arrange e e e e e e e e of $50 to $0 Our individuel. service puis the cash. in your hand withir. 24 ta 48 hours. Our oaons are aiso easy to repoy. A çrnall tnthly amopnt,,ex- tended over a convanient period covers everythn?,* * * 3 à6. 81 10. or up to 20 mont S. Auto,: Feurniture : Co-maker Lbans Inquire.about oir Reduced Icates Persemal Fimamo. Company 08Church Street WiIm.itt. 4042 Evanston Easter week t of thie.1-oly Col le wIhl be 'celebratfion àunion at 8. a. nM. The Women of the Assoclated iGuilcIs are holding' a pre-Easte.r sale this' Sàt- urday ln the Parish Flouse nflt do6r' to the Postoffice, froni 9 to 2. Foods of* many. varieties, ,Easter plante.. gitts, aprona r nd other attractive articles, cai.dies and Easter egg baskets. Thle worn eri the Associated Guilds. wihl hold-a Rummage sale next Wed- ne.qday-antI Thurada,, Lpril 24 and 25, in ihe Pariali House. Parlahioners are asked to sendevery. thin'g they can, de!iverlng bundles ýIo the Parlrin House on Tuenday. Any who wish -te have their bundies callkd for itt home, should cail .Mrs. 0. B. Haley, 1434 Forest avenue, telephnr.e, Wlmete 3226, who la ln charge of tht sale. 1I he guilà ,aska the -cooperatio of-.e eveiry parishioner tc> maire tis sae a auccess. At the Children'q. Easter P'loWer 'serv- 10 Pcs. G.ulm Imp.ritil Chidoare fou' omy 79c i with S.5o ln purchae. Asgc for Punch I (Card. z0-puece set, gold or pladnum deco- I rated, 3 new ptt,:rnu. <m n an sd se idItl Boulvard DrugjStore i ath aud Central rhoue Wilmette 4zçs " m4oUI as orgaiilt. The Altàr guild, whieh la responsible for decorating. tlie cureh for Easter wilf appreclate the Joan o)f potted Illieb. Such liles ehould be left in the iPaarish House laturday miornini, with a, card c6ntaIný Ing the owner's narne, ani. be cle f^. again Sunday afternoon after 5 o'C!Ock, ýor jn Monday. Hold--Forniai Opeping of I1inoià Club April 27 Annoui,cemnents have.beený sent out to the e.-.tire memnbership cf Illinois Country club -of" the openng cinner diance t, be held at the. club Satir- day, April 27. 'Chis -big sprinig event wiIl formally open the golf and social activties for the 1935 seascn.. The entertainment, committee bas made plans for a large attenclance, as the pre-seaso'n activity at the club bas. been marked thîs 1yeai. Iinncr will be followed by a progiam cf en- tertainment and dancing. Members have been zsked to hring fheir frienti s. * Year'à Champions., *Tryouts for places on the beIýTrier High school golf .teamn wiIl be held next week, .1-13. Aram, the coachi, announces., The first Suburban league' match iswith Proviso. at, New Trier on FridàyP Maye 3. Thirèe veterans of last year's cha ni- pionsl'ip team are back 'ýpn-4Çhol Tom Gallagher, .Who is captain of the teani this seasoni, George Victor, and, Joe Fý-anco Five other reguiPrs were lost by gr'uatioà,or because of MOV- ing away from dthe township. Thesr five included Anthony Franlco, Rich- ardFlyin, Raymond fleinlich, Ch-ts- , ter Bland and AI Bohnen.. Bland, who moved to 'Rockfuord, won the Etate golf ch4mpionship lust .,ring. Undefeated i 1%034 *The New, Trier team was 'inde- feated Iast year. It won the Suburban leag¶-ie chamrionsliip, and alsc, t-e league tourx'anent e~ the close 't' f thi seas3.n. Fach school il! 'the I!eague uses, a five-nian team. Eighteen holes are playe4 ini each miatch. The Loy who whips his opponienit on the firs t nine: Mrài. Sophia L. Hubbard holesheariiÇ-apoint, for bis school. Takçen by Death Monday wýhose representative wins thielaft Mrs Sophia L Hubbard, wifpý of nine hèles. A third à),int is e.4rred Clarence MI. Hubbard, 339 Oak circle, *by each of ihe five 'boys having a diAd on Monday afternôon at the Chi- better record than bis opponient o cago Xlerorial hospîtal. Mrs. Hub- Iail eighteen holes. Thus no ind5vidual I enzefl, and ny .a sister, Et.îei Larssofl. The fineral services w-ere 'held Wed- nesday afterino"»)i at a chapel at 5203: Lake Park avenue, 'Chicago. Burial took place at.-Montrose ceri'tery." Mr. and, Mrs. Franicis ,,Rèddin (Iris Bruns) of Galesburg, Ill., spent last week-end visi tinýv Mrs. Reèdu'in's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bruns, 757 5Sesona sSpmeduleL Yew Trier's schedule for tSe season. Ancluding the league matches and matches with non-inembers of 'the*- league follows:- Friday, May 3-Provisc at New Trier. Monday, May 6-Waukegan at '"New TIrier. Wednesday, May .S-Lake Forest . it ýNew trier. (Non-league match.> Friday., May 1-New Trier.,at Oak Park. Saturday, May i1-New Trier at Mc- Hemiy, (Non-league match.)' Friday, May 17-New Trier at Morton. Monday, May..2-NwTira v anston.. e~ Tira v Wre.say a 22-Deerfield at New' Friday, May 24' - Suburban leaKue tournanÀent. Wednesday, June 5-New Trier at 'Lake Forest. (Non-league match.> COUNTRY CLUB 14 MILEs wEus 0F itoriL Eatr amyad l u Speoisi Enster Cady ovelties Up Nsr au fWILMIETTIE 11JUT ESCOoBNbc&.WIMETm35 Dr. Ho ward G. Woltou sisouwe8 a tnew OemL phone tsambe'r 1