Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 40

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r 'V t£y u~fU&t-r-e Sonie itteresting findings concern- ing single and married peoples' rec- reations are shown by the resuits of a questionnaire sent out by theN- tional .Recreation association irom, NwYork to- ail recreation en -r1n the country. The following, excerpts are froth an article by Gwendoline Keene written for the Boston Trani- script, whicb records the resu!t-f tbe questionnaire: W..lth Of Iftfoýrxaio "The section concerning our likes and dislikes according, to age, se\, and matrimonial status is perbaps the Most fascintating informative of, al the sections in the questionnaire. Age findings aren't s0 spectacular; yonsters in-their early tmenties do more. than twice as many. things as wben they reach forty-five; they find the mioney for. commercial, amuse- ments,- too. As we. grow. older wve shun the allurements of the world and go in for quieter f un around the heartb. Among younig people the boys are slightly more active than the girls, but by the time you are forty- five your active and potential inter- ests' are much, the saine, whether you are. a man or ýwomain, married or single. Most of these -interests lie at home. '"Let's se what niatrimony dots to your recreational habits. 'Single per- sons,' says the report, 'take -partin a mucb - greater number of activities, especially outside ones, than do mar- ried people.' Marriage is pretty bard on the ladies, for 'yôung rnarried women have a more restricted range of activities than any other group. (do we hear some, faint corroborative cheers?) and most of these are bomne ones Maried wmen'iùs interests in- crease, however, as they grow older, and finally catch up to tbe rest of the group. It's the bachelor who sets, the horrible example. Up. to. the age of tbirty or* so he holds the world's record for going places and doing things, then suddenly starts with- daywinz inmtn bis shell. and hy thirty- please a woman dont suggest. carnîg for pets. Motor camping,,. too, is not nientioned aînong the ladies', likes, nor, oddly enough, are card parties. iBotb sexes will join happily, -how-. ever, in most of the sports, inciuding golf. and they ,all like'to go to. the theater. Just as a side-ligt: single people report tbat they indulge in,> and enjoy, conversing; tbe rnarried nônes forget to mention it."9 SPORT AEN R Thursday, JuIy12 7 p.m. Girls piayground hall.. Y. P. C. .vs. Troubles. Village Green. 7p.m. Girts' piayground hall Brownies vs. Gym Class., Village Green.' 7 p. m. Girls' playgrouind bail. TNT %-S Unknowns. Village Green. Friday, Jaly 13 7p.nm. Men's playground bail. "EFasy". pitching league: WVinlbrg Drugs vs. Y. P. C. Village Green. 7p.m;. Men's playground ball. "Eýasy" pitcbing league. C. S. vs. Herr, Hand Laundry. Village Green. 7 p. M. Me's pl1ay gr o un d baîl. ".Easy" pitching league. Elmwood Avenue Neigbbors vs. Unknowns.* Village Green. Monday, JuIy 16 7p.m. Men's' playground' bail. "Fast" pitching league. -C. W. Wel-, ter vs. B rau n Brothers Silver Flashes. Village Green. 7p.m. Men's playground ball. "Fast" pitcbin.g league. Village Cleaners vs. AIl Stars. Village Green. 7p.m. Men's playgroun.d bail., "Fast" pitching I ea g ue., North Sbho re Chevrolet .vs. ýWilmette Tailors. Village 'Green. Tuesday, JuIy 17 7 p. n. Men's pl1a yg ro u id ball. "Easy" pitching league. Winherg D r u g s vs. Methodists. Village B. Sehaefer M. Schneider F. Schrnl'tz. M. Rodenkirk R. Toqeani Brtownles (19) I; Jamnes, M. Lauer 1. Christensen Ec. Pattersoni H. McfDerniftt P. Shea * ý E. pp T-XT (17) L. Schwall B3. Bouchiklas SB. Leal B.Kreusclh. A. Wagner ;V., Marsh D. Dlttmar GIL'TEAM STANUIN 'S Won, Lost TNT .. ... Uniknownb,...............2 Troubles ................... Gym Class .... 