Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 46

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Rm., prlv. bath, meale, 2p.s s $25 . Rm.. share bathi, neals, 2 persons '$22 wk. CHICICEN DINNERS EVERY DAY INCLUDED IN. THESE RATES Schultz Cottage Hotel Lake' Milis, Wls. Phone ý264 il 61TN1 0-1 tè FOR SALE OR RENT-LAKE.,GE-. neva-9-rm. residence-9 acres, ga- rage, stables, chieken house. Privatê water ' mystem. Owners phone WInnetka. 705. 1 6 T X - t 14UMMER CABIN NEAR MINOQUA, JUlY 22nd to August l8th. Inquire Caml)bell,.Wilmette 1490. 116A-LTN1O-1 tc AC REA GE t AMD E*STATS Ideal Country Estate NEAR WINNETKA, ON, 5 ACRES, remodeled farm house, 5 bedrms., 4 baths, S - porches, gas ht., friVit trees, stables for 5 horses. Price $20,000. Terms. LEWIS T. DODDS 1700 WIllow Rd. Wi'nnetka 111Y 124L'PNI 0-1 tc RE MA ES1TELOÀNs 3 'TO 1là.YEARS We are in a position to represent you In obtainîng Insurance Comnpany Loanrs at very low rates. SMART & GOLEE, hIn.. LOAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston University 0 283 Rogers Park 027M 127A-LTNIO-tfi- KXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE WANTED - 6 OR 7 ROOM MODERN- home i North E-vanston or Wllmette in exchange for property near Eagle River consistlng of 7 rooin bungalow built for a.l-year-round ,occupancy. .Ajao, two guest oottagsg nd 3-car gar. 33 acres 0f ground with.ÉS54ft. frontàge on beautiful làIie. 24Fine fishlng. (Grant.) McGUIRE & QRR S30 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 10.0 128LTN10-l te FOR *ALE-NOUBEHOLD 000DBR GIFT FOR MOTHER. BRAND NEW WORLD's 'FAIR mÏodel.çobinet Singer Sewing Maehiine. WIII sell at a. sacrifice. Uni. 7371. con- AN)CH] WRITE A-111, BOX $ $$ OLD CLC Will .buy. men'a ahoes, overcoats; a Bett priceu. Prc A. -MARTIN 10-ltp UNI. 03471 1 32LTN39-tfp Goldman-junk Dealer. Hlghest pricea paid for Junk, Wllmette 6417 Winnetka .3720 VIL LAGIE 0F WIL3IETTEý W IImette, Illinels Notice of Pro-rata Payinents on Sp.- :cial Asseasment Bond& and Interest Coupons Maturing Deceunher 31, 1933. Notice is .hereby given that pay- ments on Special Assessment Bonds imd .Initerest Coupons of ,th e Village of Wilmette, Illinois (Cook County), will be made. through the Wilrnette State Bank, WilmeCtte,, Illinois,,, to whom Botndsand Interest Coupons should be forwarded for collection a&id -ndorsemeniî of 'the under-noted payments: Speclal Pei-cent of Assessment Distribution No Inst Bonds Int. 141 . . . . . 9 . . . . .. . . . 1 9 . . . . . .1 153 .........9. . . . .72 .70 160. .. . .8.,.........44. 4 1 6 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0 166 . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 . . . . . . 1 5 167 .. . . 7 .. . . .85 .. .. . 100 174 .. .. .. .......... 10 177 7 . . . . . 18 _. 178.. .. . .6 ........ ..10 .. .. ..10. 1 186.... . .6 .. ....... 67 7 19 ..6 .ý. 5...._2..40 1910..6....... . ..010 192,... .. .6 .. .. .. .15.. .. . .15 .19. . . . . . 3 0 . k . 30 194 .........6 .. . .. .5 _ _ _.. ..- 196 ........ 6..... ...... _.. . 50 197 .... .... .6 ... .. ..20., _20 .9. .. .. 6 ...... ....45 . . 50 20 . . . . . . . . .6. 2 . . . . . 3 202. . .,6...... ..35 . .. 35 203 ....... ..6. .. . . .25 .. . . . 1 205 . . . . . . . . ........4 1 . 50: 207 9 ... . .7..........- 208 .. ...- 208... . 1 0 . .. . . 210..:5... 20 20 211 . . 5 . ... 20 . 25 2M ... .. .4 . . 146 20 215 5. ..-25 . ..35 217 .... 40 . 85 221 .... .... .510- 222_ . . . 10 10 2 2 3 . . . . . . _ . 2 5 . . . . . . 228 ......-23 . . 5 229 .. . ..... .. ... ..6 . . . . . - 230 .. : -50 231:. 521- 25 232 _....... .a5 .10 - 234 , ., 5 .15.. .. ..40 5pecial Percent of Assessment 1Jistr.u)utiin No mt Bonds tnt. 1 . . . . . . . îO . . . 1 . 148 ........ 7 ... ... .5 149. .. ..... 7......... 1,.. .... . 2( 154 ........ ..8....... .-.25* . .. . 20 1 5 6 . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . .. .51 0 .1.7......... 6......... »0. . . ... 2 17 .......... 