Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 47

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1n pic; ic bugs: The thugs make off zvith treasure U'hile bugs rob us of. pleasutre: Thte Kiiave of Hcarts Stole those fresh tarts And rlotscd the spleen 0f his ownýt) Qioeeiz. But lier royal plight iW'as -nterely a mile Alon gsidc the fright And t/he iimpcnidinig bite. On Lt/le. Miss. Muffet llVho pcrchcd on a -tiffet Eating hcr curds and some Uwhey Mlaking her picnic hcy-hey Jlhi a, big fuzcy Spider Villainously espicd lier And. tlirilled ini lus gi.z:ard L.ike anlyIoii;ige lizard Buft canny Miss Muffet eSoon, fled front the tufffet -- nIiolIer Sad story- Not, one w/uit, of glory:- A Spider's if e spoiled Because hé uae'-foled- 117hile M1uffet,'s lufe was edged u'il& ru.st 4.nd, the -hcy* zas full., of dregs Bect use she nez'erniore could tru.st A n izig tinq ithlegs: So has ur iilüparable- ýB'sqs anLd thuitgs arc terrible: And clea u ork is uzot, con ined To !,,Illi«z(,ood, .w aeopin cd. Zooliogisis ofkeen peiceptionl, To titis fonzd.)rhiu.e nuiay take exception: Tihe spider is no bug, the,'I1 say , Whlîe. pondering this rhy.ýthiiiic Iay- Heiiiptera denotes the biùg; Arachiiida, t/te spider's muiig. l'es, let thle scicittifiç prate; Tue: rhymie is lucre at any rate- A4nd besides, the wcord, "bugel .Fits quit e .snitl g/v ith , tiiig" So after writing for. a moral, J1Uit/z science, we refuise bo quarrel. Nfankind, -it «seemis, i$ ieve r satisfied. 'Twas "nl yesterday" that people cornplained of- the drout.h. Now pic- ii ckers and bicycle riders are howling because of the rains. When tempted to coniplain, we inight do weIl to remem- ber the continuous rain performance 1;First Church of .'... d *0 *)U& sandwiched between a anid sunset. And the ni fi lied with haniburge What, no beer.? igts wouM b ýr sandwiche, -R. W. N. Nauicy,, Wilds, 244 Oxford road; Kefilworth, is-at Ephraimi, Ais. vist ing. Margaret Potterof Evanston, at the Potters' summer place., .N1rs. E. A. Kaumneytr,ý 601 Linden avenue, is, coivale scing froniafrc tured hip. PUBLIC NOTICE ii. hereby iven br PUB. LIC SERVICE COMPANY 0O'NORT]HERN ILLINOIS of tbe filin g with the Illinois Com- merce Commission on June 19,1 934, to become effective on Juily 19, 1934, of a revision of Rates AC and ACI Commercial Light and Power, Electric Service, specifying a minimum charge of flot less than $1.00 per month for custoniers having connected loads in exceas of 2 kilo- watts;, a revision of the terme and conditions under wbich Rate 1-Ice Making Service will be rendered; a revision of ,o.te Il - Large Volume Gas Service changmng ternms and con- ditions under which service will be rendered and making same effective 'until October 31, 1935; and a. revision of Rider, No. 4-Interrupt- ibl Gas Service , akinanefeffective uil October 31, 1935. Copies of said revised rates and rider are on file in the offices of the Com. mission and the -Company. Pusuc SwRiffCE COMPANdY .p wonMYNNlIInOI By JOHN iG. LEARNEFD. Vice.PýsideMiit. ADVERTISER A *These should have been de- scribed as 'Russian pleated' patent material. * W. inyite any dissatisfied eus. tom ers to retnrn the merchan. dise and receive a refuod. THE EVANSTON STORE, MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY The Bible andl Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail 'Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed the Reading Rooni. other authorized or purchased et arms full of bar gains 5ý await thrifty shoppers in these messages of OU-R ADVERTISER'S Again this week our. many advertisers present an array of bargains whichb thrifty shoppers cannot resist. Season- able items which you'll needà for výaca- tions. Things to make sunimer leisure more pleasant and enjoyable. You'll find that litérally arms full of bargains.. representing many dollars of- savingo are'yôurs if you. patronize ieu. Pro.; gressive advertisers. PAGE ADVERTISER PAGE' Milieu .Hardware . ..... Mona.reh Beer ...4.... Motors Se rvice, Tue. . .10 3Murine Co..._ . . ... . .. 84 New Trier Higi School ..... 31 North Shore Bulek Co., . ... 46 -North Shore Quallty L aundries 27 011 0f Sait..........4 011 Weil, The ........ Pabst Binee1Rbbion Beer ......41 Peacock Tee Creani.........:8 Pennsyivania 011 Co. . ... . 42 Personal Finance Coup . ..8 Playaeres ........87ý Publiec .Qervie Vo.> ....Cover 171 QuIniana Tyon .............. 36 Reuné-ecar )rug Co. . .... .... Rensch Warebouse.......... ... 46 Ridge Avenue 'Pharmaey .. .... Sclloesser!s .... .. . Spott, W'un. H ...... Cover IV Shore LMne Cleaners ............0 Shortrldge, J ................ 36 Snilthfield Foo4m 88,9 ,ard ................. Cover IV Imette Confeetlonery ......... 10 [mette Golf Club............ 83 Imette Stu.te Banui. 10, Coverl mette Theatre ........ 43 rtjus's................... The .aiphabetical listing of Our ad- vertisers below las a, weekly feature of Your Home Pýaper. Use ,tta y otr 1nying guide an.d to sat>e"y014r time in iocatini anpy de&lred ad- ùertiaing message. Ate motorSaIes ..... Art Fuirnitutre Co ....... Beach, Florêe, Vandies 49 Bice, F. A ....... 42 Bismasrck Hotel 1.....18 BIanunPbarmaey ..... . 9 lione-n, The Tailer . .. 8 Biraun Bros. 011 Co. 28, 48, Cover IV Burns Toggery......... Canadian PIacifie 1 (,.arpenter, (.Po. B. &Co -88 Central Sboe Repaîr .......S ...a.d..r..84 Chen M& ines .............I Chîctagi &_Nort.h Western R>. . .88 Clzeëkg, T.A.8 Coe, Aimer C o........1 Coltcy Auto Repbair......... Conimunlty Theatre......15, 43, 48 ('o-01, The.............-......834 Evanston Acrleniy of Fine Arts.8S E'verett's.................... Feltutait & Cul-ne........18 Flr*t. Cburch of Christ, .. 4 Lindstrom's Lock $bop . .8 LlndwaW, HIL G. . 3. 6 .1 LInat Bureau, The ...88 Lord's. ......4,.. Lynman Tharmacy .. 89 TUS PUBLIC 18 COBDIALLY INVITDD TO ATTEND ) HB CHURCH SERVCES'AND VISIT THB READING OOM01

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