object of the club bias been to en - courage rifle firing, but a 'number ocf those present showed such a de- cided interest in pistols that it .was decided tostress the hand gun also. New officers werçeleected for the current year: Victo'r Hill, president; R. S. Hilton, secretary of the. Illinois State ,Rifle, association, vice-presi-, dent; Edward Drewes, treasurer, and ýL.-E. EkvalI, secretary.* The next meeting will*be' held on the. range, 'but the ' date is not yet flxed.. It ii hoped. that the club will, havre several rifles ready for use at that time. FRATERNITY PRESIDENT At the last regular meeting of the Chicago Alumni club -of Theta Upsiln Omega fraternity,, James J. Gather- coal, .124 Lockerbie lane, Wilmette, was elécted president. Mr. 'Gather- coal is an architect now associated with Aictis & company of Chicago, de- sgning new lobbies for many of -thefr buildings. Theta Upsilon Omega is a national fraternity - with chapters -at Illinois and Monmouth in this terr'- tory. Most of the chapters are located in the East. More crossing a street in the Indiana town. T. B. Potter, his wife and daugliter, Mrs. C. H. Slayton, drove to l\adi-, Son on Monday, ta attend the fqneral ser, icés, which were held on Tylesday afternoon. Burial took pflace at Madi- son. Besides theson*in Wilmette, MUrs., Potter is ,survived by another , s on, Herman Potter. with whom she'lived, and six grandehildren. Camp Pire NewMs. The meeting of the Junior Camp Vire Girls was held at the First Ccii- gregaLtional c-hurçh, .Wiltmettey, -on Sunday, April .14. Marjorie Ren- neckar, the président, called the meet- ing to order. The secretary's. and treasurer's reports were givený and approved,: and, new and old business .discussed. We decideci to have,a public council'fire which will be fol-+ Iowed by a, pot1uck supper. Then the meeting was turned over to our guardian, and we painted silhouettes. After an enjoyable hour 'of doing this, we- adjoùrned the meeting at 5:30 o'clock.-Valerie Adams. ilin Aaîy 0*ho r Car 1' I OUILMETTE « at ewilrnette Baptiat ohturc5Ii 1-:30 o'cloclc, Mondayj eveningk. READY.. The crew-cf Sea Scout Ship Oùi-. mette, eagrerly awaits Saturday noon, April 20, when it will move its inter- esting exhibit into the. Stolp school gmfor, Wilmette's -aniual Boy Scout hobby show." Featured in the exhibit'%v-Il be the Snipe Nor'icastler and mioion pictures :of the boat in action Iast summer. An, interesting exhibit of model boats will be on d.isplay along with nauticil instru- ments and equipment. - R. D. H. Concert Wil open Mother's Daty Fete The Boy Scout Môther's Day celebration at Dyche stadium .May 12 will open with a band concert from 3 to 3:30 o'clock precedlng the grand entry of aIl Cubs, Boy Scoutsg and Sea Scouts of the North Shore Area, tine Evanston; and the Northwest' Suburban councils whicli are cooper- ating in making tliis event an im- pressive tribute to tht mothers. A prominent speaker will give an address, and,. Cubs and scouts wili Tickets soon will be available fromn ail Cubs and Scouts. Each ticket will admit an entire famîly. Troop 22 Parents' Ne*ght Enjoyed by 85 Persons The silver jubilee of scouting 'was celebrated by approximately eighty- five' persons--members and parents of Glencoe Troup 22-at th lep<Incro. Full of In terest Vigorous consideration was given the following items by the executive, board of the North Shore Area coun- c il. at the meeting Tuesday, April 9, in scout headquarters, Highland Park: A. Aý report of the first three nonths' activities of theý current year, including -new membership .achieve- ments. Z 'Objectives as'to attendance at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan,. .3. Participation in the National jamboree. 4, Advancement projects. 5.Plans -for.,the Mother's Day celebration to be ed tDyh stadiùm May 12. 6. Outlining a general couticil pa-o- gram up to the time of eýamnP. Hlenry Fowler, president of the North Shore Area coulmcil, presided at this meeting. Nine of the eleven districts were represented. Some of the men pre.sent were: D. W. Rapp, chairman, Wilm ette district; David- C. Whitelaw, c hair- mani, council'health and-safcty coin- mittee; 1Henry K. Urion, meniber at large; Heath, Davis, assistant distr'- commissionier of Winnetka; Kenntt,.l Fox, cha 'rman, Glencoe district; Harry W.* Stanriàrd, coinîmissioner, Glencoe district; J. B. Jackson, coun- cil com.-nissioner; A. P. Snite, coun- cil finance chairruan; Sherman Ald- rich, member at large, and Clifton G. Speer, couincil scout executive. Ge-orge Hinn Appointed Assistant Camp Director George Hinn, for five years a mem- ber of the Camp Mà-Ka-Ja-Wan staff, wil.l réturn this summer in the cap acit y of assistant camp directur. Hinn, a village leader at: camp last summer, is an Eagle Scout with more than ten years of service in the PENNSYLVANIA OIL CO.ý AV SENE fEVANSTON iMr6unS83 NAVY MOVIES APRIL 29 Sea Scout Ship: Quilmette will., show sound films of the Navy, Monday evening, April 29Y at 7:30 o'clock, in the Wilmnette Baptist church. AIl north shore.scouts and scouters are invited. WILMETTE HOBBY SHOW Wilmette's annual Boy Scout, hobby show wilI be, held in Stplp school auditorium this Saturday betwveen 2. and 4, o'clock in the afternoon and at 6:30 in the evening. "Acts of Scout- ing",will.be presented at 8 o'clock.