Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 1

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DIRECTOR TEN FEEI Aninounoe New Rule Applyin g to Registered,.Insured,: Sp.- ci al Delivery'Matter, Postmaster joseph E. sbantz an- nounces a new regulation by the Post- office department, effective july .9, re- latIng tùo the personal deiivery charge on registered,, insured and special de- iivery mail,, which :provides for an' ~adtoal charge 'of, 10 centsý for this Psriehereto fore rendered by the de- partment- fréee of charge. The mile applies, to mail matter,, let- ters or packages, comi n tder one oi the three classifications, to. be delivemed te the addressee only. Such' letters or packages must bear on tht lower 'Ieft hand corner the instruction, "Deliver to addressee oniy," or "Deliver to ad- dressee or his order oniy." Thus, in the case of a special deliver letter, the cost would be: R4gulaF postage,, 3 cents; special.delivemy stamp 10 ;cenits; extra for personal delivery, 10 cents, or. 23 cents, in ail. lueur ,Heavy Exp.... This regulation puts uponi tht sender the expense of personal deiivemy, which, it is iclaimed, has been a heavy financial burden to tht departnient,' due to the f act that delivemy men have often found it necessary to make several trips be- fore the addressee couid be located and, bis signature secumed. Another new regulation, effective August 1, imposes a charge equalî to the 'cost of the order, for cashing a postal moniey order by post offices other than the one on which it is drawn or the ont which issues it. For example, if, the xnoney order fee was ten cents, tht charge for cashing it wouid be 10 cents if presented for payrnent at any post office other than S. Gordon Phioto Pred M. Clar-ke, 931 Oakwood avenuie,, Wilmette, a delegate to the Convention a01fthe Nationial Real1 Est ai c board -whidh met in: Minneapolis lunte 26 f0 29, uwas kho)ored by eleci ion to the board of directors of ltat organizat ion for a three-1-car termn. $4 Beach Tickets StÛR Most Popular in VUiage Clyde O. Grater, super intendent of tht Wiimette beach, reports that U,69 season, family tickets had been soid u p to and, inciuding juiy -& It. wil be' remembered that tht Wilmette Park boar.d, which' operates the beach, instituted a two-price system this year as 'an experiment. A rate of $4 was set for tickets £oavrrina' nl Ruling Deprives Vil, of Necessary Road, .1 Invite Scout Friends to, Enjoy> Camp Life Al.parents and f riends of B~oy ,Scouts. are. urged to visit.beautiful, Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, at Spring Lake,' Wis. The North Shore Area council wiiI mun a seventh week pro- gram for thgt initerested in being at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, f romAugus t 5 to 12. For $7,' each, anyone- father, mnother, sister, brother, wif e, swetheart-or friend cari spend a full week at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, ha- ing just as1 good a time as the many ScËoutsare now en joying. Ai! kinds of activity awaits the many visitors-personal attention be- jiR' given to swiffmilng, waterf ont acti'vities, nature study, handicraft, canoeing, rowing, sailing, fishing, hiking,- .piaygrouncl activities, bal gamies and every sort of activity one, couild possàibiy desire. Here is a very inexpensive vaca-, tion with a prograni full of good times, it is pointed out. Chef Ronald W. Ross is to be the cook and baker -ask any Scout who's been to camp anid hear what he thinks of Chef Ross' cooking-it can't be beat I Transportation to Camp Ma-KaT. Ja-Wan is the same rate as for the Scouts-.$5 round trip, providing 30 people sÎi11 Up for the train. For fui! particulars cal! Highland Park 629, or write to Boy Scout head- quarters, 21 N. Sheridan road, Highland Park. -.S. Scout counci. ON 140NOIR ROLL In the list of honor roi! and honor- able mention students at New Trier High schooi for the second sexnester of the 1933-1934 turm- the nmp n Diversion of 'Gus TexFunde Cuts Wilmette9s Shmr to Approximately 100 Presidet C. P. Dubbs ýand the Vil- lage board of, trustees were thrown into confusion Monday when'notifca tion was received from Chief High- way* Engineer Ernest, Lieberman to the effect that money due the Village, froim the gas tax fund could not be used toý pair for iîmprovements to arterial streets_ or for, public benefits on road womk aimeady completed. 1 The shock was, aIl the greater be- cause,.of the fact that the last legis-. lature passed a iaw diverting ont- third of the gas tax fund from state, county and niunicipaiity for school purposes. The sum upon whlch the local officiaIs depended* for the year 1934 was $22,605.31. The divers'o reduces thi$ figure to approximatelyý, $15,070. Str..u Desiumt.d Under the law the gas tax fund couid be used for the improvement of state highways within the village, and of arterial streets, that is, streets over which traffic moves to state highways. It .was necessary for the. Village board, by resolution, to deuig- nate arterial streets and file stach designaf ionsý with the state highway department. The streets so desig- nated are as follows : No. 1-Tenth street firom the north limits of' the village to Wihnette avenue, thence southwest on Wil-. mette avrenue to Laramie avenue., No. 2--Central avenue from Sheri- dan moad to Main street. No. 3-Linden'avenue fmorn Sheri-. dan road to Prairie avenue. No. 4-Glenview road frôM WiI- mette avenue to Isabelia street ex- tended. P-anio VU&WI Jmg. i neV IIVw omcersF enAin sLI VL. -i- are: Richard M. Burnis, noble grand; 110W at their fine Woiia Doherty, vice-grand, and their beauty. Mmi HmrG. Cazel, recording secretamy. all growers of hc Tht installation will take place at the to hem office, 404 A. T. Sherman lodge hall at 8 o'clock, distribution as a it Ï0 announced. courage, further .Lnden avenue, for rt of a plan tocen- entingu. .. .... suseU. The tif ect, if this decision is to stand, is to force tht Village board to levy increased special assessments. against local property owners, to.pay for tht completed work, while xiew (Continued on Page 5)

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