100 iraowie,üp SPORT COATSý i Gýlori>ous ne* Pdulti.Color Plaids. Checks# Mouéoo is sj7.5o ~19" Beautifull, fine quality im- ported and domfestic f abries -in exhilaratirig mu1ti-colorr plaids, checks, monotones. Very *smart fitted swagger and blouse hack styles. Sizes for. Misses and Women. club hield last Friday night in tlit Tr i-Ship club room and the stage gyminasiun1. The awards are made on a point-systemi basis, a certain nun-. ber of points being earnped by a boy each timne lie oficiates at an. iiitra- mural ,or varsity' practice game and when he. assists in the office ofý the diector of. intramnural athletics, D. H. Showley. Phil. Frye, .,With a total of 2,448 points, wo :a chienille emblem. To be ýeligible for. this emblem. a boy must have at least 2,400 points4 to his crédit. Aý fe.lt emblemi is given to boys who, have earniedý 1,200 points and a silk tmbroidery. emblem to those who have - arncid, 600 points.- The other embleni' winners, together with the total numiber of' points collected by. each, were as follows: William1 Barnum, 2,014; Harold Hucbtner, 1,781; Bob,. Rothschild,.1,680; James Roflhscil, 1,434: John Dun- hilh, 1,492; Patil Emrick. 1',142 and Clarke Kirwani, 669.. The programi for the party included tournamients ini tab)le tennis, handball, ba sketball and f rce throming. Bob Rothisclild's team w\on firstplace. Two N. T. Senior's Admitted to Yale, Sidney Crajg-won from Thorntoi Township High school of-Harvey iii a-Big Twelve league match last Fri- day. Prof. Wayne C. Eubanks of the school of speech at Northwestern ui- v'ersity was the judgel. He ranked Néw Trieras superior. in both delivery, and *argumentation, and mentioned. Sidney -Craiig as, the .best, of the six speakers appearing onthe platform., Within t he next week a negative' team representing .New .Trie.r wil trave to.Harvey -to mèet the Thoru-ý. ton affirmative team. Coach Chester E. MacLean. states that- Frank Rand- aIMarjorie.Wood and Jack Cole- mani probably will represent New Trier. The victory over Thornton last Fn- day was considered a distinct' ac- complishment,, inasmuch as the Har- vey school won the Wheaton colege debate tournament three weeks ago and also defeated Kenosha, debate c hampion of Wisconsin, ini a tecet match. Next Tuesday,the New Trier af- firmative and negative. .teamis will. present an exhibition, debate before 1Mrs. Kathryn. Smith's public -speak- ilig .class. ~Table Tennis Stars to Play. for Titie Friday Bovs' table tennis class~ chanpoi)s j! Especiolly: for Easter! BRENTLEY Yale university. Neither of 'thé boys was required to take the customary examination given to students wish-i ing to attend the eastenn school. Both.ý McLaren and Christerson have, high scholastic rankings. They are Inem- bers of the honor soci ety, thus rank- ing in the uppen ten per cent of the, boys in the senior class. McLaren is assistant editor of the Echoes, New Trier yearbook. H1e has been active ini the Tri-Ship club. Hie is a mnember Bill C.oluty,. senior champion. and a table tennis 'star of national ranking, Will battie the sophomnore champion, Dan. Kreer. Tomn Rodman, junior- champion, will play Charles Byruini, fneshman champion.. The finals. for the school championship, are sched- uled for next Wednesday.t In the dou -bles matches C. Kinwan and T). Dally, junior champions, defeated Charles Byrum and R. Gallaglhcr, freshnian champions, 21-18, 22-20 aInd 1 anîd chainx- nu -E H*IU B HENRYC.LYTTlON & SONS Sherman and Church-EÊVANSTON Opn Saturdqy EveLmng$ Grover, are on the pnogram of the vocational association meeting. CLUB MEETS IN WILMETTE Tbe Senior Music club is meeting J Thursday afternoon of this weekl after school at the home of Eleanor Steen in Wilmet'te. CLUB HEARS ACTOR Whitfond Kane, a memiber oft. tht cast o.f "The First Legion," nlow p)lay ing gt the, Selwyn> theater in Chi-ý cago, was the spýeaker at a. meeting of' New Trier's Dnamàiatic club on, Tuesday, afternoon.