Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 12

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Our' Eastér services wiii l1w heid atIl1 o'ciock. Thée. ninistér wijl préach thé sermon on tise thème, "The flesurrection and thé Lite" Thème wili he spécial Elaster music by thé choir. New men- bégg will- alo hé recognized. %%Ve v.ore dially Invite you, to. worshp with us. Thé musical Iprogram .for the service iell h as follows: preide, d'Eai'4er Day, Lort; anthèm, .'in the- End of thé Sabbatb," S8péaks; anth"m "Chist thé Lord là Risen Again,"'Vois; offer- tory solo, "Hosannia," Graànier, EdWard Otis;*. nthemn, "In Joséph's Love.lyGar-1 den,"' Dickinson. postlude, "Festival *1Postlude1" Buck. Miss Erma Rounds la There wll alo hé à spécial LEastesý progmrm inthe Sunda>' scisool at 9:30) o'clock, té which thé parents and friend., arp Invited. Junior cistris wili camé for the 11111e ehildren whilé théir parents are lit the church service at il o'clock. Thé Tuis club, thé high sscisjoc group of young people. wili méét ut 5 :30 o1lock. ý Rfreshmentai wW hé served. A Bible treasuré hunt on thé thème o! "lnmmortality" wvil be of interest. Al thé young people are lnvitéd to corne. T'hé Forum, thé college and post col- lège group ot yéung people. wl :ineet at 5:30 o'ciock. *. Boy Scout troop Né. 6 will meet at thé churcis Monda>' événlng.1 Théie pokes of thé Woman's societ>' will meet Tueda>' ai follows,: No. 2 for dessert lunceén . No. 5 with Mrs. W. 1 CBraun, 807 Central avenue, for 1 o'clock Iunclieo and progYran; No. 7 y, laaxs venu for dessert luncheon, at 1 Wedok;Needay evéint Ms. oC.lor inthéÉ chapéN. 1Our tpic .W.l h 'RS. Shawc200 Wooésult r eineyut, o 2,0 o oln us in h Ibis..deS. otinlhiasstn os Ouérchir wi et orvcehési Fr1-hld W eday e eén ng i 7 : t o'clok inth Girl Scout troop No. 5 will méét:at tise3 w hurt S aturda>' aftérnoon. 4 A pastoral prayer A choral response: "MAItster, We Pra Thee*l, . Yickinso: Quartet:- 'Wbere 1Hast Thou'- Lai, Hlm?", ............Ciough Leighte The sermon: "In Tune -with the 14f Eternal" Mr. lndley. The bénédiction Choral resopoflée: "Thé Lord Bless. Voi and Keep You" .... Ltk PoatludIe: dG;rand Choeur'. .....Gigou At 4, p. ni.,there will l>e a Vesper serv Ice and comm»union. Thé order of éterv ice follows: Organ .prélude- "«Old Easter Melody" ._..... Wéesl "Communion" .. I........jTorre.- Chant of invocation:. "God Bu o lved theé-World .......... ........ Stainei 4ymn, A ýduet: " Thé CrossI" ....Warf Mir. Ethel, Heide, Wishover and Miss Elisabeth Pitsch The Doxology Thé responsive reading The Gloria Patri The dedication and christening ser-ieê Quartet: ~Alt, Christ Is. Risen"- Kopolyoff Aý prayer of. thanksgivIng The Scripture. and'meditatioil Mr. HlndleY The:réception of niémbers Thé serv!oe of baptlsm Thé covenant of th.e wrch. The service of communion Hymn Bénédiction and response Postinde: "A lelula"......Dubois On Monda>', April 22, thé East End cir- ele will méet at thé church. Luncheon gi bé éérved at 12:30 o'clock. The committee ln chargé consists of Mr5,. Bertha Lut. Mrs. G. D. Upson and Mrs. aL C. Hall. Thé Nélghborhood circle will hold a, rumnmagé imale on Thursday April 25, at li41 Gréénleaf avenue. éontrlbutions wiii bé called for by télephoning Mrs. M.