Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 22

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Spriîg. Ties! Of ha idsome new Chen.y, siIksI In b b uf if ut-c olors end paftrns. Other fies. fromn 69C fo $10 ARROWI MITOCA Shirlt for M Whifes and fancies l broad-.~ clofk or madras.,-in superbly fâshioed shirts. C r a~ f- tached, neckband and collar- to-match styles. AUl sîzes and sleëve Iengths. Leather ci. ves - AM" 7 E.. u- seilng". ot tflms prevents hitidi~uvid- ua' rmotion-.pture theptre owner ;roin TO CONGRESS MAN' CH URCH puslied iiato the pit that holds -over using bis discrimination in the selectior. Hon. Ralph F_ Church, twenty mnillion~ hurnàr.s beggig for«a Of film1s for the patrons .residing in hiç' Washington, D. C. "bandt out." I prote5t and beseech vou vicnity I feel tbha the discontinuance. Dear Sir: to put up a rcstraining bar ag&uïst pf tne present npractices wl giv.2 the In form~er days.of.prtosperity it-was 14ikùig over tiiese zomno.-nies. If or.e: theatre owners of our, Distrrict- oppor- considered meteadrgtfobdit omaa nyhve donc wrong, Why tu",.ityý to bring, to the people, -ne fine persôns t ay aid an ,nest,.,as J spank the whcle family >of good o e y lie of picture. Ir iê rng !netitç. mach as-MaY be for the dayr vflen the ..th,-t have, kept *up the dividends that to the peope and to th.- theatre owîaer. sbaows egtben and.- the. allotted have helned- to keep us t f th &I a nindeed asdtbveyre- time -for man is neaàrititgso îhtha&re bread hEO To onc who'bas an "ear ter and to have this opportunity to give spctblunorieol ae rigt tothe grornd,"ther-e is a spirit *of aiý- Ù youm attitudc on tnis metter. 1 shahl be enjoyed. Days of &i.pression caretagCnistu, gïowing-ýan unde-.-current do everything within ray powet. tc ob- panî':s-severiul 01 them-eepasdthat is, getting strnng~riban a pple. tair favorable action, alth ugh i r s through, big business was ler aione Commients are tu be, heard :n the cor- ad-vise that .ýt this particular âiniet4' and, Mn most ca-seb, survivedwhilc pe» u er, drug stores, the seats bhndi in Cornmittec (in Tnterstate and Fireig11 sonal inçorne s were not dcplcted.. thc.tratnways und the anxiotusly word- Corn-nerce, I'ich ha? Jur-dict-on of During the past tWo years we have c akothh*bc ece ew e iebill in qtSstion,.. is rather involved', seen big business,. of various frînis, iwiidn itzn. h a t tawJr. the matte r o1th<. abiciIiyh squeczed, s',ffocated by taxes of en ,or- is' t'te imper.cding. inter.(;renewite h ing cornpany biI. It *appea;s tl.at the mous1 proportions, or snuffed out b' utuhity cornpanie3,. Editoiîýi1s, bth in Committee will not gi,",- consideration, uniust and unworkable codes. In-deortcadep>anppsad to any othec bill unt:1 it lias.disposedt contes 'v been diînanished, or en - Ipersonal letters froi correspondents of the utility bill, at le ast cç)iicltdcd tireiy -wiped out. Pc>ple, l'earing for t ospaeai tknpudls the heariiîgs on samý.- i4~~tre, wald nt tr~eî se ahiin thz d.efelise of the utili.'y cornpanies ihalgo 'ih: n los,ý-tue %at oa n tn velso a »%Vib li oth is.5 evsros atr o-Rh eI. Cui railroajs nad iess income3 and were for tlie Ios.;eý by the general public V ytuy3o.S bfzeyd'tÔ pass al divdënd2. toiclsltge r kantryfaûi Vr ttly yo.ulis,, A the aof_ Dri--c-ivers .,thia coiîse- sidei ing LiZgreat .;eple-,ion oi aur-________ qfenc hanu. ancornes diý,-irig the past two years. I.. HANKS VO)TERS u ~ .' s!: ;-,ou Io vot2 2gasitst a. 1124 Chestnut Ave. nished no g"a anourn of PIto Y3urs ver.y traly-, M> s he column s. of your pape r uaam, dLSr.Victoria A(;aýns £Parber ýto thankir ny rnany f riends yvho voted nuen1gal~ oi~ an I ~.î for .ný at the recent school e'ections. j~~~ rft1t±j .HA! J MYOP.3T J7spec1a1ly ini vi'>"- of, the fact that a ir' -' 'ý.. , Ar.~xr.ELV~staternent pritited inyour iEsueofMarch ~ id~~. .. ..~ .~ ~ 'r) lcv s_-. publishi an article 28, and wvhich was attributed t( me was ;-., ..: .- ,- _ixicg -O:roio-;st who hit mv not tru-. 1 realize that in 'the beat of Pigskin, cape', mochal Just the gloves the wei-groomed mani insisis upon wearing. New Spring shades, of course. Linen 'Kerchiefs5 3 for $1 Ali-linen handicerchiefs, SflowV * ~ .u.s. ~. ..:. ~ z "/2 '~~s£ si.ocizeci thai we lorgot par-. y* very couirteous to him and he Iirctry 5Créa: ýI t~oa grcat de-i ofitroub,.- and -1-jup- Aih.me. a delacdenLq-iea iebeaý ~VUy .îIlg ~: ~ dt.i~i'{ZZ1D f ycn ha"e space could you say Jhreacvac «ivr s SfJUL' *- s WC know- "Fritz" was Ual iau~c :10 'nR~prac 'Lscîot~';iniured uitsuffere t'~'. i~. n. ",.r" ) re th'orei shock ia nuy z~:C !:v~ ~ ~ ~ O.i -~ s bchir, talcen ca me of a nd w e I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p % il edJy. O,-,~ xc": xcovci»son u~;ia 'Miss Lola Ktirz, I ~ ~..c ît.ni5~fi ~,fi225 imette avenue. inj those rurnurs cioes flot go to the paper and ask to 'iave thern pri'itci. The staternient was -iot veri.ied byor paper beeore pripting, b)ecaisse 'it did not corne f--or the outside;ý the rnis- understanding ori-nated inside, vour paper. TEat is why I arn especiaHly happy to know there were, s o rany 'Vho hbad faith in me and in, my record as past pr?sident of the Logan-Hov.ard Parent- Teacher association, a-id the North- ridg'. Woman's club. nreent dirt*r by the. LORDS FutI Sp.ore 0- Astog noughs nisery h'ul not been accornplishcd, the gloating eye bas been cast about, greedily, trying té retrieve past ir.excusable mistakes. Now the las-t bulwark of rcspectable inanhood' and womanbood, the income from the Utility companies is to be borne clown. upon, leaving us witb our feet. hangingi over the clif of despair and praying that we, too, wil not be PROMSESSUPPORT PROMISES April 6, 1935 Mr. Carleton Washburne Supt., Winnetka Public :Schools I bave your letter of: Mardi 27th, with, regard to H. R. 6472, "Tro pro- bibit and to prevent the trade practices known as. 'compulsory' block-booking' r-acncnnawiiireceive ani Eàster basket fi lied with candy eggs. For entertainment there will be folk dancing and music. Mr. 'and Mrs. julien Collins -and their* daugbter, Chaire, returned. hast, Sunday from a two. moths' visit tg San Yrancisco and Los Angeles $2.915

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