Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 22

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~Frid a n aturday Only ICVIC E % ATHARLEQIN, CAKE? Bout ever 1 2 hoço0la te ,layera end a* white layer with cocoanut crecam filing g end mocha king, .............. DUITR '> APPLE 12e ÇHOCOLATE MACAROON CUPS 2 Sunply delacions for Sumnnierý desserts...... DATE AND N1JT CAKIE A specially fine cofeec cake....... HiEALTH sLAw A wa rm-weather salo. 21e 2b23r INDIVIDUAL'MEAT LOAVES W~i, serve two persons ener6usly... Biake. Shop-Streèt Floor WIE*LD'9SmEVANSTON On. Davis Str'eet Wilmette 1100 Linen Suits*ý eCrisp, but not stiff On july 4 the scouts of Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-W\an crossed to the atb- ietic field on the other side of the lake to hold a Fourth of July track and field meet. The meet washeld un der the able supervision of Mr. C.opp with is two assistants-, Buck Wise and Duncan Reeds. Camp officers and campers who were aspirants for the athletic menrt completed thé, list. of, officiaIs. The resuits .of the individual w1117 tiers in,îthe sevecn major even ts are as follows: junior broad jump-First. 'Moreauý --ýhippewa village); second, ad (Delaware village); 'third. Grahn (Menomince village). Di.stantce: 15 Senior hroa-d1 jurnp-First. Brighianî (Shawnee),;. second, Gilrov <enmi nee) third, Hinil (Shawnee. Dist- ance:, 16 feet, 9 incites. junior high junip-First. Moreau (Chippewa); second, Berold (Chip- péwa); third, Wade (De'laware)>, and Hall (Menorninee). Height: 4 feet. 9 inches. Senior -high jump-First. B. Mur- ray (Ch eyenne); second,* Gilrov (Menioninee);- third, Kelly. (Chey- enne),. Height: 5, feet, 2 'inches.' Eight pound shot' put (open)-, First, Hinn (Shawnee),; second, Bal-: dauf (N en.ominee); third. 1B. Murray (Cheyenne); fourth, D. ýAllison (Chevenne). Distance: 32 feet. Junior 50-yard dash-First, Grahn (Menominee) ; second, Hall (Menomiiiee); third, Clouse (Shaw- nee). Time: 7 seconds. Senior 50-yard- dash- Fii-st. Brig-i ham (Shawnee.);. second. Baldauf (Menotniinee); third, ý D. Mann (Cheyenne). Time': 5.7 seconds. Inkslingee RecorÈds New Bunyan Men Paul Bunyan, having included! Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Waii as one of his many Jogging camps,, needed more *Thte rms, of the td.oer A 1- batross (pictured above ai anic/wr> VaOS c'ollnpliinen ted t 'er.*h q 1- sevralvahtsn oit lier tri.m appearance under sail lasi Sî<nda.v. The~ aereconditions prcvented lier -arrivai ai Great La kes ini ti iw bW take out a lar.ge. parti' of,.Scil Scout leaders and the mieiin.beis of ie "Sons ofSaaq"nasily Party' Saturday and.Sdaa/cr n1oons. Hwze, ai -te Jrtop- /'lrtinitv ,t/test people are sÇhe/te- i led for. catrip oitthje . ibatross. *The fi rst long cru ise of the sea son started Wýedniesdai., July 11,. for Green hav. and will continue for teii days until thie boat returnis to the. Naval[ Reserve Armory docks at Chicago. and thnstarts on anlother long. crüise. A very interesting cruise. is schled- uled to ,;tart July 21, saiiling until July 30-a criise. to Mackinac during thet races. Lots of water wilI hc covered in ten days full of adventure and titrilîs, to the Sea Scouts who have looked forward to this for a long time. IUNI. 2776-WINNETKA-CALL WINNETKA 3060 Fourh ofJulyEvens ýculci eat we went a littie farther and hiad the Paul Bunyan ceremonN .1 On the Fourth of July at about Aftei- that we came back to camp and 5:30 o'clock we took a hike into the had a big fireworks display frorn the woods. After going under fences and miiddlle of the lake, which was fol- walking over logs, we sat down and lowed by theOrder of the Arrow call- had sandwiches, watermelons and ing out, ceremony.-Jim Hanley, sweet rolîs. After 'we had aIl we Camp Ma-Ka-'Ja-Wan. A- ai -.d* Ô

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