*The' course of instruction includes their annuaI Fourth of July 'open' wSkfo gas mask drill, gas chamiber drillil j ouse. About seventy-five orst atst.anuMs F H iprigso. identifiçation of gases and mib and te*ided for supper in the gardeti and Joliet spent 'last week visiting Nfr. CW o gsdil ievrsaftermaYds. Motion pic- and MNrs. George R. Harbaugh, 1219 438 Major \Voldenberg is presidenï of turcs wvere taken at thé party. Forest avenue. G the North Shore Reserve Officers I- ________ __________________ association and cliief of the :Hea.vy-N Chenliical Section,. Sixth Corps Area, L.S. Arm . He 'has, receitly re: .. ived his certificate of capacity f or ........ proltoit h rank of lieutenant colonel in the chenjical . arfarc serv- ice. whicli promotion will take effect 1 a t, t hie e on c lu s io n of b s 1 r s n o r.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Szyhan ski Found Dead in His Bed Room; Pauil S;ii manisk, 20 12 XVlnette avenue, a lal)orer, ' vas,,foiîid( déad ini his bed roomi at. the \Vilmiette avenue address ol .Julv 4., It is beliéved hc died of a hieart aftack. althotugli -the coroner s jury has îlot yet returned a verdlict. The inquest lias been con- tinuied unltil .Julv 19. Sz3-mianski, a, wvar veterati; was 'about 33 years old *andi was unmiarried. Fie lias a brother Ilving lit, Chicago. SzNmaniski wvas emlployed by Bernard PinikoWski. wvho p'erates a greenhouse at 2612 WVl - luiette avenuie. Ni Mr. an d Mr-,.ý William, Park, and *Miss, Niargaret Park of Montclair, N. J. left Tues.day of last week after a ivisit wvitlx the F. T. 'Steinigrabers. *737 Cumîiniigs. avenuie, Kenilworth. Jeaitette , Steingraber acconipanied.j them. to Glacier National Park. On their returîî thev wvil] again visit the Steingrabers. Mn,. Miles Scee, 705 Roger aVe- nute, Kenilworth,. will entertain lier failiy bridge club at de(ssert, lunclh- con FrdaY.' Nlr. apd l Mrs. Sceley and ýtheirsoni, Mi ckey. ýarë,e Ieving Saturday to niotor tO Glenn, Mich.. where thieY will spcnd twvo weck-s. Prudence ,Johanson, 158 Meirose avenue, KeilWàrt'h,. returned, last Thursday from Thunder Mounitain Ranch, Wis., wbere she had been the guest of Carol Buck at a house party at the Buck's sumner place. M r.' 24031 ruesda W. Stevart,' Do Your Sales Go IIOWN" Wise».tire Teimperatm're Go es VUP ? worth, left last Saturday to visit See- ley Lod.wick of -Winnetka at the Lodwicks' farm in Sedan, Iowa. Donald Buttenheinx of New York ,was the week-end guest of the Tomý Dix family, 236 Oxford, road, Kenil- worth.. phone, does areal of sell- could, get started any other way. I LU N *i S BELL TELEPESNE CS.