Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 8

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Everytbing for .easter is on han4, and the items offered are sô varîed. and priced so economically that it. will pay eery value seeking bouse- w ife to fil the 1Easter larder bv shopping. at Winter's. Ph... WiU..t*. 420 Strawbris.FnyLouisiana, pt. ... o 5 PEAS. Fancy California. Sweet,, tender... 2 lbs. 29c NEW POTATOES. Texas, mediuni size. .4 lbs. 29c ASPARAGUS.. Select heavy stalks....fg. bchs. 37c TOM MTES. Fancy ripe..... ..basket 27c MUSHROOMS.4Buttons .,........ lb. box 29C ORLANGES. Extra-large navels ........ dozen 39C GRAPES. Mala as, South American....... lb. 19C El ~±181~t4 Id ç: GENUItNi SPItING LAMB Fore quarteru, Hlnd quarter', ............. 1-75 enft .....$3.25 ' PORK ROAST loinrt 7 VEAL CHOPS Loin .... ....b .... . 35c, Serve a DAUfVft .IL *F~u~~uf uu~m George:JIR Rigler, 706 Cummnings. avenue, -Kenilwortb, was elected a m~emb er: of the boardi to fil a vacancy. *Both Mr.. Andersen and Mr. Rigler received 54- votes. The light vote mas 'attributed to the fact tbat there -W.s :.no oppôsition. ticket' Thet1.two men elected, to tbe. board ba.d, the. end6isement.*of'the: Kenilwarth * Citizents *. Adisory committeec. Hold- over members ý,of the. bGard. ar"e Arthur. W. Wakeley, presidenit, Mrs. Leon. T.. Ellis,. Harry J. Wiliiams, John Nuveen and Mrs. ýG. W. Vataght. Your Easter Frock May- Bring You Luck Will Ilt BçYou Or 'Marie Caither, 1318 Forest 'Ave., whko wins 9 new dress ýfor your rues$ Of the nhumber ci penniesin our wndowl, So far Miss Gaither's gpets Is most neariy correct, but you still have a chance. *Friday and Saturday But, you'I think you're in Iuck anyway, vvhen you see the eplendid selectiun of Easy to Sho> in * Pr@ducts Ph.... Wilmette .44Z.4242423 h i 'I and malte yque-selecfion. the Heart of Wilitette HERMAN J., 'RATrNýY Fiorisfs andtLoadscape Service ' 199 WImette Avenue * OUO.B. w J * Ceuf relia ~i4. C.mtral Avenu. wi~m.tt. Phono ýW.Ime$te 325* the Village -of Wilmett.e to is'sû'a permit 'for the improv.emeilt consti- tutes an unreaso *iable- restrictiotn of the property, and the 'Village 'inust now issue the permit. The case: was, Iost by the.-Village iii he lower courts,. and the litigatiàný how cornes to a close. -In its deci in the court said: "Here the 'Village. sawi the. -necessit y for a change ?4in classification .(in, 1923) and-noob jection was interposed thercto. Iý rézoiîe.d ail that property to 'B Coin- merdiai' district, later (Wi 1932)re strictinig the use. of'the lots in ques- tion. The ev idence S 'hows a ch anging condition . .fully warranting the change tG 'B commuercial', but- the eviderce does. not show çoi.ition-z warrailting the amendme't, restr ct- iing the use of the lots. aIr-ady- zone (à for commercial purposes so as to ex- clude-garages andi filling sta*i 'on." In commenting on the case, whicri was brought by the Stàte Bank & 'rust company of Evanston, the Chi- cago Regional Planning 'commission stated: diSeveral -lessons may. be Ieartied from this case. A last min- te amendment, to thwart a spccific application is. generally flot good. policy; otfcia!s should, know before-. hand what uses, are1 pet mitteil and if the ord inance. ca.-ries out the zoniilg plan. If certain types of business uises (garages and fiiling stations ifi this c~ase) are to be excluled froinia business district, the restrict;on should appear, reasonable in the ligbt of local conditions." Make Arrangements for Old Settiers' Reunion. Officers of Wilmnette's Old Settler's -nrganization- ,will meet tonîght.ý' (Th1ursday) to make arrangemnetits for the annual meeting of the etitire organizaion in May., Stanley K. Gage, president, bas sent out another letter aqd forni to the remaining "hold-outs" am~ong the Old. Settler *S. requestiniz farnillv histories. He is !JL ul 1

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