6.........2 .... .20 1....... ..6.......... 150 ... .. . . .10 176. -....... 6....*... *..10....... . .20 1078.:..... .. S........ 10. ......... 1 12205.........5 4...........91 2227 ......... : . ... . . 10 - .. .. 22 . . ............s 232.. .. .. ...........120 1 227 ....... ..4 ....... ..1 . ... 10 232.......... 3 ..........250..15.. 251 .......... 3 ..... 255 ...... .325 . .. . .40 HARRY W. MILLER, Treas. Village of Wilmhette, Ills. Ju y 1, 1934. VILLAGE 0F, WILMETTE Wilmette, Illinois Notice of Ipro-rtta payments on Spè. clal, Assessement Bonds ..maturing, De- cember.3lst, 1934. Notice is ereby given tha.t Funda are aNvallable for distribution on Special As- sfissment Bonds of the Village of Wil- muette, Ilinois, (Cook Côunty). Paynient *wil» be made through the Wilmette State Bank, Wilmette, Ilinois, to whom bonde should be~ forwarded for collection a.nd endorsements of under-noted payments; As. these bonds arenot due until De- cember 3lst, 1934. the hùlder in accept.- ing payment in full or in part as noted bëlow agrees to allow credit for the un- earned interest on such payment froin, date of payment to De4cember 31st, 1934. On ail bonds being paid in fullilnterest accrulng to date of payment wlll be made and such interest coupons should be sent in for collection wlth the bond. Spectal . Percent of Assessunent Distribution No met Bonds 141... . .10 _ _.. .. .......... 56 142 _.......10.. ... ....... . 5 148 ... . ... 9 .. 40 149 . ... ..9 . . .. .45 150.... ..10.100 151........10 _ 100 152 _. .. . 10 .1.. 1 5 3 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 3 154 .........10 .... 50 15 . .. . .9 ........... ....... 88 U5 .. .. ..9.... ..... _ ........ 4 12 . _... .......... , . . . . 38 160 ..... ..8... ............ .. 30 1 7 1 .. . . .. . ..8. . 3 5 . 174,. 8. 25 175 .. . . .8 . 15 176.9 28 177 8R, 58 178.. . . .7 ,20 184. 8 1 8 5 . . . . .7 . . . . . . .0 1 8 6 . 7 . . . . . . . . . 0 1 8 6 . 75 0 187 .. .. .. 750 1 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 191 7A . 2 2 6 . . . . .. 20 2 2 76 .. . .. . . .. . .45 2.28. .6. .. . . . . . . . 5 0 229 6 . . . .45 230 .. . ...... .. .. .. .. 65' 231 6... . .. . .. . 25 2 31 2 . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . 5 0 ; 2 3. . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . .. . .. . 3 5 2 34..... ... 6 ... .. .. . .. . . o0 235...... .. 6........... ...... 9 236........6., .......... ...... 100 237. . . .............. à..... .. . 50 238. .. ...~. 6.. ............ 5 241.*.,..... .6 ...... 40 242- -.. ..6:... ............... 45 243 ......... 6 ....... 244 . . ... ......-6 252. ... .. . 5. . . . . 23 253 . 516 254 ........ 5-...50 2565 .... . 5.... . ..... 24 256 ......... 5.....4 257 ........ . .. .10.io 259 ..... ..5 : . . . . . . . . 50 262. 5..... .. 263 . . 5 . . . . . . . ... 5 264 5 .... ...25- 2 6 5 .4 . . . . . . . . . 5 266 . . . . . 4 ... . 14 267:.. 4 40 268 4 ..... le 269 3 . .. .20 270 . . . 3. . . . . 20 271 - .. 3 .. . . . .. . . . 6 0 272 - 3, 22 273 31 .1 40 2 7 6 . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . 7 A 277 .. .. .. 3 .. . ...... .. .. . 0 285 .2 . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 57848.. ........ .. ..... .... 35 622.57... 'H 1 -18 H . W . MT , R. re . Village of Wilmette. Mrs, Robert Belt of Highland Park- entertaitied her sewing club for lunch- eon last Wednesday. Most of the menibers are from Kenilworth. Q Mrs. Sanger Brown, 2228 Beech- wood aVenue, will entertain-a dozep kuests for luncheon and bridge Sat- urday at Indian Hill club. Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage 'Warébouse Offers secùrity Efficiency Responsibility With Its Moving, Packing imm HLPNDERSON side car, good Winnetka'2748.., 10 to 60 miles an hour in 21 seconde - 15 miles p" gallon NORTH SHORE BUICK CO.,,Inc. 1030-33 Dada Street Ettablisbed 110 S. First Street Evaustèn les# ý HighImd Park L ring December 31, 1930

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