Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 28

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for Summer Social Are Forging Ahead Plans' are mnoving forward rapidly for-a very'pleasant. sumn- mer social. to be giv.en by, the Sisterhood.,of the North Shore' Congregation Israel at the Mo- raine hotel on, Tuesday, August 7. at- o'cl.ck There will be both bridge and'keno as'well as ref reshments and lovely prizes. Mrs..Alfred Flesham is the Sis-' terhood president., * Mrs.HaroldMoses is chairman o the ways and means comitee-ffl»th ,Mrs. Charles Sincere, co-chairman,. and Mms William'Berger. secretary., In cha.rge of arrangements, decora- tions, and 'tabl es, are Mrs. Lawrence Stein,, Mrs. Emil Stern, Mrs. Felix Rothschild, and Mrs. Leo Steele.ý Mrs. Em~anue1, Iirseli, Mrs. joseph K. Arnold, and Mrs.. N. W. Anspach. are in charge of printing, and Mrs. Herbert .Levy, Mrs. H. N. Misch, and' MNrs. Nabtan Raymer will serve on the ticket committee; Mrs. Frank Seiden,- *Mrs. Harry Canniann. and Mrs. Har- rdy Boyell, on the publicity committee. *In charge of prizes are Mrs. Charles Sincere, Mrs. Samuel Goodman, Mrs,. N. H.,Anspach, and Mrs. A. J. Weis- berg; Mrs. William Berger, Mrs. L,. A. Suekoif, and Mrs. Boyeli are on thie keno committee. * Mrs. Moses is planning to invite the young girls . of the Junior Sister- hiood to assist wilhtheUi serving. "'All are welcome," the sisterhood announces. 'Please make a note of the date, Tuesday, August 7, at 2 o'clock, at the Moraine hotel in High- land Park, and come and bring your f riends. Mrs. Herbert Levy, 670 Grove street, Glencoe, will take.your. reservation or will reserve a.table. for four in your name. It is the earnest hope of the conimittee that mfany will plani to attend and so help to make this a most enjoyable as well as a, financiallv successful occasion." 1.uncheôn for Houseguest Hostess Day at Fair Goucher college had its day at the, Century of Progres's Wednesday, JulSr 11, at the Women's College Board headquarters in the Hall of Social Science.. Mrs. Douglas Waples and Mrs. Benjamin Philbrick' served, as hostesses durinig the mnorniig, and Mrs. Stephen Balderston, with Miss Helen' Little, was on duty in ' the, afternoon. A t-I o'clock, menibers of the Chicago and oprth shore chapter. out-of-town alu mnae, and 'visiting faculty members from Goucher,* as- sernbled'for luncheon. At the. annual, meeting of th Goucher club- held recently, the fol lowing oficers were named: Mr5 Robert S. DeGolyér, as president Mrs.. William D. Ballinger, vice president; Mrs. Ellis C.1 Goldsteii Pcorresponding secretary; Miss Miri Iarn Flexnier, recording secreta ry, an( pMiss Florence Edwards, treasure.r. Airs. Alred Fleshami, whose' home is at, 1380 Scott aveinue, Hubbard .Woods, i: president of the Sisterhood of the North Shore Cow'regat ion Israel, zwhich anti- cipates ifs annual iisummer social frinctio& at thte Moraine hotel Mrn. Sherman R.turns From Long Visit in West Marjorie Sherman (Mrs. Harold R. Sherman) of 714 Washington avenue, returned- Iast week from a seveti weeks' trip to California. She spent part of the time with her1 parents., Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Middlekauff of Palo Alto, formerly of Wilmette, some of the time with cousins in Kan- sas City, and also visited in Los An- geles. While in Palo Alto, Mrs. Sher- mani sang. at two morning services College Club, lo Sketch Foreign Views ai Pair he t; Î- -Matiy of their' friendsý entertained for theni whilé t-hey were- here and the round of gaieties concluded with, a surprise birthday party last Mon- day night for" Dr.. English who is having a'birthday this week. The' Party was given at, the MulfO"rd home by twenty-f our' friends and there were presents and a large birthday 'e cake. Preceding this affair there was - a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Colyer at their -home. AIl members ofthe Chicago Colleg, club who own a sketchpad and ipeu cil are being urged to attend a nucet iflg at A Century of Progress Satur day, july 14. Luncheon will be serve( at 12:30 at the Century club; and thý group will spend the .afterfioo- sketching ini the variousforeignl vil. lages of the Fair. The club hopes tc *hold an exhibit in the faîl of foreigi vîews, as sketched- on Chicago's owî lake: front. Family Feted During Visit Dr.. aiid, Ms. William F. Enig- Ilish, Jr., and their daughter, Elizabeth., who,,had been renew- in g acquaint'ances in Wilmette, for t.wo weeks andeattending A, Century of Progre.ss, returned by motor to tbeir home: in Nor- wood, Mass., on Tuesday. of this week. During their visit here Dr.,.and Mrs.. English ivere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood ave- nue, wvhilé Elizabeth stayed with. Joan Collyer, daughter of the Frank P. Collyers, 730 Ninth street. d e 'I 7) I Club bridge. parties are plaprned for July 18 and' 25, at 2 o'coc'k.,Cool re- freshments and attractive prizes are two Pf the features of these parties 0. E. S. Hostesses Lagt Sunday there was aý supper party given hy Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick M. l3owes at their home, and on Monday there was a musical tea with Mrs. Harold R. Sherman (Mar- ,iorie Shermuan) as hostess. Others who hiad entertained are Dr. Arthur H. and Dr. Alice D. Tuttle,.who gave adinner bridge last, Saturilay, and Mr. and, Mrs. Edward L. Scheiden- hlwho were host and, hostess' at a supper party at Skoki e Country club on Sunday, July 1. Mrs. Eng- lish.wasguest of honor.at two bridge, luncheons at. Glen View Country club, given by Mrs. Lyman Drake. Dr. English, who resigned last year as vice-president of Rockford college, is now pastor of the First Congrega- tional church i Norwood, Mass. Gives Luncbeon Mr. and 618 Essex1 tained at a Wednesday Mrs. Ralph HaWxhurst, road, Kenilworth, enter- Fourth of july luncheon of last week. Mr. their a nèig Fourtn of jul Clara MacGc from 5 uni an poured. ,ch and a, held tt their on the Miss èv i wreav L1t7 mates at Wellesley. Miss Bulley was hostess at luncheon Friday for 1Mrs. Walker and entertained a group of young people Saturday at the dinner dance.at Skokie Country club. The first of the mixed foursome sweepstakes events at Skokie Coun- try club will be held today (Thurs- day) starting at . 3 o, clock. There will be a buffet supper and informal dancing on~ the terrace, and dinner will- be served as usual inthe main dining-roôtn.

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