Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 48

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Macown isuses"The. Art of the I#Ve e IareJ1uIIg onItne1V ouULIii naitfladisprd k...Dr. Neede: Tapestries at the Art Ins;titute."' north waIl at the head of the main atflndisrewok.D - stairs of the Art institute. Both tapes- . iorni B7 Clam .MacGowaj, tries are lent by French and company, The 1Rev. and Mrs. John G. Hind- of Il After the art, lover has. seen the of New York. ley and daughter, Beth, 1035 L ake cts *paisitiings, sculpture and prints of the Briefly, the one on -the south wall avenue, are spending several ciavs faii. ofiil1934 exhibition at the Art in" reveals an enchanted island which visitiing the Frank McCluresof Wil- stitute, there stili 'remains another. Armida inhabits. She Isoo'king down mette at their sunimeï oe er M treat, namely, four important tapes- upon the sleeping Rinaldo with eyes -Traverse City, Mich M r. tries including examples of'. F li which change from hate, to2 love. This. -O- GotIaic, Gobelin (L7th.century French) -change. of heacrt is further emphaL D.Ruu top 36Wric odcaif adMdm Aeia.sized. by a dagger. faling from her' KenilWorth, and Alden, Searsof Ken- to 1.)e The. Fl.emish Gothic tapestry, baiuds as Cupid shoots an arrow to ilWorth, left last Tuesday on a two, "April, Mayand Jue"aphiitl er heart. thé north wall tapestry weeks' fishing .trip near Mercer, M 2by 14 feet, which. was lent for this depicts Carlo ,and Ubaldo at the Wis stock exhibition by W. R. Hearst, is one of fo0untains of laughter on their quest ---er h the four made ;in B.russels between to free Rinaldo.from the foils of Arý-,Ifr. and Mrs. .W.Pake, '935 ktst1 150~5 and 15 10. It is -said, to have the mida. Both of these themnes are tak- Michigan avenue, spent the week- distinction ofbeing part of the ecar- en frorn "Jérusalemi Delivered" 'by end at Delafield, Wis., viitn teiChc l iest complete set ofý tapestrie.s the Italian writer, Tasso . 1544-1595). sc' soiwoistttn ing t John Mel * known, in which. the. mont hs are rep- In color. the former is dominated by Militar academy.)n rekented in symnbolic, f orn. This prac- greens which. are* contrasted with - * tice of symbolk, interpretation was, pale blues, yellows, and creanis; the Dr. and Mrs. Vine 1.a Rue Smnith: 0'eea omnon nctedral latter is, similarly, - predomüinànltlY And their son, Vine. Jr., of Detroit were sculptureof the early Gothic period. green, with' pinks, creams a nd blues guests oerthe Fourth of Mr. and *Chanjning sets, interpreting the% la.- as contrasts., Mrs. F. H. Harwood, Jr. of Detroit * .bors and activities of the monaths, can -lit the extrerne eat gallerv,- on the WhrIo are sumrnerinig in Kenilworth. -266(Ce still be seen at the great cathedrals second floor of the institute. can be of Chartres, Amiens, and others. found the modemi Amenican tapestry, It is profitable to keep in mind that:~ "Summer in Maine," 51 by 64 inches. fascinating as the details of atapes- t was designed- and executed by try may be, or intriguing as the sym- Marguerite Zorach' during 1929-1932. bolism is, still it may faîl short of This charming embroidery cornes as being a work of, art. With the art Of a'harbinger of good and is a realiza- the needle, just as witlh the art. of tion of the hope so often expressed paint or stone, something far great- bv educators, social wonkers and art- s. bolism must be expressed befone the make a genuine contribution to the result can bc rated with the genuine hand craft of the wonld. *., ,U ISI 1I works of art of ail tiine. eji CI.p c- Pruants niU.d W.teThis. composition of Jewel -Iikeco As one stûdies the' piece, "April, o niitr hgtxtrsahee ____Il ou have * Iot of liftte bi May and June," there is. no question bv th s o dfee- îd f tths-let us arrange a lban whlc of the 'artist's grasp of his prQblefS. -h s fdferntknso tths.Our confidéntial lban servc With rich reds and blues and subdued cnen tefwt h aiyo on _ solid foundation" Whetik. * greens on a creani ground, he bas O M NT more, you can have if in casl created a masterpiece. Notwithstand- Theatre_ monthly repayments may b. ing the fact that there are bande- CO M N T Winnetka- rotes of Latin script, hour g asss, FRj. & SAT., JIULY 13-14- signs of the, zodiac, niythological fig- KATHARINE HEPBUR-N -.ures, win ged putti and gorgeous pat- RALPR BELLAMY P R O A ld terned effects of flowers, fruits and6, 708 Churcli Street, Evranston WiIueý leaves, still it is so orgaize ta1 ______________________ *. this tapestry preserits a unified whole.________________________________________ Certainly thère isa wealth of mean- I Garage, 2532 rand Mrs, Harry Vail and' the ner's sister, Miss Florence Vail, tay City, Mich., are guests of their in, Mrs. I3arle' D. Lyon and her ly, of 1504 Elmwood avenue. 0o ary Potter Owens, d'aughter of and Mrs, Bruce P. Owens, 714 vood avenue,' left recently fo .r i, 0-Soha at Trout Lake, XVis., egone most of the summer. rs.W. St.arrett. 221 Wood- c1avenue, Kenilworlth, entertained bridge lunciheon-cluib at Knoilwoocl Tuesday. ola-te MKolassel Reg. 65e p oumil 1'away.....b. 40c ne of our special surmmer pleces ce wiIl help put you back on a et you need $75, $100, $200 or h inside of 24 or 48 hours. And eextended fos.uif your incorne. ANC .E CO." ette 40 o Greekleal 6081 Ph'onie University 5470 SIL VER FLASH ERAUN'B5KW. ervice Stations

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