Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 44

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Deadlsne for Insertios-ela8slnedavrtiuentwill b. av WILIEETTE LIIFIC or ail three papers; Vedneaday 9 p. ). toy WiNNBT"C TALK and Thursdgy 5à P. I. for GLUINCOENEWmu. Tepbna:Wlmtt400 Wiietka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 atter i P. M.> 0r w l t 48 r S el rkM31-3 7 LOS? ANu POUMD LOST-MANS BLACIK WALLET CON- tainn about $23' in cash. *Bet ween 9th St. and, the ýVillage of Wilmiette. Phone Wilmnette 1800. . 3LTN1l4o-ltp LO0ST---TORTOISE SHELL ANýGORkA kitten, ChIlds pet, fromn 730 9th St., Wmete, Tuesda3, A.. M. Joanne Cl lyer. 3LT'N1o-lte BUSINESWoMAN DESIRES TO Ac- 1company motorists drlvlng to, Syra- cuse or Watertown,, N. Y., leavlng, JuIy 22nd. ,Share epne xchangé ,rfes. Ph., Wllmette 1508. 4LTN1O-lt> PlINE HUTCH AND 6 LEG DROP leaf tables, corner -cupboard, dt-sks, dr'esses, épirnibg wIeels, old qjuilts and ýcoverlets, Windsor andi Hitchock bannis- ter back and Chippendale chairs. MARY ANN DICKE, 808 Washington. 1 bik. S. Main at Sherman,. Evanston. 7LTN1O-ltc BUILDING AND CONTRACTINQ CEMENT CONTRACTOR Ail kinda of cernent and brick work Leaky basements repalred JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Àve. Wilmette 2618 15LTiN1O-4tp *USINflSS SERVICE. Plastering and Stucco GEORGE A, THURSBY 1716 Highiland Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3387 16LT8-4tp Rats, Roaches, Etc. PJ.UEDELHOFFEN. EXTjERMINAT- igengineer. Ph. Wilmette 3867. 16LTN17-tfc McAKIBBAN CARPENTER, HOUSE repairs, painting, cement-plasterer, patching, screens, %porches, cablnet-work, plans, estimnates.. Wilmette 2634. 16LTN7-4tp Seasoned Firepflace Logs $7 TON, ANY LENGTH; ALSO KIN-Ç d1îni ood.nna DelUvred.E. G Ha-1 z LAUNDRY LAUNDRY TO TAXE HOME. WILL cal for arid deliver, Phone Wllmette, 4270.34LTN1-ltp 1ST PJRIZE LAlUNDRESS. WORK 0F Perfection, Cail and deliver. Reason- able, Phone Wllmette 3009. 34LTN10-ltp EXP. WHITE LAUNDRESS, WILL DO laundry work at homte or1 go out by day. Phone.Wllmette 1890. 34LTN10-îtp ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, COM- plote scientiflc massage, ultra violet and* infra 'red Iamp.. Special summer offer, 4 treatments for $5. 627 Grove St. Phono Greenleaf 1642. 38LTN7-tfp ENGLISU SETTER PUPS SELECT CIIAIPIONSHIP ]BREE1D- ing for dlscrlminating buyers. 2808 Sheridan Road, Greenleaf 2887. 44t.TN1O-ltc PONIXZS WELL BROKEN FOR CHIL- dren $35 to $50. Moxley's Rink, Dam No. 1, Wheeling, Ili. 44LTN10-lte PIANO TUNINQ Pianos Tuned & Regulated - WORK GUARANTEED Factoryv, Dealer, Accoustic Laboratory experience; good references. E. I. VAN HAILLINGEN Wilmette 1323 Wiimette Ave.' Wilinette 2744 Chlcago-4219 Lowell Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN3I-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chlck- ering. Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view. Park Ridge 699-RL. 45LTN7-4tp SEWING MACIIIN9 REPAIRING SEWING'.-MACHINES A N D V AC UM CLEANERS, ALL .kinds repaired. Established more than fifty years ago. Now located in Wil- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 53LTN29-tfc 12years' Fond .,f éet ý's *==,Ill;n OU U .Z.N laltj ýp. City and Suburban. refs.-> ren. Phorno Norinstl 6215. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS WORK bY the hour, dayor ,week. Phone Uni- 4721. 68L1-ltp EXPERIENCED COLORED MI ýwants gen. swk. Good cook. Phone' North Chicaýgo 3207, 68bTN10O-ltp EXPERIENCED COLORED MAID. :wishes general houseivoirk. 