Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 18

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They're Tzim -They Fit-,They Weaz U95 and 03.50. You'Il b. the. grand- est lady in the Kater parade. Every pair a creatlons,BlueBlack, Brown, Whte, Gray WIIDTHS AAA-C, and b&auty,, they fit and th.y wer. Try a pair-b. convinced that th.v trulv axe .A change 'was made recently ini the general science class. On Monday the. eighth grades guess the nane of a picture. The pîcture is either, a personil or an event in science. If wé know the iamfe and aý theory about it.! we get Z. certain number, of points. 'Next on the programn is the "question, box.'. We have 'decided to let the fiest four childreri ,,guéss, then' tlie secorld grôup of four, and' so on. Tuesday, Miss Stevens gives, us, an ol)ject or something to 'do with scien ce; we Write -- paragraph on it. The ten best ýpapers.get five points. Aliother. interesting event is. readitig- sciec mgznes.. -We tare allowed1 a1 certain length of 4tim,-to read thern. f we want, we may tah< about trn acticle2 we read,, and we receive points. 'rhere are other .ways. to re- ceivé' more points.-Winifred Hof- man, Hovard 8A. Stolp's Basebail Szcason Swings Into Brisk Action The basebal seasGnl is in f i1 swing al Stolp school. Several 1ýeams are usirg major league club mames.ý The, intra- mural games were slated for: after school last week. AI!, the boys' were to g-i e t'le word to repc.rt" for' the heavvwNeight, Iig1itveîgh't and peewtýe )a.seball teamns. Mr., Gathiercoal asked for vohjnteers to unipire the intra- mur'dl garneç- and the resDonse was fine. -Cliarles Kalh, Stolp IC. Howard 'Eigh th Graders. Read Humorous Poetry Inl literatinie the Howard eiehth grades arc working on reading. April' bas twenty-eight birtbdays. Some of these are, as follows: Hans Christiar. Andersen, 1805; Washing- ton Irving, 1783; William Words- worth, 1770; George Canning, .1770; Henry Clay, .1777; Thoùiàý Jefferson, 1743:ý George H. Lewes, 1817; Roger Sherman, 1721;-, 'ir.JôFn Eliot, 1592;- Henry Fiel.dinig, .1707;- William Shake- speare, Ï564>(uncertain); Oli'iv e r Cromwell , 1599; UJ. S. Grant, 1822: James Monroe, 1758.: Some df the iniportant, events arc* Construction of first railroad inthe United, States begun. 1826j Henry Hudson saile-d on third- voyage, 1 609; \VWashington elected Pcesidcnt of- the Unitedl States, 1789; President Linroin. shot. by John Wilkes. Booth. 1865;- Patil Revere made his famous ride, 1775; Bacons rebellion, 1676; Louk.iana purchase ýmade,: 1803. Ail these events. go to mhake up.the month of April.- Dick Hooker, Stolp le. P--upils Tmkle eson After Week of Vacation. Spring vacation started for the Wilmette public schools' April 1,: and the pupils returned to school Moinday, April1 8. Thc children1 spent a. very happy v2cition doing many interest- inz lhings. Some went away with their' parents visiting. Others stayed at home and mwé-t to parties '>r gave thein, themselves, went on hikes, at- are exet( Dy meLU U' II actiers 10 work liard becalise of the long vacation they have ail had-Roberta Mizeîii',, Stolp 2C. Girls Sewing Swiftly "as Style, Shûw'Draws Near Girls of'Howa*rd hav*e beenî working vcry hard on the dresses which t.hey are making. Only the eighth graders are. allowed' to make dresses. The dIressesg are hpe narleof-,fr-ice 69 DAVIS ST. EVANSTONI Cnmem rvergreen i ree visited 1-1w- ard school Priday. The Logan. and Highcrest- grades were invîited. He gavre a very enijoyable progam. He tried to teach us a fe w« new whistles.- Clifford Johnson,. Howard 7C. RECEIVE LETTER AWARDS Las.t week the boys and girls re- ceived their letter awards. The girls earned theirs by the efficiency tests. The boys earned theirs by staying after school for basketball. The awarding took place Thuirsdlay night, April Il, at 7:30 o'ciock, in, the How- ard school gymnasium. After the awarding there was a gaine of bas- ketball.-Evelyn Herbon, Stolp 2D.

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