2 3 Pet. 1.000 .750 .66 .600 .400 .000 EASY PITCING LEAGUE floffman Florigts Eluiwood Nel«hbors H. Prochnow J. Steffens S. Hoffman H. Edwards H.johnson G. Melntyre R.Brown '1H. Miller B. Udeli J. Lilnn G. Huck M. Finnigan J. Miller A. Bauer T. Hopkins. H. Peters T. Schinler T. Engels F. Petroskl R. Trautweln Unkhowus (10) C. S. (38) G. Keitb J. Hetmn il. Sterner . B. Lange R. Klein Y., Hardt S. R~eich R. Gauger E. Hennichs F. Heltman R. Leonard B. BJork H. Krafthefer . F. Petroski J. Slayton B. Gauger D. Campbel. C. Schmitt, F. Hooper W. Bal T: Austin R. Welch G. Causon H. Wihs M. Johnson W. Johnson F Phaeek S. Smiith Il. Berg N. Sniithi Rlerr H aifm Laundry (CO) H. Meyer E. Carîson F.Kaspar W. F'shuud FHomann M.. Dethoif P. Kaspar Rt. Barenbrugge H. Bal J. Heinemian mlan park iast 4rliay evening. Due to the uncertain weather, the number of entries was far. less than last vear's,. bave> a total of sixty-five pets as cotnpared to two hundred last vear. Tbe miscellaneous group was especially disappointing, having, but only' one entry,, a squirre.l. Other 3-ears have seeiri an amusing ,assort-ý ment of animais in this group, Direc- tor of Recreation- Daniel M. Davis said. and tbe. small- entry list * was unexeced. Juge or the event. were Mrs. William Holmes, 829 Liniden avenue; George E. Leal, 1719 Walnut avenue, and R., M. Jobnston. 1122. Lake avenue. Pedigree Not a Façtor Sinice pedigree, or the lack of it, was given no co nsideration in judg- ing tbe pets, the judges' task wvas a difficuit one. The foliowing points formed tbe basis of tbeir decisions.: physical condition, lack of ailments. condition of coat. skin, .face and feet. cleanliness, lack of fear of- its master, obedience to -master, appearance of happiness, ability to do tricks. Following were tbe winners of -in- bons for tbe various divisiîons: LARGE I»OGS I' . ay Treon . ata 2Ailce Meyer. Village Green 3- Salv Lyon . . Vtna 4- Jack Meyer .... .... Vattman SMALL DOGS 1. Ëobert Bush . V....... 2. flolores Schwall... Village Green .. Doris White . .......Vattrnan 4. George Leal ..... .Vattnian CATS 1. Htugo von der Hoff ......Vattmanm 2. Eugenla Cliurch .... Vatt mani 3* Florice Jones..-. . . Vattmni. 4. Junior Anderson .--. Vattinan RABBITS 1. Doree Ilammond ....... Vattnian 2. Bill Gathercoal .- Vattnian, 3. Katherine DeVinnY .. Village Green 4. Marie Coutre.... . village Green FEATHEREIJ PZTS, 1. Roseanna Meier . .Village. Green 2. JQafl:Coutre ...Village Green I. Harriette .Jones ........ Vattnmn XISCELLANEOITS 1.>Walter Schuett..... ilg Green PLAN BIKE HIKES The first of a seies of bicycle bikes was conducted by the PlaygrotindI Herr IH F. tending concerts, evenrng scuoi a" gym, and card parties. Feinine likes peculiar to wives, wlxo are re- vealed as a, pretty contented group even though a quiet, one,. include visiing and entetaining and even the despised "'pic,"ý but the . spinsters P. Winters Thutaday, July- 19 F. Pletroski 7 p. in. Girls' playground hall. Y. P.C. G. Bleser M. Knelp vs. TNT. Village Green. B. Knelp 7 p. m. Girls' P'la yg r 0u.nd bail. M. aGpiY Browniies vs. Unknowns. Village Bas rs Green. S. BranBr.() 7p. m. Girls' playgrou.nd bail. Trou- B13 el hies vs. Gym Class. Village: Green.ï E. Braun S9. Luidiger League Games-- R. *Hawklnson T. Schlnler TEAM STANDINGS R. Steffens Won Lost Pet. J. Circhinni Village Cleaners.........-7 2 .778 Wllmette Tailors ..-.....7 2 .778 Wilmette Tailors 1(3) Braun Bros. Silver Flash .5 3' .625 E. Schunette Nor'th Shore Chevrolet .. 4 .556 M. Becker C. W. 'Welter........... 2 7 .222 G._Huck Vattamn.Park (Al: -Stars) 1 8 .111

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