3> yrs. North Shore Reference. P hone Glencoe 73* 68LTNlOltp NURSEM4AID-EXPERIENCED. HIGH ischool education.: N. S. Refi. To staY. Phone Kenlworth 3919. 68LTNI-ltp German ' 23, 1% Yrs. former exnpl. Swedish, 32, 3 yrs. present empi. Norweglan, 26, 2 yrs. last place. German,, 33, 2%',~yrs. former empi. Finish, 30. 2 yrs. present emp. Reinhart's Empi. Agenicy 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 DOMESTIC HELP Reliable Efficient SHAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Established 20 years. ~ .Two offices in Chicago. 10 .Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Central 9800 68LTN10-lte- EXPER. COL. WOMAN WISHES work by hour or day. Steady. Refàs. Cleaning or laundry. Will, stay with children. Ph. Greenleaf 5680. 68LTNIO 1-Up EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS four days work, cleaning or laundry. Phone Greenleaf 1939. 681ÀTN10-1i-p NEW TRIER GRAD. DESIRES WORI< in store, care for children, or ste»- ography. Phonle Giencoe 555. 68LTNIO-1tp. HOUSEWORK, PLAIN COKING IN- smnall family. No laundry. By capable white woman. Wlnn refs. Phone Win- netka 471. 6SLTN10-ltp SITUATION WANTEFD-MLeý, EXPER. WHITE. CHAUFFEUR,. MAR- ried, 29,years old, reliable, good refs. Phone Sunnyside 3»29. 69LTN1O-ltp YOUNG MAN TO CLEIAN flOUSE, wash windows, gardening work, 3 or 4 tirs. per day, and 1. full day per week.2 Cali William Collins, Wilmette 3918. G a rd en e r',-C h auffàeuùrs, La -ùjdr eases, Nursemnaide, Governesses and Tutors. FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY 8 N. First St. Highland Park 2520 70LTNIO-lt(! Carlson's Empi. Agency, 804 ELM STREET ,WINNETXCA 3à28 RELIABLE HELP. NO Aildomestiepositions > NCHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 7OLTN1-tfi. A B WEL T INED COUPLE WANTS poeiltion. No Iaundry. Cail C. Wade, Unlv., 5378. 7OLTN1-ltp HELP WmItEýD-4£MALE COliPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED Wlth 900d ,referencez. Appiy in Permon. ,A"LEMPLQYMENT 'SERVICE 643 Vernon Ave. Glenicoe 251 71LTN13-tfo WANTFID: CAPABLE WHITE WO- .man to keep. house of famnily of three. Go home nlihts, North Evanston Phone Davis 1982.. 71LT10-Itp WHITE- GIRL FOR GEN HSWK. 3 children, 2 aduits. Must-be .Lood cook. Phone Glencoe 1921. 71LTNIO-Itév WH11TE MAID, SIN~GLE, BETWEEN age of 28 and 35, for gen. hswk. in aduit family. Must be good cook. Good wages. White Box 40, A-113, Wilinette, Iii. 71LTNIO-Ite PAULINE'SWILMET'TE DOMESTIC HELP POSITIONS OPEN NOW FOR EýXp. MAIDS WITH GOOD REFS. No charge for registration.. Pauline's Ernp. Agency 4th & Linden Opp. -1L1 Ter. 1 Blk. Linden Sta. N. S. bine. ILTNI(iltc GENERZAL MAID, WHITE. LIGHT wash$ng,. Sinall farnily. Go or stay nights. Refs. Phone Wilmette 154. 71LTN1O-l tc WHITIE PROTESÏtANT UNDER .10. Gen. hswk. 'Good wages paid. Com-j petent plain cook and waltress. Ref,. 4 aduilts.. Phone Wiiniette 1129. 71LTNIO-Iti) WHITE GIRL OVER 18 YEARSËiFOR general housework .and care ,of ismall child. Exper. and, references required. Phone Winn. 2584. 71LTN1O)-itp WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- work, plain cooklng, $6. Phone Winn. 3180.71LTNIe-lp Nursemaid, White, $7. Wilznette 1154' and aelnyer. el WANTED- home. Will ca -.N. S. rets. Ph 74t8I la St refs. raI £,ara-t15 COUPLE. MAN, Speclal $- an, gardener Iwfe, f ' rk. N.- S. a.ndelttY 1170 N. Wei LConver coupe, 6 W. W. d Conv. Coupe. on truck excellent condition. '5.00. YE MOTOR SALES term Ave., Laâke Forest S34., A

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