< 1-L McMilleni. Tel. 3293. Thé Northwest circlo. jnets with Mrs. B. p-McCurdy, 1740Washington. ave- nue, on Prliday, April e., Lunceen will be sérvéd at 12:30 o'clock. Asslsting hostessesi: Nrs. S. E. Wells, Mrs. Victor ,a* p~avto, and Mr& HIoward Davldson. Théejunior Camp Firé Girls méet, on Sunday at 3 P. nm. Scout troop No. 1 meets on Tuesday at :3M P. M. Thé Brownies (junior Girl Scout,; rnéét on Wédnesday at 3 :30 p. mi. Scout troop No. 2 méets on Wednesday" t 7:30 p. mi. Girls, choir rehéargal on Thursday at :30 P. nM. Boys' choir rehearsal on Thursda>' at Senior chcir rehéarsal on Thursda>' it F'an-p*ré-lude: "O0 Guitîless Lamb- of Go#d" : "-. .*..1 Bach u' Initrolt * "GÇod lis a Spirit"..Bennett n Anthém:I "God 80 Lovedl thé World"-1. Organ .postlud 'erest Jeaus We Trhé Good Frtday' service -wtll b. beld tomnorréw night-. April 19, at 8 o'clock ln t thé san.ctuary.ý This will hé iii thé form 8o! a musical service preéutd by our 1own chorus choir undfor thé, direction of, rMi Marie* Biel. The e oir, quartette, !Lmi asôoists *Ill aing "Olivet tocal- var> 'I"b>' Maundér. . Thiacédan tata la a 'trul>' hésutifu-and_,Inspirw. *tiona.l musical wol-k *hic présents thé incidents lu tl0:4 lasI week o!thé lifeé of Christ, !roi Palm Sunda té Good fr1- day. fi vite your frieuds. and neighbors. to share wIth you ln this Gnod. Fridayr evenin$r.service. In addition to thé can- tata Ittself, the music'for Ibis service la as foloM Organ >prélude:- "Marcis to Calvar>"' froni thé Crucifixion).... .... Stainer Introit: . :Sanctus!'.............. Gaul > Organ postludé: "0 World, 1 E'én MutUt I.ave 1¶hel».... ...Brahmus Tista Upsilon Rhio and thé Yourng1 People's . department of thé Chureh scisool will havé an Estér morning breakfast Sunda>' iorning- st 7:309 o'clock at tise church, 1 Tise Cisurch achool wlll hold Its usual 9:30 o,'.0ock session Eastér morning. Théré are classes for ail ages frorni e nursery' to thé adult department. Truman Williams Potter, one ô! thé assistant ministérs of this chus ch. ré-t ceivéd bis fiual ordinatirin as an eIder inc thé church asat Tuésday événing, Aprilt 16. Blalsép Ernest Lynn Waldorf was thé ordaIn.h>g blishop, and wasa assted 1>7 Dr. Atibré>' S. Moore and thé Bqv. Amos Thorinburg. Thé Sixtis division wifl nèet Tuesday,e April 23, at 10:30 o'clock at thé home-ofl Mrs ElorDa vîsj îMacléén avenuie,{ On Tuesday evenlng, April 23, thé Thrd division will éutertain théeFirst division at 8 o'clock at thée hurcis. Thé huasbanda of bots divisions are cordiall>' lnvited lu attend.- Thumada>', April ;25, la Division day. Thé following divisions %ill meet: First-12 :80 p. m.-Luncheon-Mrs. A. N. Page, 901 Àshland avenue. 1 choir rehéarsail Isbeld each Thursda>' .nlgbt at 8 o'clock undér tse, direction of EMisa Marié Brie). L A joint meetink of thée -*H..M. S. aind thé ý W. F.- M. S. is hein; held today0 (Thursda>'> at 2 o'clock at thé church. Dévotions: Mrs.e M. H.- BlckhamY. Spé,- icial music. Mrs. H. R. Clarké 'conter- encé corrésponding sécretar>', wtll. hé thé guést speaker. A short sketch, "Our Sunsét Members,"1 will hée presénted .,b Mrs. B, C. .Davison and Mrs. R. 3. Bur- rowR. St. John'.s Luth cran Wilméitte and Park avenues J. H_. