Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 32

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Hes Sumnmer Flower Show Tihis Saturday The summer flower show un- der auspices of the North Shore *Garden club tak es place Sat- urday of this,:week fromn 2 un-, tii 7, -at the Lake Shore Country club on 'Sheridan road at* the extreme north end of Glencoe.. Tôý it the public is,'invited. The. admission.fee is. nominal. This exhibit each. suinimer is onie of the artistic flower events on the north -Shore. Blue, red,. yellow and white ribbons are to be awarded a-,,.first, second, third. prizes and. honorable mention, respectively. Foliage arrangements in any con- tainer, White flowers arranged in any container, an arrangement of 'pe- tuniaft in container ,cf 'exhibitors choice, roses placed in a' bowl, the exhibitor's favorite living room ar- rangement, a terrace' arrangement of. potted plants, arrangement of Mies, indoor, wall-bracket arrangement, outd oor .wall-bracket arrangement, and shadow box pictures are the ten classes in the first 'section, Three classes are in the second s ection, a coffee table for four with fower arrangement, a sport luncheon table for six, and tables for nations. The third section is for children under 12, with' two classes: the first, flower arrangements. expressing any poemn or nursery rhyme; the second, <tecorated toyý floats. Section, four concerns specimen bloomis of delphiniumn, snapdragon, zinnias, verbena, saîpiglossis, scabiosa, annual larkspur, Mies, phlox druin- mondi,' Japanese iris, roses, and rare and unsual1 blooms.' Originality in the type of entry classification is shown by the Garden club whose president is Mrs. Jacob Weinberg of' Hig4land Park. -on the 'day cve: which1 ening oît ths weeic uer hou lance floor. Satur- man of uer is scheduled,' at D. L. be given out. Midi. The Mary Crane league board, in a recent meeting, decided upon its prograin for the ensuing year, open- ing Septemibçr 28, with a tea and pro- gramn of ballads by Clarissa and Adele Anderson at the home of Mrs., Burt J. Denman, .21 Linden avenue, Wilmette. The annuel benefit dance, keno, and bridge Party, sponsored by the league is, taking place ýat the, Evans- to n Won>an's club. on November 10, and on. December 19, a party wiIl bd given. at Hull House for the' parents of cbildren of the Mary Crane. Nursery school to which the league gives .support. On january 18, another tea and musicale at the home of Mrs. Frank Ferry, 391 Sheridan road, Winnetka, is planned to feature John Sbenk and Helen Kane. The seconhd day of the following month. is to be gi ven over to a tour of the Blenjamin. Marshall studio, and on March 22, an evening of music at Shawnee Country club will offer a two-piano recital, the artists to be announced later.' An Aràbian singer, te only*woman doing.'the Mohain- medan'calto prayer willbe included' on the program. SMrs. C. P. Dubbs is opening ber home at 1004 Michigan avenue, Wil- mette on April 19, for the' annual benefit card party. The year will close May 24, with the 'annual lunch-. eon and election of officers at the Evainston Country club. Mrs. Ccrnger Reynolds of Kenil- worth and Mrs. J. Edgar Lee of Ev- anston have collaborated in planning this :entire prograrn which has met with the board's approval. ,Return ,From East, Mn. and Mrs. E. John Hicks,, with Jack and Hunter, 241 Melrose av e- nue, Kenilworth, returne'd Monday of last week froa threewe. ,mnn Day for Gu.sts July 20 Each summer, not long after Arden Shore lias opened its gates, its cottages, and ail of. its facilities for happy summer vacation days, to women and children from Cbicago's Settiement districtis, itl'has a' picnic day, :to which al of -its. friends arýe invited. That day this season. is Friday, July 20.ý Mernbers of the village 'commnittees, with their friends, drive to the camhp With their box' lunches,-to picnic ouunrth trees at. long tables, set-up for each village and -to be served with. cQffee by the camp itself. In the ai- ternoon they inspect the entire. en- campinenti, and sec the. program of mnusic, 'dancing, and playlets, which' depict: the. varied life, Arden Shore Drovidennfor iog at the dthanrFdiday. No special invitation is sent onut. All this1summer is the cocktail hour. just are invit ed. .Luncheoii is at 12 preceding the diînner hour. Instead o'clock. of opening their entertainiing at home with cocktails, niembers may noxY take their guests directly to the club. HomeFromTnpThe' cocktail hour is from 8 unitil 9 Home Frm Tripo'clockç. Dinner will aso be served Mr. and Mrs. joseph B. Pierson, as early as 8 o'clock, alt.hough the 139 Laurel avenue, *and their three. musiC Wi11,tiot commence until 9. children, Thomas, Homer, and Mary, Th usual luncheon bridgetake returned last Friday froin a ten-day place ,at the club Friday under the motor trip ini the south and east. direction of a committee h'eaded bv' They went to Virginia, West Vir- 'Mrs. Courtney Reeves. The bridge ginia, Marvland, Washington, D. C., hour. it at 2, with, luncheon at 1 and New Yfork City and spent sev- o'clock."' eral . days visitin 'g friends on Long. The next Ladies' Guest day, which Island. Another son, Franklin, wvho fails on every third Tuesday, will be is a' marine and who has been in held Tuesday, July 17. Prizes will be China for several monîths, is return- awardd to both menibers and guests ing to the United States in August for first and fifth 1low gross and for or, arl Setemer.putts. Mrs. C. M. Grahamn is il] or. erly epteber.charge of the go'lf. Regular men's 'golf etvents wviIl be- held Saturday, and a, One Tymne Have Wedding Reception trophy awarded. Buffet dinners,, scheduled *at the :The home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy club every Thursday night through- B.. Eckhiart, 206 Cumberland avenueout, the 'summer months froin 7 :30 Keilworth,' will- be the scene of theut 3 o'clock, are proving, very receptioni following the, marriae of popuflar, -ith music. as an added at-- Miss- Louise ýCovington Havies traction. Innovation at Sunset Ridge -A balloon diniier dance, f ca- turing novelty, decora:tions andi spécial entertain ment, wilI -be held Saturday ýnight, July 14, at Sunset. Ridge club. Eddie Woodward's Nine Romfancers have been. engaged -for the o)rchestra music.. Guests will dance in s'tr-. roundings made festive with brightly- colored' balloons,9 and arrangemiets are being 'made to present a *dance. artist, in. solo numbers, if the attend- ance justifies. Reservations' made this wveek may flot be cancelled later daughter of Mn. and Mns. Hasbroucl. Haynes of Greenwich, Conn., frin- ernv Of Winnetk,. . n rn4 nr A- for Guests on Cocktail Parfy ty of Mr. and Mns. John V. Rathbone, ,r- 523 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, will s. entertain at a cocktail party Satur- s, 'day preceding the dinnern ce Skokie Country club. t QI Mrs. R. H. Boyd and ber two sons, Shelly and 'Billy, of Albany, N. Y., arrived in Wilmette last Friday for a mionth's visit with Mns. BoS-d's parents, Mr, and Mes. B. F. Blymy, r 626 -Lake avenue. . 1

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