Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 42

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wick ai were 0(1u e,, Mr. ani s- Chicagolh 1 road, Wh~ i ~ WHO B _______ment for setting Up a pictùtre. Memn- arles Howard of bers lnay work with or without in- I to 66 Indian Hill struction. Once a montb the memi- bers listen to a criticism of their ____________work by an outsider or hear an art subject discussed., A4 etching press is availiable and a lounge provides ameeting place at al hours for mem- bers. Mrs. Walter Shattuck of Glencoe ýU RN entertamnéd her Kenilworth, bridge OIL KNOW, what iît means to have de pendable:DELIVERY ,SERVICE PENNSYLVANIA has 20 Trucks (which it does flot lease, but oWns)-and four large storage plants at proper points to well serve the north shore. PENNSYLVANIA delivers quality oil to customers when they need it-regardless of obstacles. You can depend on PENNSYLVANIA. PENNSYL VAN lA QIL COMPANY,. of EVANSTON. 3444 stem Westerns Wilmette 5383 T@DAY ONL.Y, THv«RS. Richerd Aldington's of Mr. X." Robert Montgomery, who portrays a thief, is also suspected of being Mr. X, the -ruthless killer; but Bob shows be has a few tricks up his sleeve. Persons especially in- terested in bis actions, are Elizabeth, Allan,, Lewis,,Stone and Ralph Forbes. *"Bottoms, Up". will provide fresh and. tuneful entertaitment at the Valencia theater Sunday and Mon- day, July 15 and 16. A logical story with a.Hollywood locale àets capable interpretation, from Spencer Tracy, Pat Paterson (a newcomer to the screen), Herbert Mundin, john Boles, Harry Green. and Sid Silvers (with some brand new comedy). Tuesday, july 17, "Haif a Situer," film version of. "Alias the Deacon." markes another. triumph for , Bert Churchhill. Joel McCrea and Sally Blane, provide the love interest, while Mickey Rooney is a fine little comedian. "Glamour," a wejlldirected 'Edna! Ferber story, cornes to the Valencia Wednesday, July 18, offering Conr stance -Cummings, Paul Lukas and Phillip Reed. Lanny Ross, ra dio's well-known tenor. makes hbis .screen debut in "Melody in Spring," an elaborately staged production wiîth Anti 'Soth-. ern and that comedy team, Charlie Ruggles and Mary Boianci, at the Valencia Thursday and Friday. July 19 and 20. Plenty of music fun andý laughter flood this film with sunsbine. PARTY TONIGHT, FRI., BAT., JULY 13-14 Doors Open Set, et 12:30 Lafe Show Seturday ROBERT MONTGOMERY Elizabeth Allen. . . Lewis Sfon. "Mystery of Mr. Xss EXTRA BOTH DAYS, MAT. ÔNI.Y CHAP. 5. "LOST JUNGLE"' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wieboldt, 243 \arwick road, Kenilwcorth, returned recently from a motor trip to Canada. Their daughter, Mrs. Walter, Strand and her children of Winnetka went up the Saranac river and met them aàt Montreal. -o- Robert King, 914 Greenwood ave 'nue, who graduated f rom Dartmouth in june and who left inimediately,,after com- mencement on an extended canoe trip *with Laurence Herman of Highland Park, is returning to Wilmette this Sunday. lu p;~ > P.4> esà Ok l aj *33 Siierunan Av.. Show Set. et i10:30

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