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 630a. m.-Earjy Easte-r, service, 9:15 a.. m.-Séconýd service. 9i30O a. în.--Sun'dair hoQl and iBible clasE',os. ia. rm.-Third.sers e MEETINGS Week-day classés 'for childréaî havé béén disccntinuéd until Séptember. 'Choir reheafsal, Monday, 7:45. p. ni. Martha gutld (forfgils: émrloédhI north shore 'homes), next Thursday, 4 p. m., with suppér at 6 o'clock. Hol>' week services: Maundy Thurs- day, In German, at 8 p. m. Good Frida>', in English, at 8. p. mi Hply Coâmmion wfil be eélebrated 1lu each service, the préparatory service béginning at 1 i45. Eastér servie": An early-morn e- Ice ai 6 :30 a. m. Another s3ervice at il o'clock. Also a service in German at, 9:15 a. m. Thée.festival sermon will b. baséd on the 20th chapter of thé Gospel o! John, its subject being: "Our JyI tht Resurrectej Savior." Jyl A cordial invitation la extended to-aIl te réjoice with us ovér the blessed évents of Good Friday and E*tster. Hear wha;t il méans te you that "Christ was deiiv- ered for. our' offenses, and was ratse4' _giin for our Justification." Thé Social circle ot the Ladies', Aid society will serve an Easter lunchéon riext Thursday at 1 o'clock. English Lutheran rSeventh Bîreet at Gree nleaf 'A House o! Worehip"o Thé Rév. David R. ke-bele, pastor SUNOAY SERVICES Church scisool .. 9:45 a. m. Eaeter service. 1.... _: 00 a. mi. C.ommunion service . .... .12:00 ifflus L.uther league......... 35:30 p. ms. This evesning (Roly Thuraday'> will have a service of Holy Communion at 8 Q'clock. New mémbérs wtIl hé recélved i:"The Strifé le Palestrina Aniemn: "Sera p hic Song". Rubinsteip Mrs. Wishovér, contralto Robert Brown,. violiniat Thé Doxology Tise ;résponsfivé réadiug I Th Gloria Patin The Junior stor>' A hynIn -† †--†† † † † † † † † † † † † † †.'. '-a'. we w O~Vil un s . . . . .. ... v igain et Sn ctu i eserve tihé date of M a y' 17 for thé m e t hère at thé church a t 9 O'clock and Anthem-. banquet to hé given' 1» thé Chicago Journe>' forth togethér. Sessions begin "Spring Burste Toda>"'..Thompson Mthodiat Social union tho thé Board o! at 10 a. mi., 1< P. m., dinner at 6:45 p. rp. "'Eastér Litanyl'. ......... Dickinson Blàhops of our eburcis. Bisisop Ernest sud èvening session at 7:30 p. mn. Din- "AI éiuia, Christ Ia Risen- Jimu Waldorf witl hé the béat. BiaIhOP neïr resérvationa are té hé made with lCépolyoff-Oaul Edwin Ilt' Hughes la thé active héad Mrs. J. H. Uépp. Wllmette s organ poalluide: "Alléla-Final". Borni of thé Board of, Blahopa. The program- ThéMaudy hurda> comunofo thé éventng will be la charge of our Béginning ud ,Arl2.thé pso jmhéMàudy Turaay cmmuionown Mr. Thomes H. West, who, as presi- will begin a.séries of sermons on theé ton service *11 l h hld this evening s.t S dent of thé Social union, will be the commandmént. W. învitenyou té atI o'clock ln the sanctuar>'. Dr. Horace G. toastmastér. tenid the sérvicèa Smith,* président of Garrétt Biblical - Attend the Nasteër service that yours Instituté an former mhinitér of tis A rummage sale 1lll h sponsored by may b. a glorlous Eatér day I w

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