of S.ttcý colv*à7c i' A foolish sort of wealthy widow who mwas rob- bed of quite a sum near Chicago last summier, lias spent many other thousands tryîng to catch the robbers. She bas sent one te the penitentiary, and has just caused the arrest of another. She says she wjll keep after the third until she gets iirn. That guy night as well give up right now. Tilz PHANTOM REPORTrER

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